Ipod hacked??

Hi there, i got an Ipod Touch and yesterday was blocked with this russian message.

Can anyone HELP me?

build wall

yea you bought a stolen ipod
good job

>buying Apple product without checking a receipt

devolvelo Jose

Go to apple store and ask them

devuélvelo, José

give it back dimitry

try changing rom on it with a hardware flasher

Give it back d'quanay

>am i am oldfag yet guise?

In order to receive a password, please write to e-mail: [email protected]

Do it faggot.

i've been here since 2007. suck my dick

That's not oldfag.

I bought this ipod, legally, like 5 years ago.
I know, you'll tell me "throw out that shit and buy a new one" but i really want to fix it.

Just reflash the rom. Can't be that hard.

Stop pretending Bryan, just give it back!

I can reflash the rom, but i don't know if the account it's also tethered.
That's my question, it is something about the OS or the Apple Id?




check em

I have no idea how to unlock but the message says for a new password email that guy

Install Gentoo


Give it back Borris

I'm not looking for support, i more like "friends for a quest"

Anyone wants to write to [email protected] and figure out whats happen?

Reflash or enter the recovery mode using the hardware buttons upon a reset and just reset it to factory

Give it back, ruskie

It says 'to get the password, contact '

Who stole the ipod?

Call Apple Support, tell them your device has been hijacked, they'll remove iCloud lock. When they do it, restore iOS with iTunes.

DFU mode saves lives

Download itunes. Download firmware that matches your ipod version (preferably a firmware that has a untethered jailbreak). Plug ipod into pc and look for the update buton and click it while holding the shift key then select the firmware you download. Ipod is flashed back to default on firmware version.

(Then follow jailbreak instructions for your firmware version if you decide to do so.)

or just get android and root it.

I forgot the ipod needs to be in dfu mode before you plug it in.

>secretly gay
boris get

Daily squatting is MUCH better for your health than sitting. In fact, sitting is considered worse than smoking for health. Become Ivan TODAY! Save your spine!

Dima... is a badass

>le wasnt here from the day 1 maymay
Fuck off, 9 years is well enough to be an oldfag, not that you'd know, you're just here to be an asshole.


slide to unclock


Give it back Sergei

shut the fuck up, Pedro

Of you game here after 2005, you're not oldfag, that's all there is to it.

Wow is there really cryptolocker for ipods?

>iPod in spanish
>Suspicious "lock" message in russian
>Obviously some type of ransomware
Kill yourselves.

>BR nigger stole some Russian tourists iPod 5 years ago.
>Russian finally decides to lock iPod.

Far more likely.

Roll for your ipod hacker

The message reads "To receive the password, please write to [email protected]"

Well, did you message that guy? What did he want from you? Money?

Vladimir is the best.


put the thing in "DFU Mode" and restore it in itunes.

American education, everyone.

>[email protected]

I work for Apple.
Just boot into recovery mode and wipe the device. Doing so downloads a completely fresh copy of iOS.


not even once