As I said before, GTX 1080 or kill yourself
Still waiting for the 480 LOL
Poorfags, just kill yourselves
Unrelated to this shit posting, what are the chances of a 1080 Ti this year? I'd like to upgrade to something with a bigger leap from my 980 Ti.
When is Sup Forums going to have a fucking GPU board already.
What's the point of asking if you can't afford it anyway?
Depends on when and how AMD released Vega
You should have only got 1 card and got better monitor or desk instead
>shitty gaymer led fans
>dat bad cable management
>dat ugly poop sli bridge
>optical drives in the year of our lord
>internals have red, green, and blue lights on a windowed case
>boo fucking hoo there are some threads that aren't about watches or keyboards
don't you like christmas?
Oh my god the fucking cable spaghetti
That's disgusting
>"oh yeah look at me shove *insert company*'s GPU up my ass because I love them so much!"
>window case
Sup Forums is the other way kiddo
Please remove those Beats headphones and reshoot that picture.
You are going to get savaged.
Wait, are you bragging because you bought 1200 in gpu's to run a 1080p monitor?
>buys 2 gtx 1080
>proceeds to play game without sli support
Ayy lmao
Does Nvidia base releases at all on AMDs roadmap? I would have thought it the other way around. I have seen some "leaked specs" but it looks like the usual clickbait bullshit.
Trying too hard.
OP is right guys, if you don't have two 1080s you should just die worthless peasants
>PC case sideways
>Sli Bridge
Nice to know the average Nvidia user is this retarded
>Does Nvidia base releases at all on AMDs roadmap?
Nvidia releases the best mid-high end cards of the gen (Gtx 980, 970, 1070, 1080), AMD tries to undercut them by catering to poorfags, Nvidia BTFOs them with an even better poorfag card with no AMDshit drivers(1060), and then releases an ultimate enthusiast card to kill AMD's "high end" (980ti and 1080ti)
He still makes more money than you and is retarded.
>Smash Bros
he's more likely an autistic teenager with rich parents
>implying Dual GPUs are ever worth it
Even if I was rich as Trump I wouldn't do it.
If you can't afford two 1080's at this point in your life you will never be as rich as Donald Trump you fucking pleb
which case is that?
Thermaltake V71
>Does Nvidia base releases at all on AMDs roadmap?
Any company releases cards in a way to undercut the competition the best.
Since AMD hadn't released decent cards in a long while, they don't need to release any new cards - and they can charge whatever they want for their current cards.
When Vega comes out, they'll do a 1080Ti for $1000 MSRP (Founders Edition will be $1400).
Then they'll have no new cards until 2018.
Trump has filed for bankruptcy 4 fucking times
His wealth comes from literal bleeding heart morons
To envy his financial "success" is akin to envying the turds he flushes which "successfully" make it to the sewer
you mean his daddy makes more money
1 0 7 0
>Corsair V1000
>Not poor
Pick one, nigger
Your monitors are too small, poorfag. I can't imagine using anything smaller than 34"
You must be as blind as you're poor.
>calling people poorfags with garage sale tier monitors, Beats by Dre, and a desk that you found on the side of the road
Reddit is down the hall and to the left, friend
> Spending 200 dollars on a power supply
>Being poor
Does not compute
I love looking at the poor bretherin trying to justify buying a poorfag graphics card like 480 LOL
Corsair PSUs are fucking garbage
>those poor as fuck monitors
>be me
>can afford 10 titan x's without flinching
>can afford 927 1080s
>only 25 years old
>buy 480
why waste money on this shitty 1080 when the RX 590x or 1180 Ti is the way to go?
Why spend a bunch of money on something that wont be worth shit a few years from now? I make a lot of money too OP, but I dont waste It on frivolous shit.
Because I can pleb
>plays on subpar HD monitors
>computer desk looks like shit from the garbage
>shit speakers
>beats audio
>raspberry pi
>1080 SLI
>tiny ass monitor
>this shithead who proudly displays his 18 dollar headphones has the same mouse as me
this idiot also has Vsync capped on 60fps.
$1600 worth of Graphics cards
Vsync capped to 60fps
All you poorfags should get off Sup Forums and go get a second job so you can afford TWO 1080's
>two cards
>only 60fps
kill yourself.
Are those 720p screens?