Fuck it I've spent 4 months getting memed while trying to figure out which programming language I want to learn

Fuck it I've spent 4 months getting memed while trying to figure out which programming language I want to learn.
I'm going with this one and sticking with it.

Don't fall for the python2.7 meme. It has slightly more support due to having been around longer, but python3.5 has so many useful additions to python2.7 with many modules re-implemented in C for a speed boost. Type-hinting helps for those who prefer static typing

I suggest you start learning the fucking language now

this. Many of the projects I'm working on are forced to use 2.7 because the higher ups are afraid of backwards compatibility problems but fail to understand that forward compatibility is going to be a much bigger issue.

Get some balls and stop asking people to run your life

Ruby, Python
Java, C#, C
pick one from each

Python + C is clearly the best combination

Me too :D

Go for it. I took the decision three months ago, it is real fun. First language too. Now I am learning how to use Curses, a way to display programs in a CLI in a more attractive way.

I plan to learn C once I feel really confident about my skills.

it's good. just disregard Sup Forums, it's the most cancerous board on Sup Forums

Python is a great language to start on because it allows you to learn the fundamentals of programming and actually make things without getting bogged down in language specific idiosyncrasies.

There's good support across a wide variety of topics and platforms whether it's web, data, games, modeling, etc.

4 months ?
kys faggot

start learning that shit already and stop asking for excuses you lazy fat slob.

This. So much this. Don't waste time on 2.7. Start on 3.x and never look back.

Dude it takes like a day to learn the basics. Get your fucking shit together and do something productive, what is wrong with you!??

Wtf dude just learn C

these guys are memeing you btw.

literally kys


once you've learned one you've pretty much learned them all
not even kidding
you should've just learned the easiest one to begin with

Pick a python, any python. As long we you're learning python.

OP should be careful about this decision and really think about it before he commits.

this is a joke op dont waste any more time picking a language

Start with Python and then you can learn a language like C.

You fell for the Python meme OP.

I'm sorry.

>with many modules re-implemented in C for a speed boost

And yet Python 3 is slower in almost every benchmark.

didn't ask for your fucking opinion


This is bullshit. Try telling as JS developer that

That's because a lot of Python's performance problems stem from its horrible object model and type system.

Python's speed defects are symptoms of its shitty linguistic features.

For real though, Python3 is a meme. Use it only if you don't mind abandoning all the py3 specific shit you've gotten used to when a library you need inevitably doesn't work.

>latest version of a language is a meme

The fact that there are so many retards spouting this is evidence that the entire language is a meme.

Yeah, they fucked up pretty bad

both of you are a meme. Only Sup Forums advocates python2

Just pick language and stick with it. I was like you at one point. Already new a little c++ but kept touching new stuff getting no where.
Ended up just sticking with c++.

Really, don't. Python is syntactically pretty similar to languages like Java or C(#,++,etc.), with the advantage of being interpreted and still highly desirable in the marketplace. Enforces decent programming practices + 'pythonicity' better than most other interpreted languages (and isn't a total shitshow like perl* or PHP). Best place to start programming

>python developers spend a lot of time and energy pushing subprocess over os.popen
>still support it on 3 even though it is depreciated on 2

What the fuck? Fucking freetards.

end your life

This. Almost nobody is using Python 3 in production and none of the alternative implementations support Python 3. Python will probably die with version 2.

> Best place to start programming

Python has created an entire generation of programmers who think that Python is actually good.

That's even worse than what television did.

>get memed on Sup Forums
>pick language
>ask memers on Sup Forums for their opinions
>going to get memed again
Why do you post here?


>Almost nobody is using Python 3 in production
Where is this meme coming from? We use it in my workplace and it at least eliminates all those unicodedecodeerror's

Has any language ever jumped the shark as badly as Python did when they broke backwards compatibility with 3? What the fuck were they thinking?

>waiting 4 months to start

Jesus dude, just start already. The first language is always the hardest because you have to learn the syntax and the logic. Once you get that, learning other languages becomes significantly easier.

If you want something easy to grasp: C# or Java
If you want to be a memelord: PHP or Python
If you want to make money: C++

>What the fuck were they thinking?
They wanted it to be the most popular programming language and it succeeded



I can't take any language community seriously that would fuck up as bad as Python did. It shows the lack of professionalism and forward thinking present in virtually all technical decisions made by the Python community.


Did it cover any useful language?


what does that even mean? I swear, this place is where the real meaning of words comes to die.

nice samefag

>implying language choice is what matters
Stay curry my friend

So you're saying it didn't?

>still caring about currying
huge functional programming meme m8

python is popular because retards like this user use it

It's literally the opposite though.

It's because none of the major companies using Python use Python 3 (Google, Mozilla, Instagram, Dropbox, Nasa, Disqus, Quora etc.) and none of them have any plans of migrating to it. Instead most of them are slowly migrating their Python services to other languages.

It doesn't help that almost everyone now realizes that dynamic typing is terrible.

What else is there besides Python for a general purpose scripting language?

I can't see Python dieing just because nothing else is as nice to make scripts in.

Another decade and Py3 will probably be the standard

nice meme

If you think that language choice matters for an introductory textbook, you will always be pajeet. That tells you nothing about the quality of the book. If you had actually read the book, you would realize this. Instead, you shovel shit with your hands in curryland.


lel doesn't the creator of python work there?

>What else is there besides Python for a general purpose scripting language?

There's no need for a scripting language. Just use your preferred statically typed language.


Lisp or Perl.

i've finally settled on C# and .Net


> general purpose scripting language

Why are people afraid of using special-purpose languages? Python tries to be everything and fails at all of it. If you want to interact with C, then Lua and Scheme work better. If you need to glue together programs, then shell works better.

This mentality is present in every aspect of the language. It has all the drawbacks of OO and dynamic typing, but none of the benefits of either.

Will Perl ever make a comeback?

Yes. They don't really give a shit about Guido's opinion on Python 3 though.

C++ : people say it's great because OOP
C : ??
Java: also great???

Shell does not work better. It's a fucking mess. A simple example would be downloading some csv files, parsing/cleaning the data, storing them into a sqlite db, then generating some HTML.

What would that look like in bash?


that's it

anything else is just icing on the cake to know

The creator of Python is why Python is so fucked today. Fuck that dude.

Holy fuck 4 months? You'd think in that 4 months you would have realized that language doesn't matter at all. Just learn one. Once you learn the concepts you pick up any language in a weekend. And you can learn those concepts from pretty much any language

>4 months
You could have learned Python 4 times over in that amount of time.

I love you

Any statically typed language will do. You'd be hard pressed to find one that is worse than Python, Ruby or PHP.

Python 3.4.4

>downloading cvs

>parsing/cleaning the data

>storing them into a sqlite db

>generating some HTML
sqlite can output HTML

This was a trivial example, come on.

>not 3.5.2 for type hinting


Why would you write 4 separate scripts that don't all use the same syntax, when you can do it with fewer lines in a single python file that will probably also run faster?

Just start with whatever is most relevant to what you want to do, or if you really don't know, python. Honestly there's no "bad" language to start with, you just want to make sure it's decently popular so there are enough resources out there and people you can ask help from if you get stuck. Also make sure it's not a joke language like brainfuck or that one language that's all emojis. If you're serious about being a good programmer you're going to wind up learning various languages that were made for different paradigms and use cases. Anyone who tells you "Language X is bad, don't start with that or your programming ability will be fucked forever" doesn't know what they're talking about and is either parroting opinion pieces that focus on one or two shitty aspects of that language (spoiler alert: every language has something shitty about it) or hating on it because that language is stereotypically used by some group they don't like. The only thing that's gonna make you a shitty programmer is limiting your skillset because someone else told you to.

It would all be one script.

And I seriously doubt it would be fewer lines or run significantly faster.

Depends on how involved the text processing needs to be, but it's a moot point anyway because python's just as fast to write and easier to maintain and reuse. Shell scripting is fine for simple, one-off tasks that only require a few lines of code, but if you're going to write a 50 line script controlling how a bunch of components interact with one another, there's literally no reason to use it over python.

Except that Python solution usually relies on libraries that may or may not break, whereas most CLI tools are relatively constant.

>easier to maintain and reuse
apparently not considering the breaking changes between 2 and 3.

And seriously, you're trying to say that Python is better at text processing than the Unix shell? That's what it's *for*.

You also shouldn't install libraries into the system python path as other things may depend on particular library versions. So you need to start fucking around with virtualenv and bundling a Python interpreter.

It's just one disaster after another when using Python.


but Python 4 isn't out yet

Ah, I hadn't heard of this.

Another thing to add to my hatred of Python. Thank you user.

Python and Ruby packaging is a huge mess.

nah ignore this guy, i've never literally once had a problem with conflicting library dependencies

>I've never had the problem so it doesn't exist

name one single library

Clearly your anecdotal evidence is worth more than the opinion of almost the entire Python community! virtualenv was just made for fun and most Python/Django books cover it just to mislead people.

wasn't the user. just pointing out your flawed reasoning.

name one single library

SQLAlchemy has broken backwards compatibility several times. Most third party libraries break backwards compatibility at some point. How is this even up for debate?

if you are making a personal home page let me suggest PHP

>Except that Python solution usually relies on libraries that may or may not break, whereas most CLI tools are relatively constant.
Yeah, at the expense of performance and functionality. I didn't say bash is worthless

>apparently not considering the breaking changes between 2 and 3.
I'm talking about a module with less than 100 lines of code using the standard library

>And seriously, you're trying to say that Python is better at text processing than the Unix shell? That's what it's *for*.
It is. If you need to parse a text file, construct a table of metadata, and import it into a database, what to do think is faster, pushing everything into a hashmap and exporting that inside the program, or piping the output of an awk script to a new csv before running a second script?


This. All of these dynamically typed imperative languages are crap so you might as well go with the most popular one and the one with the simplest deployment. PHP with HHVM is also much faster than Python and Ruby.