Why is Japan much more technologically advanced than the rest of the world?

Why is Japan much more technologically advanced than the rest of the world?

radiation mutated them and gave em super brains.

It's in the culture, spiritual shit, habits, etc. It's their way of living made it possible.

keeping the gene pool as clean as possible by not racemixing with troglodytes like the rest of the world therefore breeding genetically superior beings than all other nations.

It's a first world country.

It's nonsense all wrapped up in their national identity, for centuries they were the biggest isolationalist holdout and then came Perry's black ships and a society-wide cultural embrace of western technology, then after WW2 they lost the military and their corporate sector was the single greatest source of national pride, including a great investment in the tech sector.

Pretty much this. The fact that they really try to preserve their culture and pretty much discourage blending they stay pure efficient members of society. Not to bring up racial tension but if you were to remove just one minority group for the us ex African Americans the country would be of a higher standard with significantly lower crimes rates and such. Japan is like that but on crack as the traditional views and opinions of a century ago are still the foundation of their society now. Today they are driven by fear of being shamed by there peers to perform well in schooling and just in general being proper as in the states all we have is racial tension and feminism and people worried about legalising weed. Tbh I wish I grew up in Japan and I probably would have been a lot more productive.

>technologically advanced
>still using fax machines
stupid weeb

post le japan is le old technology because le bbc article and le i pulled the idea out of my le ass

They have widespread technology and the majority of their population is familiar with it. I'd say they're technologically advanced.

Japan advanced very quickly in the 60 to 80's and then never moved forward again.

And nearly half of Japan's population will be over the age of 60 by 2050. Japan's total population is on track to be reduced by 1/2 by 2100.

Meanwhile their benefits system will put more and more burden onto young workers who are already being overworked. Great society.

>I watched anime and saw them use fax machines!
It's because old people : young people ratio is skewed and that old people has been using it since the 90s and early 2000s. Fucking kickstart with millennials don't use that shit.

but the US has higher per-capita income, higher per capita scientific productivity, lower debt-to-GDP ratio, does all its own military spending, and boasts the best academia, highest concentration of fortune-500 companies, and best scientific research in the world, perhaps aside from CERN.

It's the value of multi-culturalism to be able to integrate the best ideas from different perspectives and incorporate the brightest individuals from any population into your own, as long as you are capable of sifting out the worst ideas and the unremarkable individuals.

Their population is aging and they don't want to import too many foreigners into the country so they are investing a shit ton of money into research and development of tech that may improve the lives of their senior citizens as well as onto anything that can improve any sort of production automation.

forgot; more rapid GDP growth as well

Japan is overpopulated anyway

Honestly wish we would legalize cannabis (or at least decriminalize on a federal level).

I don't even smoke anymore, but it's stupid seeing people get arrested over one measly gram. Cannabis is only illegal so cops can meet quota; there's no other reason why it should stay illegal unless you're an uptight blowhard who hates fun things.

Also entering kanji in a computer is a pain in the butt even these days. For shot notes writing it on a piece of paper and faxing it is faster and more convenient than email.



Who is more racist, the Japanese or Indians?

The constant GDP growth is due to in large part to a constant (seemingly never ending) flow of people (i.e. consumers) from latin america. Cut that off and "rapid" growth would become way more sporadic. Europe is trying to emulate the US but with little success in this regard.

It has greater economic complexity and is thus more self-sufficient in many ways.

It's actually quite remarkable for a country its size, considering the level of quality their products are known for.

It is because Japanese and German cultures value precision and persistence. That manifests in the engineering culture.


Japan still uses Internet Explorer and its economy has been stagnant for 25 years. Stop using anime as your only learning material.

>advanced tech
Most of the country still uses flipphones and windows xp

>Tbh I wish I grew up in Japan and I probably would have been a lot more productive.

Yeah, thats the reason you're a lazy loser. And you didn't even need weed to do it, congrats.

Don't a ton of big businesses lobby against it because they would lose money due to cannabis and hemp products?

No. They are a net drain on the economy. Meanwhile 1/4 of Mexicos gdp is money they send back that does not get spent in the states.

Shut the fuck up

Probably. In the US, Turbo Tax lobbies against reforms that make taxes simpler because less people will buy their software.

Because all the old inferstructure got fucking vaporised

>PC bangs

It aint all rainbows and sunshine bruh

Daily reminder that 80% of consumer PCs in japan run XP

Not really surprising I suppose.

Fuck off

Maybe 20 years ago this was true, nowadays Worst Korea has become the new Japan.
Elevens have become irrelevant in almost all regards, save for the still flourishing porn industry.


No you, dipshit

Fucking nerd shitface

Why is Germany much more technologically advanced than Japan?

not for long!



Can someone please post sauce on OP? Please

It's not, stop this meme, most people still use windows xp.

>most people still use windows xp meme
I have yet to see any proof of this.

We are busy decensoring japanese porn.



as a german this amuses me

honestly i dont know anyone who plays this stuff and begin to think they meant to be sarcastic, then again..

Their work day is like 150-200% as long as ours in the west.

Are you kidding? The japs are barely more advanced than any other first world country, certainley not more than the us. The population is just less spread oit so more people have easier acsess to the latest innovations. If someone from wyoming wants that in the us they have to travel atleast 600 miles to sf.

what's the point of having speedy connections if Japan websites oloks like the web in 90's?

They Instaled Gentoo

USA + China + Germany + Netherlands Are probaly more advanced than japan, especially China is the leader in producing eletronics. Germany and USA invent cpus and megastructures. The netherlands is a leader in making semiconductors. Japan uses these technologies from those countries to makr innovations too. But japan is like apple and they claim that they're innovative but other countries have done it before


Nigga, they are still using Windows 98 over ther and 4:3 screens

Japan uses Chrome.

You are thinking of Korea.

tldr, it's not.

A lot of people in Japan might use xp, but windows 7 is still widely used. But here's the thing: they cling to old technology. People in Japan hate learning new ways to do things. that's why everyone still pays with cash and the atms all close at 6 because there isn't a clerk there to help you "if something goes wrong". Have you ever spent time on Japanese websites? their whole internet presence is stuck in the 90s. Not to mention that a huge chunk of their population are seniors who don't know how to use a computer, nor do they care to learn.

But they also have these big companies that are constantly innovating crazy shit, and it does catch on, even if only as a fad. Like IR in cell phones (the reason is was included in gbc). That was huge in Japan and basically nowhere else in the world afaik. But really it was kind of a dumb gimmick. You could kinda swap phone numbers with it, and not much else. But that's really all they have over any other country. IR and toilets that play bird sounds so people can't hear you taking a shit.

from art style i would guess it's either by sanagi torajirou or takeda hiromitsu

>Economics discussion on Sup Forums
Gonna grab my popcorn really quick

Yeah, basically. They can actually focus on matters of importance rather than worrying about if their neighbor hates them for their race, religion or other nonsense. All nations should strive for that demographic stability.
Just no. You have no idea of the damage that is going to be inflicted as a result of this failed multicultural project. It is a giant bubble waiting to burst with global consequences

Also to clarify, multiculturalism can be very beneficial. But that's the niche, Swiss kind of multiculturalism where it's compatible people working together without highly divergent identities. Not the kind of immigration that has been recently imposed on people without a vote.

But it's not, some schools out in the countryside still use floppies

I know somebody who works on a farm and when he is done working for the day he litterally plays a simulator game of what he did the entire day.

Pokémon and the ability to marry your Nintendo DS.
Also, you can rent friends, intimacy and sex more easily than in the rest of the world.

Pretty much this.

I lived in Japan for 2 years (Yokohama) expecting this technological marvel everyone around the world imagine. At first I actually was amused from all the gimmicky technology that admittedly you will only ever find there, but as time went by I realized Japanese society is actually going backwards, nowadays they prefer foreign brands of technology and have stopped innovating in the consumer market, which is kinda sad actually.

they learned from 2 bombs

more culturally enriched, if anything

>biggest isolationalist holdout
Various tribes in the rain forests of Africa, South America and Indonesia were even more isolationists. Strangely these were also all stone age societies, no exaggeration.

>still using fax machines
It was, and stil lis, easier to scribble notes with Kanji on paper and then fax this over. Of course it is received by a computer and the fax machine is a multi function unit and has been so for decades.

It works. If it works, don't fix it.

True. And also well educated. That helps too.

>highest concentration of fortune-500 companies
Considering this is a list of US companies the conclusion was given well in advance.

>Japan advanced very quickly in the 60 to 80's
> and then never moved forward again.
I lived there in the 90's, just before the bubble burst. My experiences differ greatly form your statement.

That was all true before the US was multicultural. It's happening in spite of multiculturalism, not because of it. Why do you think leftists spend so much time bitching about the lack of POC women CEOs?

they're not

however their infrastructure is, and that's due to ww2 blowing everything up and american (and then later domestic) capital rebuilding everything

They will be replaced like the rest of the world.

This. Japan wouldn't have gone anywhere after WW2 if it weren't for $$ from the USA.
However, they falling into obscurity once again as they've lost their technological superiority to other asian countries. Being an island with no natural resources does not bode well. On top of it there's the aging society and natural disasters.

>USA + China + Germany + Netherlands
ASML and Philips are enlightened companies.

maybe this has to do with the way our language works.
If the language is really harsh and specific and doesn't flow as well as another language (for example english) - your mind gets programmed to that without you noticing.
German is a very sharp language, where the "s" gets spoken way too loud.
It's also an ugly-as-fuck language thats very efficient. You can bring across your point super fast in german. It sounds awful, but it works.

>I don't know how economics works: the post

They still consume which in turn increases the america n GDP while also enriching American companies.

corporate feudalism

Japan is owned by a few mega corporations and as a side effect they pump out some industrial equipment/electronic components/cars/etc.

Most of this stuff is obviously not manufactured in Japan.

Did I go 20 years back in time when Japan was still ahead?

if they are so advanced why do they still use flip phones and fax machines and their all their websites are still stuck in the 90s?

I always thought cops couldn't give two shits about a user. Back in university, if we got caught smoking the guy would just tell us to put it out and moved on. They have real criminals they need to worry about and they know it.

Some cops can be cool about it but in general its an easy arrest.

less bandwidth

why abandon functioning things?

nips don't care about processing power and buy weak office computers - therefore, websites are not clunky heavy pieces of shit

and they're right about that

anybody who has ever spent any amount of time there knows this. Even in Tokyo it's the same. The rest of you sound like complete idiots and you are talking out of your ass.

For god's sake they still do everything in the government with paper and pencil. They keep all of their records like that and have huge filing cabnets full of paper records, there is no push whatsoever to go digital at all. They'd like to think that they are super efficient that way but in reality it's because they hate change and don't trust technology and it is holding them back. I might even go so far as to say that the aversion to change is a factor in why the economy has taken a dive recently.

Because working technology that has been made obsolete by new technology isn't worth using when the amount of time and money spent replacing it would easily be made back in efficiency within four years in nearly all cases.

And scribbling kanji and faxing it is not in any way easier than email. Email is superior to faxing in literally every way. Faster, cleaner, less error prone, can be made more secure, cheaper, it's easier to type kanji than it is to write it. They still fax because that's the way it's always been done, and newer younger employees aren't allowed to question their superiors. Or if they are allowed, they won't because they don't want to rock the boat. It's a whole country of unrocked boats.

>Japan's economy is stagnant
When will this meme end? Japan has outperformed the West in GDP per capita growth during so called "lost decades". The West is simply increasing the volume of their economy by importing immigrants. In the long run, automation will make most of those people redundant while Japan will reap the benefits the most, plus they're the world largest asset holder (they have as much as Germany and China together), so they can afford the demographic aging until automation becomes widespread.

Much truth.

Also the Japanese tend to work for more years before being fully retired. Their work life is quite different from what it is like in the West.

>much more technologically advanced

It's not. They don't even have house numbers in order on their streets.

Abenomics will be the final nail in japan's economy.

Nice 6 year old chart.

They aren't tho, it's like you've never been there.

While on the subject of kanji, most younger japs can't write anywhere near as well as they can type, in terms of the more obscure kanji.

The mosaics on their porn. People gets less distracted.

Japan isnt more technologically advanced then the US. This is a stupid meme that cought on. Just because they are a society that embraces technology like robots ect doesn't mean they have the latest tech. The US still is alot more capable with technology then Japan. Japanese are good at copying ideas and advancing concepts. Korea also is actually has a better tech industry then Japan does. All of the worlds top universities are in the US too.

>really try to preserve their culture

>pretty much discourage blending

>they stay pure efficient members of society
Citation needed to show that discouraging "blending" leads to being "efficient" or some useless notion of purity

>significantly lower crimes rates and such
This isn't evidence that having more than one "race" in a country is necessarily bad.

>are still the foundation of their society now
I don't know how true this is, but what sort of things are we talking about? What ideas?

>in the states all we have is racial tension and feminism and people worried about legalising weed
So you're saying that people should just be silent about things that are causing them trouble, and that will lead to an efficient society. This doesn't seem right.