Has anyone on Sup Forums actually clicked on an internet ad intentionally

has anyone on Sup Forums actually clicked on an internet ad intentionally

I dont think I have

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unless you count things like internal promotional offers on shopping sites - no

Adwords consultant.

Only if i search and the site im already looking for specifically appears as a top of page block ad... which barely counts.

Yes, on other's computers.

I think I did once, because I was genuinely interested in it, but that was a long time ago.

oh, yeah, no, not at all, never.

i intentionally clicked on this cute image to save it

Yes, I regularly do when I see something that interests me. Which is quite often because I have embraced the botnet and thus most ads I see are specifically tailored for my interests.

Gelbooru had an ad for a porn game, it was okay

Only if it's a "legit" ad from a party i know.
For example DNA internet ads on some pages. (i'm using DNA right now)

also J-List etc.

I did, once, for a shitty webcomic I read for a year or two.

I regret it.

What are internet ads?

underage b&

>joke about using adblocker goes over their head
I have clicked on one ad in the past few years intentionally to see what the product was that I never ever heard of and didn't give a fuck about it afterwards.

i knew what you meant but i owned you anyway bc i thought it was a lame obvious joke

I've clicked on some Sup Forums ads before.
It was a link to a somewhat interesting blog about stupid shit on amazon. I still visit it every now and then.

That's not Maki

One time about 15 years ago.

It was a computer game that looked interesting.

I did once, last year. Website offering deals on used tech.

ONce, and that is just because i was wondering why i was getting car ads from south africa.

What the fuck windows phone,

Me too
Would probably fap to it

I clicked on some dank jlist adverts way back

One guy actually clicked on an ad for a free car, and actually got one. Ended up some suicidal person on the other end giving their possessions away online( through some weird trust thing with ads).

Boy what a day on Reddit that was.

Which part of her body would you be looking at when fapping?

Thighs and midriff here.

I clicked on a jlist ad once. The site was alright buf there wasn't anything that caught my eye

Sometimes, if I'm on a computer without adblock, I'll click on the top Google search ad but only because it was the exact page I was looking for.

The only time I recall intentionally clicking on a banner ad was probably in 2010 for a TV show which was called Pure Pwnage, I think. It happened to appeal to my gaymer mind at the time, but I've since matured. I don't believe I'll ever intentionally click a banner ad again.

itis mostly the candy I think but
even then it is overpriced and wasteful to import stuff from faraway just for memes

>Thighs and midriff here.
seems about right

W-well, the armpits aren't half bad either, but those turn me on more.

Every single inch of her, but her neck and thighs especially

There are no ads on the internet.
At least not on my end.

Not really. Ads don't appear in my browser, so there's nothing to click, even unintentionally.


I have. Google search for a company, their website shows up in the ads.

Click on ad instead of result.

...Get blocked by uMatrix. -_-

>find a site called furfling via an ad on a furry porn site
>get fucked in the ass the week after
worth it

No shit, it's the only exposed part

this Or better yet kys you'reself

All of Sup Forums is mine to shitpost on, user.

You don't always have to fap to the exposed parts.

reminder that pedophile cartoons are not technology, and should not be discussed on Sup Forums. take your business to a pedophile cartoon board, such as Sup Forums. have a nice day anons.

Pedophile? That girl's perfectly legal..

She's 17.

Tell me your secrets master

reminder that asian cartoons are not technology, and should not be discussed on Sup Forums. take your business to an asian cartoon board, such as Sup Forums. have a nice day anons.

Techloligy has literally been in effect since forever

so has cancer, what's your point?

I did yesterday, and then I reported it as a violation of Adsense's policies.

Oh boy are we trying hard today again.

I believe that the main point of ads is to just let you know the brand/product/whatever exists, what it's called, and where to find it. If someone actually clicks on it then it's just butter for the company.

I clicked on your armpit intentionally.

Once, it was pretty interesting

I sometimes click on the j-list advertisments on nyaa.se (some of them are preddy gud)

this is a pedophile cartoon website

Yes and to my frustum ublock didn't allow it

>not using ad-blockers

That is cute but a real fat cat would have been hilarious.

i click on the jlist ad's on my phone.
mostly to browse the trap stuff

>trap stuff
Wait what

I licked Jlist ads a couple times before I started blocking ads on Sup Forums due to them using Google's ad infrastructure and also a couple other ads back when I was in elementary school which seems forever ago now.

I've only clicked on clickbait promoted articles like "this is what happens when you put aluminum on your teeth"

Never clicked on an ad with a pricetag

how was the taste?

I got Chinese banking(?) ads, dating ads for Muslim and Polish girls and some Russian ads. WP is really strange.

I clicked on one for a webcomic. Dumbing of age. It was pretty good

Was it this one?

otoko no ko stuff

>>underage b&
>> i owned you anyway bc

I've only ever clicked on a j-list ad.

lol mad xd

There was an mmo banner that brought a character which stroke all of the right chords with my subjective ideal of beauty that made me even go watch some reviews for it.

Yeah the game was shit, but I was already greeting that banner everytime I saw it.
>hello my love, we meet again.

Here we observe, Mr. On-the-spectrum.

>otoko no ko
What is it though? Do they just sell outfits?

>implying everybody on Sup Forums isn't autistic

mad u got owned desu

>click on jlist ad
>it doesn't even bring you to the shit it was advertising
It's 2016. How can they not get this right

Japanese internet is way behind in general
and their entire IT sector in general


How have they not imploded and hacked to death ?

pedos leave

Nope, but I did have a nice fap to one. Now I think of it, it was really weird.

Nico Nico!!

I always click if there are mini games in them

Like one of my favorites a while back was pop the balloons and at the fifth balloon it would always redirect you, you could not win no matter how fast you did it

Aqours are better

would click.

Nobody ever clicked on a billboard. Ads are paying for views, your clicks are just a bonus.

stopped reading here

Holy fuck, that's my new wallpaper.

Thanks mate