1060 prices start popping up

350-400€ in yuropland

Other urls found in this thread:


21% sales tax in my country


>23% vat in my country

27%, here lads

Is anyone actually dumb/desperate enough to buy one of these at that price?

No, but shills will still tell you buy them.


Nahh I'm hoping some store goes full retard and drops maxwell prices like bricks.
That failing, I'll just say fuck it and grab a 480

gigabyte gtx 1070 is the cheapest here at 520 euros. it all depends on how the 1060 will perform in comparison


I just bought an R9 390 seeing is probably the cheaper solution here than a non-reference 480 (Which could be weeks away from here)

>paper launch with limited stock
>already vastly overpriced
topkek, i didn't think this launch could get any worse.

Honestly this might be 980 vs. 980ti all over again, if the 400€ price tag sticks and the performance "up to the 980" is accurate, as in a significant performance bump for 25% more.

Daily reminder that you can order from Germany with its 19% tax and less price hiking on computer parts within the EU, as long as the shops ship it to your country. :^)

I already do, but on the stores I buy from, as soon as I set my country as the destination address everything shows up at 23% vat

Why do you people support a regressive tax like that?

We have no other choice.

>fatalistic bullshit
And that's why you're supporting it.

Oh I forgot, they added some new EU law to use the tax percentage of the country they're ordering from. :^)

>mfw 27% ÁFA

of course goy, what kind of silly question is that

Milyen faszság már hogy 480 többe kerül mint a 390?

most egy árban vannak
mindegyik kb 90 ezer ft
ehelyett kb 55 ezernek kéne lennie a 480nak ha $199 számolunk



25% here.. fuck me

Kurwa no.

Ile myslicie, ze w kraju cebuli bedzie? 1700?

Gunwo mie obchodzi żbsz, dopiero kupiłem 950

Ile dales?

Same question applied when reference RX480 started at 300€. And people bought it regardless.

700 o ile dobrze pamiętam

when is NDA lifted? Fryday?

650 jednak

About 2 hours

You europoors cried about how AMD rx480 cost you 200 euros. Karma?

What are you even talking about?


Free will doesn't exist you moron lmao


Eu prices are rubbish
I thing ill get a 470 or even a 460

prices in France

Roughly same performance, $170 extra nvidia tax.


cheapest i've seen here in france is 279€ for a gigabyte non-reference

wait nevermind, it's a pre-order for the 27 july

Am i able to buy one here in the UK yet? or is it just preorders?

>259 yuros
>299 yuros
>389 yuros at max

What are you? Casuls?

But there are 279 1060 cards on mindfactory (Germany).

1279zł w górę na morele

>tfw not in EU
>25% VAT
>stores also need massive margins because they have to pay their sweatshop workers like 20€/hr or more

Shoot me in the face

What are you on about honkey?
280€ famalam AMD is finished