/o/ here, i want to record a cockpit type of view video in my car but was having some difficulties when i tried last...

/o/ here, i want to record a cockpit type of view video in my car but was having some difficulties when i tried last. I used a galaxy s5 paired with a suction cup mount to try to record a video but it recorded way too shaky.What options do i have? I noticed there was a "go pro" on ebay for like 29 bucks but not sure how well it would work. what do? I don't need super high quality, just something basic to record 1080p

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basic 150 dollar Go pro or no?

Just get the cheapest go pro with head mount

Do you even know what a dashcam is? Fuck off already.

i don't want a view over my hood, i want a "cockpit view"

Then don't put it right on the front? Are you literally retarded.

where would you put it? Up your ass?

Screw it to the roof dumbass. Why are you incapable of thinking even the most basic shit for yourself? Why are you even on this board?

>Screw it to the roof
>calling me the dumbass

Look up camera stabilizer.

I really like the Delkin Fat Gecko mount, combined with whatever action cam you want. A basic GoPro is a good choice, but you can find good deals on decent cams from other brands too. (The Sony ones are often cheap and have good quality in daylight, and I use an older Drift HD that I got on sale.)

i liked the quality of the galaxy s5 video only problem was the shaky video, maybe putting a sponge behind camera may help come to think of it

he said cock

>my parents would get mad if I mod their car


What car are you using it in, and what mount were you using? I find that a strong suction mount (like the aforementioned Fat Gecko) works really well if you hang it upside down from a moonroof, if you have one. It might just be that your video was shaky because your mount wasn't rigid enough, so it was bouncing.

Another option is one of these Cruise Cam thingies, if you have seats it'll work with.

implying i don't own a car, does Sup Forums ride the bus?
2013 BRZ, and this was the exact mount i bought, where can i get that headrest thingie?

forgot the link for the mount i bought

What possessed you to make the front of your hachi look like a Basking Shark?

Lol, what a faggot you are. Who the fuck puts a Lexus fascia on their Toyobaru?

Sony action cams have a good image stabilization, maybe you are running super stiff suspension mods

>not liking that badass aftermarket grille

have a bump

buy a dash cam. then tell your insurance company that you have one and get money off your monthly bill.


>then tell your insurance company that you have one and get money off your monthly bill.
is this real?

Oh yeah, no wonder it was shit, you're cantilevering all the weight at the end of a long arm that only has one point of contact.

You can get the CruiseCam at most photo/video places, I stole that pic from B&H. Personally what I'd do, though, is just get a good double suction mount and either an action cam or an actual small camera that does good video, and stick it to the inside of your rear window.

(On the subject of actual cameras, there are some Sony P&S that do good video and are pretty cheap, or you could try a last-generation Panasonic micro four thirds camera, you can get crazy deals for them and their video quality is awesome. I recommend either over a GoPro for stuff like this because a GoPro lens is a bit too wide for backseat/rear window mounting, while an actual camera will have a zoom lens that you can set to a good focal length.)

The poser Lexus badge ruined the new look of it. I actually like the stock Brz front.

paid 800 bucks to import that from japan, it's badass

so adding a sponge as absorber behind phone wouldn't help much?

I doubt it, the problem is probably that the whole arm is bouncing up and down since there's nothing to hold it steady.


I'm a /o/tard at heart

I know what looks good and what doesn't. And no I don't think LW and RB look good before you start thinking that

>does Sup Forums ride the bus


/o/ is a terrible, terrible place.

I made my living in the motorsports field for years, and gave up on /o/ after too many threads where people refused to believe my advice on things.

Get a Gimbal and find a way to mount it. They are insane good at keeping camera's steady.

Maybe cause you're advice is shit?

Your advice is probably shit.

>I'm /o/tard at heart
Then you would know it's shopped

I know I can't convince you guys of this, but it's really not. I worked until recently as a shop manager at a highly regarded BMW and Porsche tuner which specialized in track and race prep, and which also did a lot of R&D for major aftermarket companies. Some of the guys working under me had formerly been with factory motorsport divisions or major racing teams.

The thing is just that 90% of "information" on car forums and websites is bullshit written by people who don't have enough experience to know what they're talking about, or by people trying to justify their bad purchases. Other people see that mountain of shit and repeat it, and eventually you end up with a cesspool like /o/ where people believe shit because they've read it 100 times on other forums or because they buy into the marketing of shitty aftermarket companies, and don't believe me when I make recommendations that I know to 100% be true from firsthand experience and which will often save them money and headache. (/o/ throws a fit, for example, when I tell them that Koni Yellows and a good set of springs are a vastly better setup than nearly any coilover under $3k.)

wow you saound like an absolute douche as well.

BMP and Porsche, really? Namedrop much?

How do i unsubscribe from your shitty auto blog?

So much autism

if you don't want to pay the premium for a gopro, get a xiaomi clone

and everyone is right, /o/ is fucking garbage. it somehow has more underage tools than Sup Forums, and the same absolute garbage fucking 'LOL HOW DO I DRIVE A MANUAL?' and 'LOL MIATAS ARE TEH BEST XD' bullshit spewed day in and day out

>/o/ is fucking garbage
>it somehow has more underage tools than Sup Forums
>and the same absolute garbage fucking 'LOL HOW DO I DRIVE A MANUAL?' and 'LOL MIATAS ARE TEH BEST XD
> bullshit spewed day in and day out
You could not be more wrong

I haven't been there in ages because of I've nearly given up on Sup Forums - GPUs too, /ck/ is starting to become my new shitposting board now

go pro or gtfo