When will the price drop on 1080 and 1070? Why they have so jew pricing on them...

When will the price drop on 1080 and 1070? Why they have so jew pricing on them? 1060 costs like 970 did and 1070 costs same as 980 did. What the fuck really?

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Gotta pay something for the best card around

They're bigger step-ups than between the older generations

Smart move from nvidia considering the massive consumerist cult that's been built up over the recent years

>They're bigger step-ups than between the older generations

Not really, desu.

>being a poorfag
It’s time to get a job.

I don't want to pay x80 price for x70 card is principle that I don't support jewing from companies.

Where I live, prices dropped by about 80€ since launch. Going to wait a month or two and then I'll get a 1070.

490€ cheapest custom model here. Nvidia really fucked up with that fucking stupid founders shit.

>Poor faggot resorts to "jew prices" .

I bet you spunk out on the latest iphones though dont you

Yes yes, pay over price from our products so we can rise them even more, yes yes all going according to plan. Fucking sheeplet.

Keep it up poor cunt. I bought a 1080, didnt break my bank.

I have htc one m8.

I rather buy AMD than these overpriced things. Is AMD even doing something which would be close to 1070.

>380 euro for 1060
>560 euro for 1070
>820 euro for 1080


They'll drop once something better comes along and then you'll be crying about how you can't afford that and forget all about the 1080 and 1070

It's like that every generation.

Probably, just don't expect it to be out any time soon.

So they basically sell 1060 for price of 970, 1070 for price of 980 and 1080 for price of 980ti.

How the fuck this situation happened.

No it's not last generation 970 started at 350€ now they are selling fucking 1060 for same price, kek.

yeah, by the time they do though nvidia will have even better cards out.

the 1060 is 295 euros in sweden, in otherwords even cheaper everywhere else.


289€ cheapest in Finland. 1 fan model from Evga.

My point is that with every generation there are people complaining about how the best cards on the market are too expensive for them. Then once those cards become cheap, they just start complaining about how those new cards are too expensive and that the last generaiton of cards aren't powerful enough to play all the new games on maximum settings.

It's just kids with unreasonably high standards and no jobs whining about how they can't afford the most expensive shit on the market.

you chose this future by giving nvidia all the marketshare.

I'm just complaining that they are trying to ramp up the prices. Last generation was reasonably priced and I have gtx 970 got it for 350€ at launch. I think 1070 should also be somewhere between 300-400€.

No as its a significant jump, the cards like a 980/980ti . The 1070 is actually priced lower than what those were before the price drop

Gtx 1070 costs 500€ here which is too much for x70 cards. Of course next generation is always faster like 970 was near 780ti and still it didn't cost 500€ at launch.

Fucking stupid idiot. Next gen x70 have always been at almost same as previous gen x80 or x80 ti. Now they just jewed out with the prices.

so you are saying the 1070 should be cheaper than what a 980 cost on release?
Do you know how silly that sounds
Im an idiot because you cant afford the prices they are. Could you afford a 980ti when it came out? did you think the price of that was fair?

Well yes of course? It's always have been so. Current gen x70 have always been same speed than previous x80/ti at 300-400€ price point.

Get lost nvidia shill, you would buy truckload of shit from them for 10000 jewbucks if there is nvidia label.

980 was £529 release. my 1080 I bought for £524 , wheres the jumped up price there?

Having to use the jew crap again eh. Like a stuck record. Get a job and earn some money.
Id buy amd if they brought a decent high end card out

980 was release 550€ and 1080 costs now +770€

980 was released for £430 you cuck.

I have a 1080 I know exactly how much it cost me £524.
you got one? if not you are just going off internet prices. If you search enough you can get deals

Im UK so not a cuck, its you Amerifatties that are obsessed with nigger cock and this cuckolding. We couldnt really give two shits about it. Only ones here who do a teeny virgins

He is talking about Euros and cheapest 1080 goes for £550 in amazon. Most models are +600 pounds though.
It was about £430 in UK.

Can't you see difference with € and £ you fucking uk cuck?


Even in Germany cheapest ref shit is 660€ when you could get cheapest custom gtx 980 500€ at launch.

1080 is 200$ more than 980 was at launch.

Yes thats why I went off £ throughout and not euro.
you are a bit of an idiot really.

This what the fuck?

>960 was something like 200-250€
>970 was between 350-400€
>980 was 550-600€

Can't amd do shit or what is wrong.

Got a 970, specifically upgraded computer from SLI 560ti and 2500k for witcher 3 (and smaller form factor. Now running mATX machine in a node 304. Sold the old one basically the same cost as the new one so maybe spent 100$ extra).

See no reason to upgrade since all the upcoming releases are shit.

>having Euro in the first place


Maybe AMD should try being relevant then instead of always being the underdog. Why would I pay more for inferior hardware.

this, finally, this should be in the sticky so rabid amdfags would just stfu already

Fuck these Jews.
Getting RX480.Gets the job done on most games,and cost is affordable in Europe.
You literally have to work whole month for nVidia's card.
Fucking Jews.

If you have a shit job. That's my weekly earnings with enough for groceries left over.

You fucking idiot.
Most of the people playing video games are teenagers.Then there some from 20-30 age.
I'm 19 myself.
Sorry for not having a prime minister salary,shithead.

Enjoy playing video games as a 40 year old,fag.

Then play on a babby console. You're talking about the literal best of the best options poorfag. Of course it costs alot. I'm 23 btw, and I work as a software engineer.

How are the temps in your case?