Is there a ram chip that's sexier than this?

is there a ram chip that's sexier than this?

>ram chips
reconsider your life

>sexualizing slices of plastic and copper

looks like shit without sleek big heatsink fins

get your shit together

Why the fuck would you need a heatsink on your ram?

Why are the bottom parts not straight ? They seem to be intentionally curved

fully buffered DIMMs get hotter than fuck

makes it go faster. like car spoilers

apple macbook ram

Did you literally miss the entire launch of DDR4? Every single website on tech talked about the curved key and it was even made fun of on here.


Geil is pretty geil as far as Ram sticks go. Soz for shitty pic.

I know this is bait, but spoilers don't have anything to do with speed, they (should in theory) create downforce that keeps the car flat on the ground, improving traction. The problem is that the conditions required for a spoiler to be effective at all are not applicable to your average car on your average roads and highways, which is why it is often considered a meme.

Holy autism batman

>DDR4 DIMM modules have a slightly curved edge connector so not all of the pins are engaged at a time during module insertion, lowering the insertion force.[12]

He's right, you know.

how hot is fuck?

Literally had no idea .

It pretty cool

his ram doesnt have dragons on it

Hasn't got snipers on it, so i disagree.
Pic fuckin' related

His ram doesn't light up

beat me to it

plebs step aside

real savior of memory coming through

Get on muh level.

Get on mine

Which one do you prefer?

>is there a ram chip that's sexier than this?
Your procreative instincts need a re-alignment.

Love this chart.

>not red 3 times faster ram

I get force and accuracy.
But what does range impact?

Kingston valueRAM/Crucial. I'm not some Sup Forums shithead.

>His RAM isn't manufactured by a Company that has gone bankrupt

but goiym how can you vidya without proper gayming equipment?

How'd I do sticking this in my slots?

accuracy and precision aren't the same thing

sleek heatsink master raec

>not buying Amada's RAM

Do you want her to cry? Because she's going to cry.

That's what I have now, these are what I had in my last system. I am a RAM patrician get on my level

>Amada RAM
I wish those were actually a thing.
Just look at their sexy CNC laser cutters.
Can you imagine if they started making RAM?

This is what i have at the moment, really good considering the last vengeance ram i had couldnt even run at its normal speeds.

this, plebs

i run ddr2 fb-dimm from qimonda

seriously though this, you are retarded if you spend money on any of those "gaymen ram", these basic sticks do the same just fine

DDR4 is known to actually increase performance the higher the speed of ram.

RAM actually makes a difference to gaming now. unless you're stuck on ddr3 or lower then get anything because it doesnt matter.

Tbh, for the time, the price on them wasn't bad. Although this era of Gigabyte products was absolutely retarded.

I bought this to go on my friends build. The fact that the pattern matched the Sabertooth Z170 S's color scheme really sated my autism.

oooh she thicc

>No dragons

Are these ram good? i'm gonna build a new pc but i'm not sure about the ram

RAM selection is pretty straight forward compared to other PC parts. The only thing you should really look for is the reputation of the brand's products for not failing. Hyper X is good. Frequency and other similar specs depends on your build and budget. The rest, such as looks and whatnot, are up to personal taste.

>AI suddenly appears dull and predictable

So the choice of memory can change the code inside a video game, or other software? Neat

>that latency


>very oc-able
>very cheap
>samsung modules, not some random brand

> not 1tb stick

I have 16 gb, runs smooth slightly overclocked, very pleased

get the fuck off Sup Forums you pleb

you should let yourself get checked for autism m8

>not watercooling your RAM

what is wrong with you fucking retards, that's literally what spoilers are and how they work, he didn't even go on a rant about it but just posted a quick explanation.

is that what kids call trolling these days? you guys just sound like utter morons from here.

My Ram.

i have 32gb in my mac pro, werk gewd

He explained shit we already knew and joked about. He's a newfag or a proper autist. Fuck off.

The white dragon ram lights up blue

Dont ask me the logic behind this, it just does ok.


>sexy cars
>sexy pcs
>muh windowed cases

>looks like a rifle without a scope

Should have called it TRIGGERED

A e s t h e t i c

My samsung ddr4 looks the same. Ignore the ricing haters, it's slick. Clean lined minimalism>all for hardware.


>not having a window case
literally everything has rgb on it now, you may as well flaunt that shit before desoldering them


They have high latency.

Speaking of latency, most sellers only show 1, and sometimes 3 different latency numbers, but what do they all mean? I have never seen a conclusive explanation.

Speed only matters because they fucked the latency hard.

DDR3 average was about 9-9-9-24

Now it's like 16-16-16-32

I got the cheapest ram with the highest latency, which was the Hyper X with 12, or 13 cas. MB only supports 2133 mhz anyway.

you get 4 numbers that tell you the speed the ram can execute commands. whats hard to understand?

its not even important to know in most cases.

But there are even more latency numbers than those 4 that are usually not mentioned.

this is great

> black solder mask


I wish they made ddr3 versions, but the future is with ddr4..

That obsolete parallel port...