/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread. ***

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this puporse for safety purposes.
1) Use the Live ISO (if your distribution of choice has one) to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the GNU/Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the GNU/Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, startpage, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

- /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos Thread
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Other urls found in this thread:


Nth for fucking with the newfags.

Does zsh come with a keylogger like bash does?

I thought you guys said lunix was more secure? I installed gentoo like you said and it asked if I wanted to install NSA selinux but i though only windows was backdoored?!?

Guy using osx to ssh into centos here.

Tab complete now enabled - works for commands. I can just copy and paste the filenames in terminal though for now...

Hacks for bash:

bind '"\e[5~": history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[6~": history-search-forward'

Usage example:
Type "vim" and use PGUP/PGDWN to cycle through all previous vim commands in your history.

suggestion: go to shell-fu.org/lister.php?top and learn those commands.

some commands:
ctrl-r to find a command from the history
ctrl-a to go to the start of the line, ctrl-e to go to the end
ctrl-w to delete a word, ctrl-y to paste the word you deleted

Hacks for bash:

bind '"ESC[Z": menu-complete'

Usage example:
Type part of a command and cycle through possible autocompletitions (like zsh) via SHIFT+TAB.

btw, this should go in the OP IMO. these commands have been really useful for me. in bash, you don't need to type whole commands or press keys a hundred of time like a fucking retard

Hacks for bash:

bind '"\em": "\eb\ed\C-y\e#man \C-y\C-m\C-p\C-p\C-a\C-d\C-e"

Usage example:
Quickly open the manpage for a command currently under your cursor (like zsh) via ALT+m.

Jeez just put them in one post.

>ctrl-w to delete a word

Is there a shortcut for "delete a word until the next slash"?


Currently dd'ing a whole drive with status updates.

Here's the alerts my server is putting out.

I will post again shortly with a picture of DD status listening.

Am I correct in thinking that DD forces the drive to reread every time there is an error?

Is this basically going to kill the drive once it is done?

The drive has "problems" but most of it works (possible platter flaw?). If dd copies data will it always be the correct data?

If DD is unable to complete a block, what happens?


>>bind '"ESC[Z": menu-complete'
bind '"\e[Z": menu-complete'

Current listen report in terminal.

If it's progressing with the number of bytes written does that mean it's actually cloning correctly?

What happens then if the device is unreadable at a certain point?

Anyone on Manjaro? How long since your last update?

Reminder we have two threads on /t/ - Torrents

Training videos for GNU/Linux (torrents)
Ported videogames (torrents)
We have one thread on /vg/ - Video Game General, support because year of the GNU/Linux desktop motherfuckers!!!

About time I heard a good explanation of when pushd is useful. Thanks for posting.

some more commands.. (I just learned a few, too!)
ctrl-u to delete everything from the cursor to the start of the line
ctrl- ← or → to jump from word to word
alt-d to delete the next word


btw, also read the comments.
for example, as shell-fu.org/lister.php?id=54#comment-4 says, the first command listed there can be reduced to
alias webshare='python -m SimpleHTTPServer'

and I found that this could be reduced further:
alias webshare='python3 -m http.server'

Did you know that on some distros like Ubuntu you already have a running apache server?


>webserver runs by default

for what purpose

what does lets encrypt name the ca.cert.pem?

anyone have a clue here?


i hate canonical now!

Well, people can disable it.
sudo update-rc.d -f apache2 remove

what's wrong with that?
ubuntu is made for ppl who just want everything werk out of the box

I'm on Debian, it seems to run by default as well.

Edit /var/www/index.html and create a sweet browser startpage. :)

that's not the point of , though... by running "python3 -m http.server", you can share ANY folder. this also works on windows... think about the possibilities.
of course this won't execute any programs, it will just help share files

Urgent: If I run SSH on a laptop and it tells the computer to perform a command, can I take the laptop out into an environment where it cant connect?

Please no bully

ssh user@host command args

will execute the command with the args... you could just copy the output in a new file in the other system
you should tell us what you need to do, though

You'll need to elaborate a bit more... I want to say 'yes' but your question isn't very clear.

I have a home server. And a laptop. I have ssh'd into the laptop.

I am running a very slow dd from the laptop

Will it keep going if I move the laptop out of a place where it can connect to the server?

SSH'd into the server with the laptop*

I need to go to work - probably with the laptop - soon. So I am wondering if that will mess it up.


Unless you move the dd to the background, yes, it will be interrupted. Press ctrl+z then enter the command bg, then you should be able to leave.

In the future run everything you do via ssh in a tmux or screen session so that you can disconnect and reconnect at will.




this doesnt make sense to me.

Can you please walk me through it.

You selected it during the installation.
(The step where you also selected your DE)

So I've got this.

What do I do now? (This is a shot from the laptop)

I don't even need to open this to know it is mostly about mint and manjaro

>say fedora is best
>say instructions are clear
>footnote says they're hard to find

0/10 garbage tier shilling



So now that I've done bg, does that mean it's running on the server and I can leave?

Or do I terminate it as here and then do bg when I return?

Thanks. You're a hero

once bg is done it's running in the background on the server and when you get back you can run kill -USR1 $(pidof dd) to show the progress (if it hasn't finished by then).

my watch -n5 'sudo kill -USR1 `pgrep ^dd`' started again automatically

You're a smart guy :)

you don't need to specify the port
but yeah, I forgot to mention, you CAN specify the port... and the default port is 8000

ubuntu also doesn't even offer https in archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/main/installer-amd64/current/images/

Tell me, what's insecure with using Manjaro, wise memer?

Not that there was ever any reason to expect the slightest hint of security from ubuntu.

>kill -USR1 `pgrep ^dd`
why not pkill dd?

because I don't actually know what I am doing

Who do you think Richard Stallmans waifu is?

That bleeding colors effect is acutually nice.
Is there a way to do this with imagemagick?

the most elusive of them all.


what's wrong with KDE ?

why is it not getting love ?

It's like 9 PB with all its dependencies.

I'm imagining she's an autistic furry.

Nothing wrong with it per se but it's not everyones cup of tea.
Most configurable but as usual, the more freedom you have to fuck around the harder things are to use (generally speaking).
Most of us poorfags don't like it because it is resource heavy compared to the alternatives hence our 5 year old laptops can feel sluggish.

Folk around here seem to tend toward minimalism, myself included.

I like the polish of KDE, but it just seemed so busy, and was slower to load on my Asus shitbook.

there was an email where he was talking about a woman he met. She already had a man in her life but they were libertine. Stallman replied he didn't mind that and asked her to be her honorary girlfriend.
I've been looking for the screenshots of those mails for a long time. It was posted one in Sup Forums

It feels like it's too bloated

ofc he'd be a cuck...

actually, he wouldn't be a cuck, he would make another man a cuck.

>fuck around with ubuntu for first time in years
>paid software in their retarded "app store"

What the actual fuck? It's not like commercial software, it's shitty attempts to clone things like top and youtube-dl sold for $3.

[flicks lights on and off] Welcome to hell! Welcome to hell!

openSUSE Tumbleweed or Antergos?
Too lazy to fuck around with vanilla Arch, call it whatever you want.

Which one and why?

>We have one thread on /vg/ - Video Game General, support because year of the GNU/Linux desktop motherfuckers!!!
I guess you're the same guy from the other day. As I said, a linux thread in /vg/ won't be successful that's why /fglt/ is the unique place you can talk about linux gaming. Maybe another place would be the steam group or a chat group (irc, telegram, discord... anything).

And I'm surprised my pasta survived from the thread we did few weeks ago.

>5 year old laptops can feel sluggish.
what kind of cpu do you have ?

my main laptop is a core2duo from mid 2000

I'm really happy because I just got PCSX2 working out of the box with no fucking around on Debian.

Persona 3 with my dualshock 4. Feels fucking comfy, man.

oh for fuck's sake

Set your clock back to 1969.

>please work around our ineptitude
The official motto of /fglt/

Anyone here play Civilization V?

I've noticed that on Linux it crashes after it's been open for a long time, say 2 hours

How can I troubleshoot why this happens, since it doesn't provide any error prompts? It just straight up closes

i7 2670QM. More than enough for whatever I throw at it.
core2duo and upwards are fine for most applications you'd use a laptop for I find so you're ok mate ;)

wtf ? is that real ?


I play it a lot and never had a single issue, and I play it for hours.

Best way would be to launch it from the terminal, you should have the logs written here I think.
Run steam from the terminal or can try to launch civilization 5 from the terminal directly. The binary file is here : ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Sid\ Meier\'s\ Civilization\ V/Civ5XP

Never gets old.
Stallman's a player.

>want to uninstall (then reinstall) Firefox in Debian
>The following packages will be removed: cinnamon-desktop-environment

That's a no, then?

you really deserve your dubs. Thx man

Why do you want to uninstall and reinstall Firefox? You can just wipe it to default settings

I agree it's a bity crappy though that some things are just seemingly glued to the rest of the DE. Maybe someone can help you though with a command I'm not aware of

Question: did you get anti-aliasing working? in my game the options for AA are greyed out.

I've the other parts too.
(If anyone want's to merge them).



part 4 already posted

>rms: >open
>rms: stopped reading there

How secure are launchpad PPAs?

Xubuntu 16.04
>in software and updates, have security updates to download and install automatically
But they don't. Instead, I manually have to run software updater and install.
>software updater and ubuntu software separate
Confusing, even more so when when each have separate updates, e.g. install all updates from software updater, but ubuntu software still lists updates to install, and vice versa. Why are each installing from different repos and not performing the same tasks? Is such fragmentation even safe from a security standpoint?

I mean, Christ, what a mess.

Ubuntu is kind of a mess, yeah. But it has a nice coat of paint on top so it fools you into thinking they have their shit together

> Snowden's example

Who can honestly say this was not treason?

> A U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency report declassified in June 2015 said that Snowden took 900,000 Department of Defense files, more than he downloaded from the NSA.[77]

>There are still burger-friends who view Snowden as anything short of a hero

God damn, you guys are thick

Everytime when someone mentions Edward Snowden, everyone should stand up and cheer:


>I am a contrarian faggot who has done nothing relevant with his life so he feels the need to play down the accomplishments of others

As far as I know, it's a recent development from the URL in OP's image. Check their site and they probably have more info

>CIO Journal: With Edward Snowden and the NSA revelations, do you think that general awareness of security and privacy and individual rights has been raised?

>Richard Stallman: Yes, that’s a very good thing. Snowden is a great hero. Three cheers for Edward Snowden.

>CIO Journal: Why, in your opinion, is he a hero?

>RS: Because he told us about the dirty things our government and other governments are doing to us secretly. There’s a famous question: who watches the watchmen? Now we know the answer. Whistleblowers like Snowden watch the watchmen if they can. This is why we must make sure it’s safe to be a whistleblower. If we want democracy, we must make it safe to be a whistleblower. But, that’s not easy to do with all the surveillance there is because the surveillance is used to identify whistleblowers.


Look a commie from Moscow will lecture us from his police state.

I guess education is not particularly strong where you come from, huh

you're lucky
imagine being on Arch with everything in a single repo, this is a real mess

