What's the best tech-related thing I can douche around with that costs $50 bucks or less?

what's the best tech-related thing I can douche around with that costs $50 bucks or less?

a mini-fridge

Raspberry pi, my friend

You can buy lots of stuff with it.

odroid-c2 is better, desu senpai.

Who is this girl?

That's what I meant. Get that.


fug red a qt

Jesse Eisenberg got a sex change? Why does no one tell me these things


Android Wear. Refurbished LG G Watch for $50.

Some trap from /soc/

reminds me of hiimlasers a little

I wish I was this cute.
And a quadcopter.

Some old IBM Thinkpad.

I've been fooled for the last time technology board..

post lewds of her

or link me to her tumblr or something fuck

God how can you people not tell that's a trap?

more of this trap please

50/50 it's a dude.

>traps are not girls
You have a lot to learn, Sup Forums.

Seconded quadcopter. Really fun, and good practice if you want to get a more expensive one in the future.

A Douche.

Broad shoulders, protruding cheeks, large nose not to mention the Chin Baby and the lack of even small tits.

Post more of her.

I tip my head, nigger.

where head means hat.

I'm retarded.

One of these bad boys. Should cost you around $11 or so. Might also want to invest in some lube and a decent buttplug too.

Forgot pic.

a satchel