If I see that fucking Amada one more time

If I see that fucking Amada one more time

Other urls found in this thread:


>Amada will never suck your chipolata

>tfw glad i bought an amd card


>tfw you have a Nano arriving in the morning

Please don't have coil whine.

>tfw jewtel/nvidiot owner
Amada build next

good choice with your Fiji gpu

happy fury x owner here


What will happen to Amada when AMD goes bankrupt?

I'll buy her and she'll be my naked slave. I'll coat her with blueberry jam in the morning and gradually lick it off during the day, every day.

Has anyone visited the store in akiba?

she tries to mascot for the company that buys them out but gets rejected for a cuter girl

Yeah I went there yesterday. Pretty cool.

liar bitch

Oh, you will. She's a real kokoroach.

>Buy AMD laptop
>Doesn't have stickers
>Buy Amada stickers for it

What's her personality like?

Good on paper but horrible in privacy.

Amada-tan is pure.

genki tomboy girl whos a pc gaymurr
Sounds like Sup Forums's waifu if they didnt hate girls

Post rare Amadas

is there any r34 amanda x nvidia manlet whatever his name is?




She lets strangers fuck her ass raw and then she holds their load inside for a whole day.



>genki slut

so basically, a spaz who makes up for her weak personality by being over-energetic (i.e. overclockable)

post more Amadas


I don't know how you can go for nvidia, senpai. Amada is so cute and adorable, desu.


Amada cosplay.





i love amd and amada

>Most nips give their tans random chink names
>Amada sounds like AMD
very cleveru

what does kokoro mean?


Also Amada means Beloved in spanish.


>its another "post the same 10 pictures of AMD-tan" thread

good use of a vintage memay, I give 8/10

Are these pictures of the screen?

is this amada
am I amadaposting correctly

Want 1060
Fucking kawaii anime makes me want Rx 480.

Nice try AMD, I won't fall for these new stealth tactics.

What does this have to do with AMD products in any way?

I take it it's cheaper to hire some aidoru sluts and an artist to make some promotional materials to promote AMD to otaku?
Because even the music they're using is all royalty free stock music.

>Amada got me a fury for $200
Hooray Amada!

What does she do with the loads after that?

Dump it in Raja's curry

Meant to reply to
Mimi is shit desu senpai

>Nvidia is the big titty slut everyone wants while AMD is the second place waifu who has no tits or ass

Really makes you think, doesnt it?

Do you think you could last an entire date with Amada?

Shed blow my PSU just before we get to the good part and ruin the entire thing

>Amada breaks her elbow.jpg
r9 nano has tiny awoo

its funny i actually posted an amada picture 3 weeks ago and no one knew who she was
now its a goddess

gotta love Sup Forums

Just give up already Shaggyposter

Link to the music please, I love it

Better than Maki 2bh, at least now it's Sup Forums related

Is there a full set of these? Or maybe footage? I need them for reasons.


this was part of a larger 2 hour stream but there wasnt much

I was hoping to make high quality reactions but I cant figure out how to use the program or find the Amada skin

>Amada made me a furry for life

Never going back to anime now that it's associated with AMD scum.

Yiff 4ever, furchan.