Who's the oldest student on Sup Forums? Can anyone beat 25?

Who's the oldest student on Sup Forums? Can anyone beat 25?

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cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/docs/Info-Vicious Cycle of Depression.pdf

I'm 26. grad students will always beat you.

27 here, I'm cool with being an older student

24. but ill prob be classin til 28-30

I'll be 32 when I get out of med school

I will be 32 when I get my phd


kissless vrigin too

posting this so we know if you get b&

Turning 32 and starting my Masters... though surely that's not what you meant.

I was 34 when I got my master's. I felt a bit old back then. I'm 35 now and doing a phd, but I don't feel old anymore.

same op. no sweat though, it's really satisfying watching smug children switch out cause they lack discipline, my program is skewing older as the years go on

23 here. Still in high school though.


I don't understand what you mean by this.

"why are you still in HS @ 23" is the implied question. they are wondering if you fucked up your youth with gangs. surprised you didn't just test out of it, apply to uni as a mature student and explain your circumstances

Is you being in high school at age 23 because of gangs? I got 2 years for a 240 because I was involved with the wrong people you know. Had to finish high school by age 22, bad grades and staying back a couple times didn't help either.

26, will be 27 when I (hopefully) finish my double masters degree.

Oh. I'm not involved with any of that stuff, I'm just mentally ill and poor so I've dropped out over 5 times already.

>surprised you didn't just test out of it, apply to uni as a mature student and explain your circumstances
Because I can't get past the second semester every time I try to study again, so I don't know most of the stuff required to pass the exam.

Nah, I'm too autistic to be involved with gangs. I don't even have friends.

i went back to school for a 2nd time and graduated when i was 30

I fought in Korea

I hope your assburgers gets better.

Unfortunately it can't get better, at least not without really expensive drugs, but thanks anyway.

23, I'll be 24 when I'm done

kind of depressing but had I stuck with my original degree I would be fucking kicking myself

Just cut your losses and get a GED

I didn't know people actually were in highschool past age 20

its only a couple of years out your life.

I lost one in a similar way. At the same time it does still burn a little. but your twenties are shorter than you think and that 2 years could have been another early job hop.

still going strong at 48, it'll be my 4th degree though and I'm working at the same time.

I just turned 20 with one year left for a CIS degree. Already had two internships and now a part time job in healthcare IT.

Kys losers.

29. I already got a masters and im now doing a second one in a completely different field cause reasons.

I worked a couple of years between school. So got my degree at 26. Thinking of going back for one more year.

At least I'm not in that much debt. Maybe like 10k in burgers

>CIS degree
You need a degree for calling people shitlords on the Internet?

Computer Information Systems. The best degree you can get in technology.

>not enjoying the free education money the government gives you

>The best degree you can get in technology
That's not mathematics.

Can't you get disability and live off that? I'd figure you'd be a shoe in.

Can't get autismbux in Mexico.

>The best degree you can get in technology.
What is
>computer science
>electrical engineering
>computer engineering
>the 100s of certifications you can get

Kys idiot.

26 next month. About to go into the third year of my bachelors. I started uni at 18 like everyone else, but dropped out twice, spent a few years as a wageslave, moved across the country, started a different uni, had to repeat a year, and had to suspend for another year. My shit is all fucked up.

You're gonna make it man, don't worry about it. If you don't have any friends then just go visit your relatives sometimes and try to hang out with them. They're kinda have no choice but to hang out with you since they're your family and whatnot. Practice being social around them to build up confidence.

Whatever you do, just don't lock yourself in a room watching children's cartoon shows from Japan 16 hours a day. That shit isn't healthy for you.


I'm so sorry.

I'll enjoy being your manager one day.

Get back to work.

that's not true. you can do more to aim your behavior without any drugs and make a positive change.

I wish I had an anime girl pic to motivate you.

Nice bait. Made me respond.
Please explain how you'll be my boss?

2 years out of your twenties is pretty bad. they're your healthiest and you can afford to take risks. i'd rather give up 6 years at 60 than 2 years at 20.

CIS = CS + Business

CIS + MBA = Your boss

Back to the grind, worker.

It's alright, I will have better luck in my next life if any.

True, but I'm still biologically fucked and need meds for some things.

Calm down ladies

tfw 29 y/o kissless virgin that dropped out of school twice due to unrelenting depression

> being a faggy server jockey who people call when the internet's not working

Age is Sup Forums's gay little jerkoff secret.

>we're better than reddit, because we don't care about race, gender, or anything!
>...except age

change Sup Forums to have an age number along with your post now, so we can all lie about it and then put in 105 so we can stop having these bottom of the barrel, worse than reddit, butt diddling turbo ass loser taco threads

I am 26
I am gonna go back to college and finish.
Ive been away for a few years

No you not, nigga you lying. You just have some kind of suppressed complex.

It's true user

very similar to me. have you managed to pinpoint whats wrong with you?

>no prospects
>high school education

I want to DIE senpai. Depression and social anxiety literally ruined any chance at life.

you're myopic as shit. youth is fleeting. I would not want to give up 6 years at 60, that's when i'd be making the most amount of money i will ever make.

MBA is worthless unless you're in ivy. it's Literally a Meme Degree. In your current position you aren't automatically set up for anything, don't talk shit until you actually make it.

Suicide is always an option.

I was talking about your "unrelenting depression". You have some kind of suppressed complex from the posts you make. You need to get that shit sorted out before it eats you from the inside out senpai.

Well at least take pride in knowing I'm a 34 year old carpenter who dropped out of HS and never got his GED who can barely keep his job because of obesity and other medical problems. You're not at rock bottom yet kid.

21 now, I'll be 25 when I graduate

Agoraphobia and panic disorder, but I'm too much of a retard to stick with therapy and medication.

desu all mental disorders are imagined but I didn't know that at the time

>desu all mental disorders are imagined
But they will manifest into your daily life if left untreated. You're that person who hasn't figured out what his complex is yet and is suppressing whatever it is and that's causing you self-loathing and depression. Find out what it is. Only from then on can you begin your road to recovery.

Thanks Satan, I'll just politely ask my chemical imbalance induced hallucinations to leave.

I'm already better, guy. Just have to realize that only faggots have mental problems

the real ones aren't, such as schizophrenia

nearly everyone has mental problems of some sort. suppressing it will just make it come up in other ways. in your case, it manifests itself as being a terrible shitposter on an underwater anime weaving board.


Here's a list of the most common ones. Look through them carefully and you may see your reflection in them.

Well that makes you one lmao. The good news is is that you're curable but first you have to find out which complex you have before you can do anything about it.

Trust me man, I used to consider suicide like every second of my life until I found out what my complex was, faced it, and fixed/treated it. Now I only consider suicide like once a month, I'd call that a massive improvement to be quite honest.

no u

Virtually any PhD student, so yes.

Absolutely pathetic to blame your shortcomings on a mental disorder. Sack up and just don't be a loser.

le "bootstraps" argument. kys

I only finished my BA last year at 25

>Absolutely pathetic to blame your shortcomings on a mental disorder. Sack up and just don't be a loser.
If only it were that simple. Look I'm trying to help you, I was able to mostly unfuck myself because I was able to find out what my complex was.

When people don't know what their complex is they tend to sub-consciously suppress it and from this point on it grows like a cancer and affects you in real life. Much like what's happening to you right now.

>starts off with As and Bs and steadily declines to Fs
This is my college experience too

Why would I kill myself? Here's my reasoning on why I wouldn't:

If I live, there's always a chance of having good feels.
If I die there is zero chance of having good feels.
Easy choice to not kill self.

Oh look I took an online test that says I'm autistic, better use it as an excuse to lay around and watch anime

When will we gas the mentally ill?

Just leeches on society.

So let's say I imagine having depression. For some reason, I think I have depression when I really do not. I have delusions of being depressed. This imagined disorder makes me miserable since my personal and professional lives both suffer.

How is that not a mental disorder? If depression is imaginary, people STILL have a mental disorder since their imagination is broken and makes them miserable.

time to retire, gramps. stop stealing jobs from younger people.

Link the test please.

And being a pathetic loser who is incapable of taking responsible for your own shortcomings isn't a mental disorder?

You have to remember they can gas you too. They're human just like you.

Then you need to step aside and look at your situation and realize there's no physiological reason to be depressed and then hate yourself for being depressed until you eventually get motivated enough to get out of it


kill yourself, nigger.

You honestly sound like you might have a god complex. Look into that

I'll be 26 when I get out.


I await your results.

You talk shit because you life feeling edgy, they actually have the balls to do it.

Go be an armchair psychiatrist somewhere else

Jesus are you niggers getting trolled by Jordan AGAIN?

im a 27 year old high school/trade school drop out with homicidal tendencies. match me.

dnf auto-remove life

hmm yes. many billions of dollars of research and study, and large populations of people have no problems. no siree. the industry exists for no reason at all. you literally don't know anything about depression.

>hate yourself for being depressed until you eventually get motivated enough to get out of it
Someone knows absolutely nothing about depression!

Self-loathing is a major component of the vicious cycle of depression. People often hate themselves for being depressed. This makes them feel guilty and worthless. Feelings of guilt and worthless are part and parcel of depression, so self-loathing only makes people more depressed.

cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/docs/Info-Vicious Cycle of Depression.pdf

A what? Losses?

They gave me pills for it (a few kinds) and they literally did nothing positive. At best they made me not feel overwhelming depression but they also took away any feelings of happiness.

I didn't get better until I decided to stop taking drugs. Don't kid yourself, God made your body self-healing and it can take a lot of shit. Medicine and doctors literally make things worse. You know how doctors get paid? BY YOU BEING SICK DUDE

Antidepressants are a crap shoot. They work wonders for some people and don't work at all for others. Your experience is not universal.

>God made your body self-healing and it can take a lot of shit. Medicine and doctors literally make things worse. You know how doctors get paid? BY YOU BEING SICK DUDE
You are delusional.

>I used to be constantly depressed and lived for years with intentions to kill myself every day
>Find out I have a specific complex I never really noticed
>Take steps to treat it
>I'm better now
>tripcuck sounds like he's in a similar position I was in
Yeah I'm not a psychiatrist but this dumbass sounds like he's in the same pain I was in so of course I'm going to offer him advice that worked on me. What if I'm right and I help him find peace? Fuck you for trying shoo away that kind of help.

lol. there are many things that are indeed within your circumstances, but your situation is not representative of all situations. a bad diet, no exercise and no social life can indeed be vectors for depression, but it isn't the whole story. ssri's are tricky as well. it is a fairly complicated thing which is co-morbid with other ailments, "depression" can be nebulous and symptomatic of other underlying problems without being the problem itself; it is an umbrella term detailing the effects moreso than mechanism of action.

>there's no physiological reason to be depressed
You realize the complexities of the chemical reactions in our brain, right? You realize imbalances cause many psychological diseases. One of them is depression.

Go look up symptoms for some random illness online
Go to doctor complaining of them

See if they don't magically tell you that you've got this illness and then take your money

>Kys losers.
You need to step up your game...

> 34
> No degree
> Multiple time college dropout
> Have 3 patents that receive license fees
> Cars paid for
> Houses paid for
> Get income from several rentals
> Designed and built the house I live in, on 110 acres
> Work 4 - 5 days/week, mostly from home
> Make ~140K/year from that alone
> Will retire in a few years

And I'm sure there's one or two on here that, for whatever reason, have gotten further than I have.

TL;DR - There's always someone better, so maybe you should eat that bullet yourself...