>$1500 to run 4k at 60FPS
Truly the future.
>$1500 to run 4k at 60FPS
Truly the future.
Other urls found in this thread:
more like thanks AMD for being a totally useless as a competitor.
fucking pajeet
$1,200 actually, and considering it's power the price tag is fair
AMD is competing simply by their involvement in the embedded market. Their financial plan doesn't involve making 1500$ gpu's for 0.5% of PC gamers. The pro duo already offers better raw performance for professional workstations, which is an overlapping market of the Titan. What's your point?
Agreed. nVidia is so generous to us, since this card is worth $3000 at least, just like GTX Titan Z.
Titan X Black (or White or whatever) out in 5 months
Titan X for sale at $899
Doesn't AMD outperform every Nvidia card in $/fps?
The 480 outperforms the 1060 in $/fps if you have a high-end cpu.
die of cancer you memeposting cuck
get a trip so i can filter you
>/sqt/-tier meme bait question
>meme response
I don't see the problem here.
what the shill is happening in this thread?
>no DX12
>no Vulkan
>no async
I'm confused asf expected HBM2 and GP100
>We said our GTX 1080 delivers an “irresponsible amount of performance.” It was a bit reckless. But this is even more reckless.
Yeah and flush from NVDA stock that went through the roof, thanks
titan x is totally worth it and 4k is all that matters
and again the shift makes you realize its all about the money, not that it's bad or I care
Hmm, I am planning a 4k build so i'm not going to deny this level of performance is desired, but the money Nvidia want is too much for my blood - I simply cannot justify the premium the ttian cards sell for when AMD (and even Nvidia's own x80ti cards) offer very similar performance for considerably less.
>he pro duo already offers better raw performance for professional workstations, which is an overlapping market of the Titan
This is complete bullshit - the titan is not for professional usage at all as it is marketed under the GTX line of cards. The reason the pro duo gets away with it as the card does support firepro drivers and all the benefits that brings, the titan range of cards simply don't get the sort of support the quadros do.
>no memes
thank god we don't need that useless crap
based nvidia
hang yourself amdrone
Why the fuck would anyone buy a Titan for gaming? Their only acceptable application is GPGPU computing.
>considering it's power the price tag is fair
Jesus Christ
>>/sqt/-tier meme bait question
Explain how it is a meme question?
>Workstations don't use Titans.
People still use them for 3D workstations and video editing instead of quadro's. They're quite popular for indie devs, youtubers, and 3d hobbyists. There are people who will make the choice between a pro duo and this titan.
Tell that to Nvidia marketing.
It's like you think fps is a constant measurement. It varies game to game, and isn't even always fully GPU-dependent.
What are you talking about?
Completely same rig, only change the GPU, what cards the most FPS in benchmarks for less money?
All of the sudden when Nvidia is in the losing end, benchmarks and fps aren't relevant anymore?
This is GP102, not GP100. No high performance DP mode afaik. Just a low yield 1080ti with more ram / cores.
This. I do "creative" 3D work and a Quadro is NOT required, but having lots of RAM is still nice. If you are doing "technical" 3D like CAD, it may actually matter, especially if you're going to be running any sort of simulations.
For rendering I would much rather max out my system with really fast GPUs instead of just one really expensive unit. Max and Maya run perfectly well on "gaming" cards.
For one, the relationship between price and performance, even across only AMD cards of the same generation is far from linear. For another thing, the RX 480 has been shown to fall far below the price/performance of the GTX 1060 on older/lower-end CPUs, even in Hitman, a game AMD was supposed to have in the bag.
Can AMD compete?
Then yes, the price is justified.
People like you are so fucking retarded.
The only reason the titans have such a high price is so that they can reveal the x80ti right after for about half its price while only having 2~3 fps less, so gullible idiots like you can go "OMG IT'S SO CHEAP!" because you have a glorified red herring of a GPU with a completely unjustified price/performance ratio sitting there at the top as the sole means of comparison.
He thinks that's a acceptable fps
Its the minimum, retard.
Do they cost the same? can you provide proof of your claims?
Why would you buy anything weaker than a Titan?
Going to SLI them for gsync 4k with my 5930k. Literally been saving up from the beginning of the year for this. Saving up for a 4k pc was my new year's resolution. $50 a week from my wages put aside every fortnight.
Good goy
t. poorfag
What no. Right now, the 1080 is in a weird spot as a single card market, its just not powerful enough to drive 4k, but overkill for 1440p.
If this thing is ~25% faster then a 1080, you can avoid SLI 1070s and use this single card to push 4k.
t. goyim
>all these people jumping at new cards
If you have so much as a 960 just wait a little longer.
That's kinda where I am, even though I am on 1440p 60hz the GTX 960 gives me 60fps+ in every game I play.
I was going to get a 1070...But thinking I might as well wait for the next gen where they work out the DX12 and vulcan kinks.
If you need a $1500 dollar power sucking gpu to watch 4k then that alone proves 4k is a meme.
>thinking 4K gaming is possible
you're an idiot
>thinking its not
The 1080 already can do 4k but not at high framerate.
No developer is going to optomize a game around the handful of people with a $5,000 tower.
>not optimized
>therefore it's impossible
>tfw waiting for affordable 4k VR systems and headsets
Not impossible, but highly improbably in the next 3 years.
Alright Sup Forums, is this the day we finally got 4K 60fps on a single card?
I wonder if it does 5K on sli?
> pic related, it's AMD
It sounds really fair in competition to the 800 € 1080. this makes me hope the Ti will stay under 1000 €. I'm going to get the Classified.
"Sale" like Steam "Sale"
You can buy them for 500 € on Ebay.
X wasn't worth it, I wish I had bought 2 980Tis. 4K is the only thing that matters, if it can run Mass Effect than I buy the Ti. If not, I better save the money for a 2nd Ti.
>New Titan X with only 12 GB
Makes me wonder if there will be a 24 GB or 2nd Titan later
>Alright Sup Forums, is this the day we finally got 4K 60fps on a single card?
You're dreaming if you think this thing will be doing 4K/60fps in every demanding title at max settings. And once you start getting into "well, just lower this and that" you might as well give up. A fucking 980 will run 4K/60fps if you lower enough settings.
And the idea that this card hurts AMD significantly is retarded. The 1060 is a far bigger blow to AMD than this overpriced piece of trash that will ever be owned by roughly 0.0000001% of people with a gay men PC.
I have a 750 ti from when I got back into building a PC. I am so fuckign stuck between importing a 1070 sans tax, rx 480, or 1060..
Brexit pissed on my plans of getting a 1070 even cheaper.
I wish AMD would deliver anything, but they have released one new card so far.
The 1080Ti/Titan will BARELY reach 60 FPS in most AAA games (4K).
The 1070 will let you max everything in 2K, you won't need anything more. The Ti will be for higher resolutions.
>The 1060 is a far bigger blow to AMD
in comparison to the titan, yes. however nvidia still is getting fucked over by TSMC's yield issues so they literally cant get enough cards out to compete with AMD on the mid range yet.
>The 1070 will let you max everything in 2K
The 290x did that 3 years ago and still does it.
RX 480 nitro is a solid upgrade from a 750ti
The 1070 is a bit faster and more efficient, but if you have a 290X you don't need to switch. I hope you don't buy the shitty rebrands (3XX) and went straight for a 290X (390X performance for 200 € and less).
I'd plan on having an EVGA 1070 imported which would have a 5 year international warranty with a close service cenre.
My only contention with AMD cards is I have yet to find a warranty that soothes my anxiety.
Im in no need to upgrade im just saying that 1440p max 60 fps is not a new thing.
I would but 3 years warranties don't make me feel secure. ran a geforce 7800 until it popped after 5 years.
Went all prince and starting giving me purple rain.
>price tag is fair
This is what nvidiots believe.
You also think Intel is fair in pricing their 10 cores as $5000?
If you want a long warranty im sure you would want to look into XFX.
>for 5 years
Damn I wish it was this easy in yurop. Why do i not get my money back if I'm not constantly lying in the hospital being injured. Doesn't help that all electronics cost 25% more here too
1440p 144hz freesync/gsync is WAYYYYYYYY better
I used a HD2400 Pro from 2007 until late 2012. I also played games on it. Just to imagine, compare a current-gen IGP to it, the iGP is 2000-3000 % faster.
For the new standard it is fair. Because AMD doesn't deliver. The last generation was a fail. This generation only has one midrange card so far, while Nvidia already prepares to launch its new flagship. I only care about the performance, if Nvidia delivers me the 4K performance I want I'll buy it. We're talking about Mass Effect Andromeda, this is RELIGIOUS DUTY!
But you're independent no
>paying all that money to play in 4k
Don't tell me you retards are actually doing this, 1440p is literally all you need
No, they'll forever say "yea we will get to it tomorrow" but actually never sign anything and stay in the EU
You don't get to tell other people what resolutions they 'literally' need to use. What the fuck is wrong with you? I may want to game on a fucking 4K TV. Please stop using words like 'literally' incorrectly.
>Its the minimum, retard.
NVIDIA never shows the min they always show the max so you can't get mad at them when your average is 45 but some places like a hallway with no light on you hit 60.
>I only care about performance
So you'd easily pay upwards of thousands of dollars instead of couple hundreds for 4K?
You think its fair to price it that high because there's no competition?
Fair to who? To the buyers?
AMD's dual card is going to be two rx 480s stuck together to be a gtx 1080 competitor
They're clearly giving Nvidia a reason to price it at 1200 considering they cant fucking compete
>1440p is literally all you need
Says the poor little bitch, I bet you said the same about 720p in 2008
Vulkan is actually pretty impressive
I'm playing Doom with a 280X and with OpenGL I was getting 47 FPS, when I switched to Vulkan it went up to 70-80 average.
Mind you that isn't even a new card, the 280 X is pretty old.
They do 5 years? Link me up, senpai.
Because I believe in getting my money's worth and I played it until it went fzzzzt.
Whoopie fucking dee, couldn't careless if everything I enjoy costs more.
Weren't even able to secure the immigration clauses or save any money since we'll need to pay to enter the market.
Won't be able to instill an Australian style points immigration system either.
if exiting had a sounder plan I'd have voted for it.
No it has to be enacted or it would fly in the face of the point of democracy and create a gigantic rift between the idea of a referendum and parliamentary vote.
It's called the free market, get over it.
I saw a vid where a rig with 4 titan X's was used to crack password lists. It was shockingly fast
dem teraflops nigga
Gaymers, fuck off.
A graphics card this expensive is not for playing.
As long as you keep buying this to play games, games will be graphics techdemos with no real gameplay.
I must have heard this about games a million times in the last decade.
the other Titan X performed on par with the 980ti and that was half the fucking price.
No one buys titans
stay poor
think of the titan like an early access
gamers are killing the computers
nvidia is providing a solution to a problem only rich people encounter, and as such, can demand a rich people premium.
The rest of us normal people can are all going to buy 480/1060/1070 anyways.
This thing is targeting businesses that need to processing power where it will make them back money b/c of better productivity, and the wealthy.
Isn't the 280x essentially a 7970?
There's nothing unplayable on my R9 390, sure it might drop frames a bit but diminishing returns etc..
Gamers saved the computer
>Isn't the 280x essentially a 7970?
I don't know, I just know its a couple generations old
Vulkan was actually a surprising difference in performance
Regardless I may or may not buy a 1060, I'm considering it
On what reolution? My 280x still performs ok on 1080p,but on my new 1440p screen it can't keep up.
or you can just buy a ps4k $400...
1080 Ti will launch for almost half the price and same performance a few months later.
You heard it here first.
>having a 280x
you can wait it out till vega/pascal improving yields
Free Market works with competition. With no competition, it becomes a monopoly and a problem.
Free Market also needs regulation, as without regulation, leads to crashes.
Here's your redpill of the day, "muh free market"
Yeah I might, I'm running Doom pretty well. Good point.
>nvidia saving the 1080 TI with hbm2 memory to compete with high end vega
man i seriously can't wait for the real big boy upgrades.
The classified was around $700 and the sc was under $1k
I couldn't wait for pascal, what pulled the trigger is buying 1st gen architectures, which is why I built on devils canyon which I don't regret at all. And it pays off for 4k
And it coincided with film making video editing - and stock trading which paid off itself thru nvidia stock, it's some form of evolution
>on par with the 980ti
that's because the stock 1ghz was deliberately used in benchmarks
when you own a titan you know its a fully unlocked professional chip and it's priced accordingly to differentiate demand not only from a marketing exclusivity perspective
you can buy tech in a smart way and cash shouldn't be a bottleneck, the main point is to have fun and liberate yourself in doing whatever you want
now I'm not sure what nvidias planning for GP100 or if they're syncing with AMDs strategy, but mid-2017 or skipping this gen totally seems likely
I'm also on a 55 inch Samsung JS9000 that's why I'm saying 4k is worth it with HDR but the whole market is lagging because of the bandwidth hit, 1min of 4k is 6gb of storage
Bro if you have to "save up" to buy something, you aren't rich. Buying $3,000 in graphics cards is fucking retarded if you aren't multi-millionaire or more
>tfw my gtx 1080 is obsolete
hold me Sup Forums
You don't need the holding.
Prepare to hold the TitanXfags who are going to be obsoleted by a looming 1080ti