Deadline is almost here. Should I upgrade to Windows 10? Using 7 now

Deadline is almost here. Should I upgrade to Windows 10? Using 7 now.

stay on windows 10

stay on windows 7



no. stay on 7.


Upgrade. Don't listen to luddites.

>Should I upgrade to Windows 10?

let me rephrase, don't do it unless you're having problems with windows 7

Reminder that Pajeet has just started working, that's why there are suddenly multiple win10 threads again

Pajeet uses linux :^}


Don't ask Sup Forums for advice. Most people here are fucktards, a few are zealots and very few are decent tekkies who now their shit but those remain mostly silent in advice driven threads. Win 10 Is ok if you want to use it, I personaly won't recommend using windows at all, mainly because I really enjoy using Linux distros. Also I'm a fucktard.

I game a shit ton. I have VR. And I certainly don't give a fuck about hosting my kale recipe blog from my RYO server.

I'm sick and tired of hearing "Pajeet" this and "Pajeet" that. The racism on Sup Forums has grown exponentially and reached cancerous levels. Anyone who contributes to the Pajeet meme is a certifiable shithead who has never accomplished anything of note and should seriously consider euthanasia.

You want to diss Pajeet? You've probably never written anything good in Java/Python/C++ and never will. You are the lowest of shit. You swing your dicks on this Chinese scrapbooking website while thumping your second-hand SICP books and shitpost about Linux desktops and battlestations like a bunch of feeble, impotent manchildren instead of taking the plunge and getting real jobs. 100% of you would not get a job over Pajeet, even though he grew up next to a landfill and learned to program by reading manuscripts written in 1985.

Fuck every single one of you.

Sure thing rakesh


win 10 for gaming DX 12 and all that.

got like 10 fps more when i went from win 8.1 not a bad OS just customize it


if you "upgrade" to an OS that sends screenshots, sound recordings, webcam footage, and a full list of every site you visit to god-knows-who, then youre a huge fucking retard who needs to get off Sup Forums

it also has a built-in keylogger, will update itself without your consent, even while youre half way through rendering something, and is designed purely to jew you throgh in-OS advertising and the shill-store

>Windows 10
Pick one, only tech illiterate morons go to 10 while it's in this state

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Cant wait to finally turn on windows update again.


I'm a former 0321. That's reconnaissance in the United States Marine Corps.
Please, if you're going to impersonate a JSOC operator, at least do some research. I know you're trolling but you gave yourself away when you claim to be a Navy Seal, but also have access to the arsenal of the Marine Corps?


Also, you over exaggerated. Next time, be a little more down to earth and your trolling will be all the more believable.

smooth recovery


Fuck you and everyone like you. You're the 7 year old I can imagining smacking around for fun if there were no consequences. Some chucklehead who never backs up his arguments. Never sticks around to man up for his actions. Never keeps his promises. Still wears his jeans low, because hell, that's totally fucking rad. Just some indignant, contrary little shit no one would miss.

Nah I'm just kiddin'. You're alright.

YOU, on the other hand, are a giant turd. Go back to your toilet street, Rapheeeeel

>Being this new
How was reddit?

It's part of the pasta, retard

Yeah, forgot about DX 12. Guess it's a go for me, I'll just have to disable all the crap that sends data to Microsoft.

Get used to it, racism is coming back not just on Sup Forums but the entire internet, also get used to defecating in designated indoor facilities with toilets.

well, well, well, what have we here another faggot neckbeard shitting up the place with his Sup Forums faggotry. you picked the wrong night to fuck around, asshole. i've just texted the a mod (we're friends irl) about this thread, so he'll be here shortly to deal with the matter, and most likely hand out some sorely needed bans. i'm also going to report and sage the thread (for safe measure), as well as alert the other moderators in the Sup Forums irc channel. and just in case you wanna try and pull a fast one, i'm screen shotting the entire thread for additional proof and e-mailing moot about the matter personally. i'm tired of you stupid fucking dick sniffers pressing out whatever lolrandom faggot shit you want on the fucking anime board. it's time for you assholes to get a reality check, because this shit won't fly for much longer. prepare your anus, you 500 pound pile of shit. your days are fucking numbered

user speaks the truth. I totally 100% agree. Nerds should just stop trying and MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! I was talking to this amazing hotty on Saturday Night, we must of been flirting for around an hour, and things were getting REAL hot. I offered her a drink, she accepted and I smoogled over to the bar. I come back and there is this fucking little nerd, 5'6 glasses, long greasy hair, absolutely NO physique talking to my biatch. I decided to play it cool and not get angry so I walked back and placed the drink down loudly in front of her. The little shit just stared at me! I was fuming, I winked at her turned round and said "Do you mind!". The little shit responded with a little girly snigger, and said "I am sorry she is taken". I looked at the hottie and she just laughed, "Do you mind leaving" she said to him. Ok, by this time you would expect the fuck to move, but NO he still persists. I lost it and pushed him off the chair. He fell to the floor in horror then ran off. Little Shit got owned.

She later told me it was some guy from her Chemistry class who won't leave her alone. We laughed at how pathetic he was, and later had some AMAZING sex.

My point is, if this shit wasn't in the way I would of bedded that hottie 10 minutes sooner, and I wouldn't of been so angry.

What deadline?

Is KMSpico going to stop working for some reason?

>I'll just have to disable all the crap that sends data to Microsoft.
Thats the point, you can't. It is hardcoded on w10's source code.

there isnt a single game out there right now that requires dx12 to run, and itll be a long fuckass time before there is such a game because no one wants to piss money away by not making their game available to as many users as possible
