A general for discussing archlinux and software on arch linux.
pic: the software I run on my linux distro
A general for discussing archlinux and software on arch linux.
pic: the software I run on my linux distro
Is this the new desktop thread?
posting in the ARCH LINUX GENERAL thread, i installed arch on my phone and it is much better than android
what is that software you're running for music playback?
arch custimized this
Can you still make calls?
>Kernel 2.6
That's not your screenshot
why that would be MPD (music player daemon) although it's not actually running on my phone. It's actually running on my desktop and i'm just controlling it remotely with ncmpcpp.
any proof on the matter?
>not using custom arch backload kernale
So do you tap to click? How do you right click?
what package do i install to get out of bed because its 5pm send help
yeah, tap is click, tap and hold is right click
Arch sure is COOL.
actually, i can't
but i have no one to call so it doesn't matter anyway
>I never used Arch
>My IQ is too low :-DDDDDD
wtf im using arch I swear
im a big boy linux uiser im so smart I can install arch I SWEAR IM USING ARCH
reporting in
>not having an up-to-date kernel
>implying i need more than 2GB ram
Whatever makes you feel alright winbabby
that's pretty fuccin gai, boi
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