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hey lads, Sup Forumsack here, first time on Sup Forums and need help
I'm looking for a good cheaper android, mainly I want good performance and display so I can watch HD (preferably fullHD) porn smoothly, good battery is a plus but not necessary, don't really give a fuck about camera since I don't use it much anyway
price range ~$170-270 because I'm a poorfag
I found several Lenovo's that fit in precisely, but unfortunately I am strongly against buying anything from China
I'm in Europe btw
>pic unrelated


checked it out, turns out it costs ~$400 over here, that's way too much for me
appreciate the answer anyway f a m

With a budget like that, you can probably get a flagship phone from 2014. has already given you a good suggestion. I suggest a Sony Z3/Sony Z3 Compact, pretty decent phone.



It still works but I'm worried it might crap out for good later.

5,5-inch Nokia phone with android? hope it's not for chinese only



Has a 2560x1440 screen, 3GB of RAM, removable and upgradable battery, 32GB internal + microsd slot and LG somehow has the balls to sell it for $200.

Doesn't the LG G3 have bootloop issues like the LG G4?

Pretty sure they fixed that shit by now else they'd get overwhelmed with RMAs

>LG G3 is $200 on Amazon.com
>the 16GB version is $500 on Amazon.ca
Is buying a smartphone in Canada some kind of sick joke?

Also how does the G3 stack up against the comparatively priced chinese phones like the Xiaomi Note 3 Pro?

they're still expensive over here
they're cheap af on ebay, but I'm not sure about buying a phone from someone on he other side of the world
looks pretty neat and the price is good as well, thanks for tip f a m

It's not a chinkphone so it pretty much wins by default.

>Also how does the G3 stack up against the comparatively priced chinese phones?
By not being from China.

can anyone comment on the battery life of the moto x pure? is it satisfactory?

Since it wasnt answred in the last thread, I'll try again.

I'm looking for a good phone in the price range 140-180. I'm especially interested in VR.

I'm torn between the LG G2, which I can get used but in good condition for 150€ or the Redmi Note 2 in new condition for 140€.

Which one should I get?

Just got a Redmi Note 3 (qualcomm) on friday and I'm happy with it.

Just like guy from two posts above, trying again.
Budget is no problem. Long batterytime, quick as fuck, screen doesn't even have to be 1080p, size doesn't matter, camera doesn't matter.

I guess battery and speed is most important.

Should I upgrade to a Nexus 5X now or wait for a new one to come out this year?

Forgot, needs to be atleast 64GB if there is no sd expansion.

OnePlus 3 and a new laptop or Galaxy Note 7?

why would you even want 5x to begin with? it's shit.

Because my Nexus 6 is too big and it just broke

Canadian here.
I need to get a phone.
Should I just lock myself into one of those two year contracts? It seems like such a bad idea...

Just pay full price for the phone and then force them to unlock it (they have to unlock it by law)

THe problem with canada is it's hard as fuck to buy a phone outside of carriers.

go for non-ripoffs like OnePlus 3 and Nexus phones (both around 500 dollars) and you can just use prepaid plans and cancel anytime

or get into one of those contracts and get an iphone for 500 dollars and be a slave to the carrier and be milked for two years

if you are rich just buy an iphone(or its likes) for 1000 dollars and use prepaid plans

forgot to say iphones galaxies htc all those are just shameless ripoffs

Brit here with a broken Moto G 1st Gen.

Any advice on a new ~$200 (~£150) phone? Nice camera would be okay but not a must.

Was thinking either Moto G4 (Plus?), or Redmi Note 3 Pro, or OnePlus X...

Any thoughts?

Good evening everyone!

Other Canadian here, why is it so hard?

Just got a second gen Moto E as a *rental* phone after my LG G4 bit the dust.

I'm actually really enjoying the smaller display. It's not that great for videos, but typing on it with swipe feels pretty amazing.

Definitely recommend this phone if you're looking for a cheap smartphone.


Because carriers have monopolies on certain models. The only unlocked phones you can buy from bestbuy/staples and the like are previous generations.

Any phones ≥5inch in the €115 range you'd recommend?

Is the HTC One m7 (mini) still worth buying in 2016?

Thanks user c:

What the fuck I don't think any Carrier in Europe has a monopol on certain models why aren't they getting shit for it?


Just be aware that that all sounds comes from the one front facing speaker in the pic, and and you need to download the APK online for some apps due to the phone not being"compatible" with them (games like Pokemon go will work, jus not with the camera function).

What's the best-priced smart watch that I could use with my Galaxy S7?
I heard there was a great number of $50 chinese smartwatches but I feel like only a select few would actually be viable to use

I'm getting a Samsung Galaxy S6 tomorrow. (not an edge)

What should I pick up for it at the same time? Any recommendations for stuff like screen protectors or other extras?

A power bank since the battery is meh

It will not crap out for good.

Why has my battery on my Note 4 gone to complete shit in just two years? It literally dies at 30%. One time it died at 52% opening up snapchat.

Does it have something to do with the fast charger?

RN3P is always recommended on here.
I own the OPX and while it's good, I would not purchase it anymore. Both sides have weak glass and the phone is extremely slippery.

It's better to wait.

Yes. Buy some Anker batteries.


Mind giving me some sort of visual representation for how bulky one of these things are? I love extra battery life, but I also want portability.

Prob gonna buy Redmi Note 3 Pro tonight from Top One.

Anything I should put in the "special request" box?

No bigger than 5.5", preferably 5"
LTE, dual SIM would be nice, as close as possible to stock Android 6

redmi note 3 pro w/ cyanogenmod 13 is the current go-to rn

My Note 4 shuts down at ~20%, even with a new battery it shuts down at 10
It's just Samsung being shit as always
>Meanwhile iPhones run on 2% for like 30 minutes

see or zenfone 2 laser

shoo shoo stinky chinky

Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro 32 GB
Xiaomi Mi 5 32 GB
Is it worth the extra and will there be an official CM build for both devices?


lg g3 refurbished is £150 from argos' ebay store

otherwise nexus 5x is £170 on carphonewarehouse

Why are chinkphones so cheap? Are they unreliable? Are they part of the botnet? Do they spy on you and steal your info?

I'm sorry but the note 3 is just better. Sure muh 1440p screen, but that doesnt even work in its favour (and honestly 1080p is prob better overall when taking battery life, etc. into account.)

Sure 'cause its Chinese it may not have the best reputation, but neither does LG. And the redmi is the fifth most popular phone world wide this half (of course you have to take account all the pakis n' chinks, but still), so it'll have community support for a long time (see cyanogenmod)

that's all i m o tho

>part of the botnet
>they spy on you
>steal your info
pick all

I just got a Huawei Honor x5 and Im pretty happy with the build quality so far, the stock launcher seems a bit shit, dont even know how i can remove the stock apps from there. Whats a good alternative?

Ask them to not flash the global ROM

yes to all of that

I'm a few moments away from buying myself a Nexus 6p, /spg/
But tell me though

Am I making a mistake?

Well shit.


Yeah, get a ZTE Axon 7 instead

>Snapdragon 820
>64GB storage + SD card slot
>2k AMOLED screen

this is pretty well known, and common practice is to just wipe it when it arrives. its part of the price you pay, i guess.

I don't know, you tell me.

Amerifag here, Sprint. have a note 3 right now, and it's still holding up strong, but the lack of quickcharge makes battery charging kind of a pain in my ass. (granted I have a grandfathered unlimited data plan so I do way more streaming/gps than the usual user, I don't save to disk or go to a wifi hotspot) My upgrade's pretty soon so price isn't much of an object of concern. Just need something with A) insanely good battery life or B) quickcharge so I can make a magnetic charger for it and fill up in 20 minutes. I like the note's pen however don't use it as much as I thought I would. Thinking about note 6/7 once it gets announced, should I stick with samsung and their shit bloatware, or is there another make that would be good for me? I heard Xperias are good, but I cant find out if they have the magnetic charging cables anymore, which that + quickcharge would suit my needs.

I'm one click away from buying the OP3. Anyone here who owns it and regrets it?

Any reason why I should buy something else?

Is it not literally the best phone on the market right now for the price?

Are updates really THAT slow and unreliable on Oneplus? Do you think it will get at least 2 more Android versions after N?

Are the 6Gb of RAM a meme? I think this is the main aspect that will make it future proof more than any other phone available right now. Android eats RAM like crazy, the main reason why older phone become unusable with age is the low amount of RAM. I think the OP3 is going to last at least a couple of years with amazing performance, then depending on how well OnePlus works on the software, it might either be still decent for at least 2 more years or keep being amazing for another year and then decent for 2 more before becoming completely obsolete. If you go to custom roms, you could possibly squeeze an additional year of usability from it. So my prediction is that it will last 4 to 6 years with no major issues. It seems that the build quality and durability is also top tier and it's easy to open up and repair.

why do people still buy samsung

no msd slot and the screen if they arent a problem for you then click

because they are normie plebs that don't understand anything

Is Project Fi good?

First time poster since I don't really buy smartphones every year.
My current galaxy s2 is slowly dying, meaning the battery went bad and I often get told that my phone is turned off when people call me when it's clearly turned on.

What phone can I get that has good battery life, with a good OS? I only use it for calls, texts and occasionally games. My budget is around 450$

>2 more Android versions
Probably not, but only Nexus devices will
>4-6 years
Yeah, no. Battery life will be shit in 2-3 years.

I really like my OP3, I came from a Samsung Note 4 and it was worth every cent. Just make sure to buy the sandstone black case if you want a case since it's the only one that levels the camera bump.

They are both old shitty phones and they're not nearly adequate for VR.

>Sup Forumsack
>watch porn
Shame on you. Anyways, get something like a refurb flagship, Huawei P8, Z3, Galaxy S4/5 (+CM), LG G3, Nexus 5X, etc.

>Good battery life + calls texts and Games
Some random cheap chink shit with a 3500mah battery
>Good os
Whatever motorola has to offer in that price Range, usually the newest Moto G

It's the new Apple.


64Gb is enough. I never used more than 32. The screen doesn't seem too bad.
>Probably not, but only Nexus devices will
The interface is nearly full stock and the hardware is very well supported being full qualcomm. If Sony could give 3 android versions to the Z then I think OnePlus will be able to give at least 2 more versions after N.

>Yeah, no. Battery life will be shit in 2-3 years.
Easy to teardown and replace. It's literally 2 screws to get it open.


This poster here.

>Can save $150 on the Nexus 6p if you go with Project Fi
I'm sceptical mates. Is there something I should be afraid of or would I be stupid not to go with it and save money?

Ask them to flash the official global rom, otherwise you'd have a chinky vendor rom installed with malware and no updates.

Do you want the best you can get for 450$? Then go with the OP3
The Moto G4 will be enough for your needs and costs you ~250$

Moto G4 from Amazon.

I don't know, you tell me.

Another question, how good are the mophie battery packs? My brother has a samsung s6 with the mophie pack, we don't talk much, else I would ask him, but does it improve on the battery life?

Also, how does the s6 compare the the OP3?

Lacks several LTE bands in the U.S.

>ordered OP3
>paid with instant transfers via payu
>money taken from account
>payment status "started" for 7 hours

And there I hoped to have it by tomorrow.

Some people don't need external space tho.

Why this over the LG G3?

Go kill yourself already you cocksucking shill.

Who are these "some" people? Everyone I know that has owned a nexus/onecuck phone has complained about not having enough space and usually jumping ship and getting an LG/Samshit phone.

From what I've seen OP3 beats every other phone in multitasking, apps launch really fast, everything runs fast on both.
However Samsung's flagships are just slightly faster when it comes to raw performance in-app.

64Gb is ridiculous already. You're never going to fill up that space unless you take a million pictures and fill it with anime. With some management, cloud uploads, and backups to an external drive (it does support USB OTG anyway) 64Gb will last you a lifetime.

Because G3 is old, has a shit battery, and bootloops as frequently as the G4.

I have a 32GB iPhone 5s from which I'm switching right now and I don't think there was a single time I maxed out the storage on it.
Now you know someone who didn't need the extra space.

I don't know, you tell me.


But where do I get it in yurop though?

>However Samsung's flagships are just slightly faster when it comes to raw performance in-app.

Since when? Also, I've owned the S4 and due to samsung built in bloatware, when the new version of Android which eats ram like a hungry hambeast gets released the system will be bogged down and everything will slow to a crawl. The S4 is still capable hardware wise, but due to samcuck's unrelenting bloat the system runs like shit on Lollipop with the stock rom. Also on Samsung your modding ability is limited by Knox and other bullshit. The OP is fully unlocked by default so you'll be able to rely on bored indians with too much free time on XDA when OnePlus stops delivering the goods.

Okay, thanks. So what is the best phone in this price-range (140-180)?

OK I get it that there's Redmi Note 3 and Redmi Note 3 Pro and the latter one has a better camera.

But then I find out there's Redmi Note 3 Pro with 2 GB RAM and Remi Note 3 Pro with 3 GB RAM (same name though)

Fine, I'll take Redmi Note 3 Pro with 3 GB RAM

But now I find out there's Redmi Note 3 Pro Prime


What's the difference? What should I get?