Apple Laptop thread

Apple Laptop thread

What are you using?

Mid 12 MBP 13", non retina. 16gb RAM, 512 SSD.

You up this early ipanjeet?

>buying apple HARDWARE

>Buying the best hardware on the market

WOW, what a mistake

Ikr, they even solder their ram on the board so faggots can't replace it with inferior shit.

yes, it is evening

>best hardware

This is unrelated to hardware quality

Not an argument

Late 2011 15 inch MBP.
I desperately need a new MBP.
Waiting for the 2016s, this thing is almost not usable.

Mid 2015 retina macbook pro, 256gb ssd. Quite happy with it
Also looking for a matte macbook plastic cover that does not fucking breaks by itself after a couple months, any reccomendations?

Here is your (you), but for the record:

>company that sells laptops that thermal throtals after 8 seconds idle from boot
>best hardware

Go to bed, Nagi.

Got a Macbook recently. What's the best way to use the battery? Should I charge fully and always wait until close to empty to recharge if I can?

Same with yours OP

She's a beaut



I picked up an air 2015 i5/8gb/128 for 700, howd I do?

How do i rice osx? Im coming from arch, but I want good to use a good DAW and not have to dualboot.

>How do i rice osx?
You don't

Powerbook G4
All intel macs are trash

stop being homosexual


Why did he stop?

i want to buy a mac. should i get the air or the pro?

I really like my 2015 air

Please die in a fire

MD101 in all of its 1280x800 glory.

If you want it to be capable of more than a facebook post or writing a Word document, a Pro. Its not even that much more if you catch them on sale.

how the keyboard though , I tried it in the apple store but im asking long term do you get used to it ?

i heard that refurbished mac book pros are almost like new and worth it.


why do mac books start with 4gb of ram?

is that enough in 2016?



>i bought an unusable piece of shit that can't even last 5 years
>i desperately want to buy another unusable piece of shit

my MBP runs cooler than my Thinkpad.

Cool story Pajeet.

>too expensive for half of Sup Forums and too advanced for the other half

riiiiiight. back to your php python pajeet.

>toddler toy

i need a laptop Sup Forums

macbook air or dell xps?

What's with the Pajeet meme

Apple is the least indian tech company out there

they're not even in the same category.

This one


Apple literally makes nothing but throttling overheating fruity toys for morons.

>least indian tech company
>world's first indian ceo

It lasted 5 years exactly and it is still working just showing its age which is naturally will since it has a first gen Core i7 and a HDD running beta MacOS.
I wouldn't call it a piece of shit I got my moneys worth.

To be fair the precision line is not the same as the XPS line. I remember reading that one of the recent xps's fan takes a considerably long time to kick in

>5 years
>showing its age

>mactards accept this as """""""""expected behavior"""""""""


Nice Snikerdoodle placement, Ace.

15 inch rMBP from work with El Capitain

Thats a cute chromebook

Thanks, it's my 11 inch baby. The macbook is for work, so I use the chromebook with ubuntu for personal dev

Is that a U41-70 on the left? How's the build quality and keyboard flex?

nah m8, it's a Lenovo ideapad 305

build quality is superb. 15 (or 15.5?) inch for maximum visual gains, Keyboard with numpad, variety of useful buttons replacing the F-buttons, touchpad situated appropriately at the perfect spot just left of center.

I've just googled keyboard flex, but it's not too noticeable here, very tiny sink. At the same time, it's not too stiff

have the previous gen (g50-80). Its utter shit and ive considered throwing it out the window several times.

Early 2011 MBP 15", non retina, 16GB RAM. Planning to upgrade to an SSD soon.

Which year / processor speed, user? I'm planning to buy a second-hand 15"

Mid-2012 13" MBP. 16GB RAM and 240GB SSD. Currently dual-booting El Capitan and Ubuntu. Shit's comfy, but the current font for OSX is clearly not meant for non-retina displays anymore. I installed a hack that reverts it back to the older font for that reason.

MacBook 2016, not as fast as my i7 Inspiron (half the speed), but come on, 920 grams! RAW editing with Camera RAW and processing is really acceptable, everything else are running snappy. With an M cpu, it's just a fuckin magical performance. If you don't need the currently available smallest size and weight, I would not recommend. But I'm really happy with this shit, when I throw this miracle in my bag, I don't feel it's weight, and can do my work on the field.

MBP 13 2015. It's fine, but since it's not my main machine now, I'd love to trade it for a 2016 Macbook

mbp 13 2015 here, switched from windows and it's quite godly

Getting a macbook pro for college in September, wanted to wait until the 2016 model but I need to have it for my first day of class, I'll probably re-sell it in a couple years to get a newer model.

Why would you want to rice OSX? It's already beautiful, I would just say say use a nice wallpaper and use a nice bash terminal, in MacOS Sierra they are adding a new black dark theme too.

12" PowerBook G4, upgrading the screen soon

>no argument other than claiming it's a toy and showing a picture from over 20 years ago

And people say apple are the company that hires shills

2015 MBP 13" here
It just werks :-)

Not sure
>processor speed
It says here 2.2GHz Intel Core i7. Fuck, I don't know why work provided an i7 just for programming

This one is definitely worth a buy. Forgot to mention that it looks black in the pic, but is a nice sexy navy blue irl, with good physical design around the hinge

Using it with ubuntu , whish i can put fedora or kali

Why would you do that to yourself?

This, the xps line are garbage tier windows machines are just as expensive as their superior Mac counterparts


Nah, i bought a t420 for 1/2 of what the g50 cost me. And it seems that it isnt that specific ones predicessor, but the ideapad 300, which is the same exact laptop but with skylake.

that TN display

Its like there's a defense force to make apple look bad no matter the cost of their own idiocy. Yeah no company is perfect but their laptops are great machines.

I almost want to do this

>comparing it to a thick-ass mobile workstation
Pajeet you never cease to amaze me.

I tried os x el captain for a day and overall i don't like it. Theres barely anything you can change like themes and ui specifically , they try to force you to not change the system files unless you go into recovery mode and in bash
Yeah its a pretty bad display but im using thsi for coding and programing because i pretty much found it and idk what to do with it.

>ricing os x
OS X is not made for ricing, it's made to do unix stuff with better software support

>Theres barely anything you can change like themes and ui specifically
So many things you could pick up on, but instead you choose to be a manchild.

What do you do for a living, where do you live?

Ok thats bias , well thats why i booted something eles like linux , i could try booting windows but i'll try it out later
Well i was scratching the surface but ok thanks for the comment though :^).

Quick question: i always have my macbook plunged in, is that bad? I heard doing many cycles destroys the battery so whenever i am home/school is charging.

>Ok thats bias
? It really isn't made for ricing, there are options, but as you've said, linux is better for that.

Personally though, if you bought a cheaper chromebook, you get the exact same thing but at a hell of a lot cheaper cost, except the superior apple touchpad

Hmm speaking of chrome book how much does one go for now at days. I added part to the mac book a like 8gbs and 1tb to it but its a core 2 duo which is a drawback tho.

Depends on the specs, I got a pretty sweet deal for a chromebook during the amazon prime day for £99 and even at 2GB RAM, it's good for programming. Higher specs would reach into the £200 to £400 mark, then if you're hardcore and have more money than sense, the price jumps to £1000 for the Chromebook Pixel, but at that point, you may as well get the similarly priced rMBP

I just got a 13'' 2012 non retina mbp really cheap. What should I upgrade first? ram or SSD?
Its currently with the base config (4gb 500gb hdd)

Wow sounds a pretty wide industry , are they easy to modify like changing the parts around like hard drives and ram?

I haven't tried, but I doubt it.

I'm guessing the macbook doesn't have that capability either? Seems there's few laptops that provide that capability

I have to use a Mac Book Pro for work, this is the first time I use a Mac at all. Besides it is general fagottery, they clearly put some effort into the user interface, specially Retina is really nice. But they clearly put faggot style over functionality, which is clearly a pain in the ass. And a lot of things are optimized for noobs, wich makes doing real work sometimes pretty hard. I mean, can you believe, that there is no possibility to go a folder up in the file manager. It is amazingly ridiculous.

Well in my circumstances i have a late 2008 macbook that i can change the parts easily rather than the later editions

Lucky, you may as well stick to that since you've already got ubuntu up on it. I haven't seen many modern options

Yeah , can work with win 10, kali but in not trying win 10 because of too many processes being used but i may try win 7

not a mac suer, but I'm pretty sure that cmd + up goes up in finder

is this bait?

both, get it done the same time. max out the RAM (16GB for that model), and add a nice SSD. taking out the optical drive plus adding the previous HDD or a new SSD optional. it will fly.

Not apple shit, since it can't even handle basic productivity needs.

2011 macbook pro, matte display, 16 gigs of ram and a 500 gig evo 840

no reason to upgrade

2011 Macbook Pro 15 16GB of RAM and 240GB Sandisk Extreme Pro

Looking to get rid of it because of how hot this damn thing gets. Requiring the dGPU to use an external monitor is shit and generates unnecessary heat. 70C to load a Youtube video is dumb.

I'm trying so hard to like this thing.

Found your problem.

> 2016
> being this stupid.

The 15" rMBP is a perfect machine. If they fuck with it too much next refresh cycle I may have to buy one before I even want to just to save it. Currently using a ThinkPad which is satisfying me well so I'm not rushing to get one, unless they make me.