/sqt/ - stupid questions thread

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Hey Sup Forums.
I'm looking for software that will lock down a phone, and let me teamviewer (Or otherwise remote control it, or start an app) whenever I want. It's a BDSM thing, my sub's been asking me to set up something to control their phone. Any advice? It's abit of a hassle to keep on restarting TV

A-........Are you sure I cannot interest you in some pepe images instead

>It's a BDSM thing, my sub's been asking me to set up something to control their phone.

there might be some software that deals with stolen phones or something.. but alas I dunno it

is the endbranch instruction really that secure? can you still just jump into the middle of an instruction as long as the bits match endbranch? what about direct jumps?

The specs and prices of Xiaomi phones are appealing, but the Chinese botnet part is slightly offputting. Is there any way to avoid the spyware in these phones or do they have a hardware backdoor?

How does optical image stabilisation work on phones that support it? Is it hardware based where any camera app doesn't need to be programmed to utilize it? Can it be turned off and on?


you buy the phone
you make miui account
contact xiaomi that you want to unlock bootloader cause you foreigner
the account gets privilige to unblock bootloader on one phone per month
you unlock bootloader
you flash on awesome custom recovery - TWRP

you now can copy any custom rom on the phone and flash it
note 3 has cianogenmode, most people use xiaomi.eu global, which comes with removed chinese shit and western languages

there are other custom roms to choose from
anyway, I have hard time seeing botnet being left behind

Why would I want to use HTTP over stdin when using livestreamer?

I believe its firmware controlled, you may or may not be able to disable it on a case by case basis.

Do PowerLine Internet adapters work well?


Depends on your wiring.

Hey Sup Forums pls no h8 on FB
I need some help in the app on my tablet. It use to go WOOMY (splatoon) when I would get a notification, for some reason it went back to the *POP* sound. Help?

>reacting to OP

Can someone tell whats with private trackers and public trackers?

Disregard this Sup Forums

private trackers are private and public trackers are public

I've just started reading the man page for "signal" because I saw it in Nethack's source code.

I'm going to fucking die here, aren't I? I'm going to be stranded forever because I can barely write fizzbuzz and I'll never memorize all this arcane bullshit.

From what I've seen on teardown videos on phones that advertise OIS, it's a physical thing.

you register on some site and their torrents somehow start working
you got access to them
example: tracker.cztorrent.net/

is what you most likely use, you dont need to register, you dont need to adhere to some rules, you torrent what you see and what works
example: kat.cr/

is there any pros and cons in both of them? like availability?
i dont care about piracy notice or anything i live in a third world shithole anyway

I have an archos 45 platinum with android 4.1.2. can i install a newer version of android on it? i need 4.4 for pokemon go

manpage says to use sigaction instead of signal for custom signal handling

Public trackers have issues with download speeds and retention, also DMCA notices, but are available to everyone

Private trackers you usually have to deal with maintaining ratio but you get excellent speeds and retention, but of course they are not always easy to get into.

I'm going to assume you don't know how to APK

Goto settings>security>install unknown sources
download that and you're set. tap it, and it will install.

It's not on the play store for kitkat and down. However, seeing as you said 4.1.2 you're in the MAYBE area, I don't know. You could attempt lollipop but it's iffy. Also, your phone wont be able to do AR cause it prolly doesn't have a gyroscope.

And if you decide to start today, Canada got it today and it's fucking over the servers hardcore. Niantics has no idea what they are doing.

I want to access my files and media on my home desktop from my laptop both inside and outside of my local network. I also want a way to work on my projects (games, web design, other media-heavy development) remotely. What's a good method to go with for setting up such functionality?

also I'd like to be able to do so from several computers, I'm pretty much a windows-only guy but support for other environments is a plus.

i get a parsing error when starting that

what would Sup Forums recommend for the best free antivirus software?

welcome to the botnet.

are you stupid or something?

Windows Defender + Malwarebytes

>install unknown sources
>installs random shit

I don't know what you were expecting m8

anyone else care to weigh in? or is this the general consensus?

I believe that has something to do with it being 4.1.2 is why. If you can, go find lollipop.

To install you will need to turn off the phone, hold down the power and down volume to get into that mode and you should be able to install,

>This word is used by Sup Forums so much
>better use it to sound cool

Do you even android dude?
They do this on purpose. The APK is a direct download from Google play. Jesus are you fucking stupid user?

ok thanks

you looking for storage or do u have a very fast connection and want to ratiocuck?

HGST is the goat for HDD space but if you want to be an Elite Whatcuck you'll need to keep all your music on an m.2. I have a 1tb Samsung 950 pro I keep all my music on for ratiokeking

Red is for NAS, Blue is for consumer shit, Black is high performance and Green is for energy-saving.

I hope I was helpful user.

AKA: Go with Blue if you're not a special case and you're not using your HDD as your OS drive.

blue is 7200rpm
and small cappacities
go with SSD, and RED for storage

See? I didn't even fucking mention that. I'm fucked. I hate being retarded. Someone recommend me some nootropics so I can either not be retarded or accidentally give myself a seizure and die.

Microsoft Security Essentials for Win7 and below. MalwareBytes is good. Add ADWCleaner to this mix and you're golden.

remote software on dynamic ip's other than teamviewer?

Reds are more for 24/7 stable use, and they're more expensive per gigabyte than blues. Blues also come in higher capacities than 1 terabyte, at which point they're 5400 RPM.


jesus fucking christ, you right
and I saw people for ages buying 1TB blue ezex for $50

So I do have a little programming background, mostly with PHP and Python. I feel like learning C. Should I buy pic related or Zed Shaw's book Learn C The Hard Way?

They consolidated greens into the blue brand

Can anyone help me out? I got the dns unlocker adware on my chrome browser and I can't seem to get rid of it, I try to reinstall chrome again but it didn't work

Does anyone know how to make windows 7 look like windows xp?

I'm building a new gayman pc.

Gigabyte sniper b7


MSI B150m Mortar

My only requirement is that it has optical output for use with my DAC, so anything cheaper would be appreciated.

Buying from Australia.

Should I get windows 10?


just got an android
what app should i use in case it's lost or stolen?

gigabyte > msi

okay be honest with my Sup Forums recommend me a good quality mouse that costs around $50 or less. Right now I'm looking at the mx master, though im worried it might be a meme mouse. Should I get it or is $50 dollars for a mouse to much? What are your thought and recommendations?

anyone know of a good site with desk/table blueprints or people sharing their custom desks?


True stupid question
Would a 20k mAh battery bank be enough for pretty much anything you can do on a tablet for the entire day?

No. It's like windows 7 but worse, and it spies on you.

Wireless is a waste of money. Can't tell you how many times I've had to stop at the start of a dota 2 game because some idiot's mouse isn't working or ran out of charge.

Steelseries rival 100, microsoft imo 1.1a + intellimouse 3.0, razer deathadder, anything from zowie

how so?

I know MSI have crappy installation disks, but I thought ASUS was better at power management than any of them?

i don't really play hardcore multiplayer games, so wireless isn't a bother to me, honestly I just want a solid mouse that isn't too heavy but doesn't feel like it will break just by looking at it

Low end roccat. I think its the lychee?

Oh, I've got the roccat lua. Its damn solid. Linux drivers also.

I can't download anything from any browser
I guess AVG is having a fight with windows defender but who knows

is this something to worry about?

google for rick rolling in palemoon, click to page and almost load and stop it when the alert dialog appeared.
uMatrix was disable for knowyourmeme.com, I guess in a meme emergency I saved the disable state, uBlock was enable.
Deleted cookies and closed browser and could not reproduce it.

is it okay to make a Sup Forums /buynsell/ thread? for selling used parts and phones and laptops etc?

Why can't I delete this folder? It let me delete all the files inside of it, but I can't delete the folder itself. I can't find any program that's using it.

make sure you didnt leave its torrent open


thanks ill check it out

C'mon,don't be dicks
I tried a bunch of stuff already and nothing worked
I'm quite desperate

How about you try not running two antiviruses at once you fucking moron

Install Gentoo

Tried that,didn't work
Even with no antiviruses but to no avail

Does the "response time" of a monitor actually matter for gaymen or is it a marketing gimmick?

How do you know that nothing is being downloaded?

It starts downloading,then it stops and then it says failed everytime

Well,sometimes it says canceled

How do I get indicators working for XFCE on Arch?
I installed xfce4, xfce4-goodies, and xfce4-indicator-plugin from aur.
Now it is just saying "No Indicators".

can you even save a pic from here?

Actually,yes I can, and also audio from youtube by listentoyoutube(the only thing I tried)
Maybe file size is the issue here?

when is the new intel cpus slated for release?

if i don't pay for electricity (included in my rent) is it worth it to mine for coins on a GTX 770 SLI rig

When you say that you can't download nothing, have you tried lots of stuff from different places or only a few things from the same site?

Probably Q1

I tried download the newest java from oracle,a mysql package instaler,eclipse neon,maven and git hub for windows.
It all started on saturday and the last thing I managed to download was git on friday .
And that's the main issue here,I can't even get the newest versions automatically

So? A good mouse is a good mouse, regardless of price. The intellimouse explorer is 30 bucks, but better than many $200 laser "mmo" wireless pieces of shit.

What is the difference before FULL HD and HD on televisions?

HD is 720p, Full HD is 1080p

Anyone know how to fix this on mpv?

the resolutions:
FULL HD = 1080p, i.e., 1920 x 1080
HD = 720p (I think), 1280 x 720

could you post a video of your problem or something? we can't just guess what's happening.
also, tried using wget or a download manager?

I have a router running Advanced Tomato. Using telnet to ping from the router I get crazy packet loss. What do?

The download basically just stops after a while,the speed goes from 200kbs/s to 0 and "failed"
I just discovered that if I pause and restart the download it keeps going for a while then it stops and I can pause and restart and so on until it's finished but I won't always have that option especially with instalers
I have not tried any download manager nor have recorded a video before and it's going to be hard getting the software in the first palce but i'll se what I can do.

Reminds me of when I used to use VLC for a very short period.

Sorry, just had to tell you that.

>tfw stuck with VLC
Though it only occasionally glitches video, it's the audio that I can't stand