The reason why Nvidia removed SLi option on GTX 1060:
>Because 1060 x2 beats an OC 1080 at half the price
The reason why Nvidia removed SLi option on GTX 1060:
>Because 1060 x2 beats an OC 1080 at half the price
Was this ever not obvious?
Will they ever stop jewing everything and everyone left and right? Or will they "innovate", "invent" new proprietary shit which costs extra to use again?
Why would anyone even sli or crossfire rx480/gtx1060?
That's fucking retarded.
Multi GPU in general is retarded.
Completely independent of sli or crossfire.
Fuck off.
yes, but SLi was removed to decrease the number of games (currently) that would be able to benefit from 2x 1060.
AKA: Nvidia is jewing everyone to keep the 1070 and 1080 at the mega-jew level of overpriced
They're actually doing their customers a favor by eliminating the hassles of multigpu that you get, especially in budget builds with budget cards since it tanks the cpu
>They're actually doing their customers a favor by making them pay twice the price for the same performance
>1080 performance
1080= $600
$100 less for 2x power use/noise/heat, less vram, and fuckloads of compatibility problems.
Sounds like a deal to me.
Let's not forget slower performance in most games thanks to horrible scaling and less vram
>1080= $600
>suddenly Sup Forums supports multi-gpu
fuckinf newfag amdrones
>meanwhile crossfire 480 is melting motherboards
You're saying this like it's a good thing for amd. Amd will encounter the same problem with their high end card if it's around 1080 performance. They'll get reduced sales because they've already told their fans that two cheaper cards are better. This whole thing is just shitty marketing on amds part. Nothing new 2bh, same old amd.
That's because AMD is too short sighted and desperate for sales.
Crossfire Is The only way to match nvidia performance for now so they're advertising it like crazy
here in yuropoor land
1080 = 820-999 euro
1060 = 320 euro (x2 = 640)
even more cheaper
>The Way It's Meant To Be Cucked
>TFW all these Nvidiots, asking for that BBC cucking service.
Here it's $310 - $410. Which is absolutely fucking retarded, because RX 480 8GB costs $320 for a reference cooler.
The $310 version (it's only that 1 Gigabyte cooler one, other cost more) is probably sold out by now tho.
But fucking AMD man, how hard is it to stop forcing those shitty blowers and just let normal manufacturers sell their own cards from day 1? I can just see how aftermarket 6GB 1060 is going to be cheaper than aftermarket 8GB 480 because fuck everything.
1060 would be such a good card too, if it supported FreeSync, but no, JewVidia of course cannot allow that, they might lose out on people with more money than sense buying more G-Sync monitors...
>dumb frogposter
How is this being cucked? Nobody ever bought x80 or x60 cards before to sli/cf yet suddenly it's a big deal because amd mentioned it in their press conference.
>The reason why Nvidia removed SLi option on GTX 1060:
Because SLI is shit and never scales as well as it is hyped.
No one with any sense buys into it.
I bet you like your cucking with a side bowl of guac.
>1080= $600
>>Because 1060 x2 beats an OC 1080 at half the price
But this has always been the case for the mid-tier cards.
I bought 2x 560Ti's back in the day because they were cheaper than a 580, and they were faster in SLI.
I'm guessing nVidia just aren't including SLI support in the 1060 now to get the price point down and compete with the AMD 480 series a little more directly.
>I'm guessing nVidia just aren't including SLI support in the 1060 now to keep the price point up on the 1070 and 1080
I don't care, I still only buy Nvidia - the way it's meant to be played.
Well nVidia can maintain those price points because there's literally no competition from AMD for that level of performance.
I don't really fault them for that, AMD just aren't releasing high performance cards to give them the competition.
are you dense? I'm saying: enabling SLi on 1060 means the 1070 and 1080 become overpriced compared to 2x 1060
Arstechnica review for the 1060 started out by claiming there is fierce competition in the GPU market currently. Lol, talk about paid reviews.
This isn't even the cheapest 1080. Cheapest would be the KFA2 Clown card which is 670€.
>fierce competition
what that retard meant to say: ayo, nvidia rushed the 1060 out the door, because of the 480
I wouldn't call that "fierce" competition
link? is that including or exclusive tax?
don't you mean BGC
It's Mindfactory and yes all prices include VAT. When people compare US and EU prices they always forget that US prices don't include sales tax.
You're still paying for the $=€ bullshit but the prices aren't that high as people make it out to be.
Everyone knew this before it was even out. Expect them to launch a special version with SLI bridge on it after AMD releases their next cards.
This is business, not happy merchantry.
this is CANCER
So then why would Nvidia put SLI on that card?
If they did, it would increase the price of the 1060, which may still make it cheaper to buy two of them to have the same performance as a 1080, but still doesn't make sense for them in terms of pricing against the 480.
They're a company looking to profit in their business after all.
Don't like it? Go buy two AMD cards and put up with their terrible crossfire driver support.
>If they did, it would increase the price of the 1060
SLI support requires that technology to be built into the card, that costs money.
SLI/crossfire is a pain in the ass
>if overlord nvidia says you don't need SLi, then it's useless and you don't need it.
I've had sli with gts 250s and crossfire with 6950s.
It's a pain in the ass and since not all games support it, it's unnecesarry. In the future I'll just get 1 powerful card.
>he thinks leaving SLi option on the card costs a significant amount of money
>he doesn't know removing a standard feature probably costs them money instead of saving them money
SLI doesn't work in every title, and poorfags would whine about their dual 1060 setup not being compatible. Nvidia is doing us a favor.
If you want SLI done correctly, get SLI 1080s.
>SLI doesn't work in every title,
>get SLI 1080s.
Every feature costs money.
Are you seriously too stupid to realise than having less features saves money on development/manufacture?
nVidia are purposely positioning this card to compete at a similar price point to the 480, and removing SLI is obviously part of that.
Graphics cards at that price point have very slim margins as it is, and nVidia made a business decision to maximise their potential profits.
i wasn't that guy, you could've just googled it
>Every feature costs money.
read: significant
including SLi (aka: not removing it) doesn't cost shit.
Obviously it does, otherwise they would've left it there.
no you retard. they removed it because they want to keep the 1080 price high. are you fucking 12?
It's a feature! Not a bug! A favor, even!
0.003 has been deposited into your account
Where's the problem with that?
You'd have to by monumentally stupid to price a product that guts the sales of your big ticket product.
Again, nVidia can do this because AMD literally have no competition at that performance/price point.
>Where's the problem with that?
purposefully gimping a card. you cuck
This. Unless you're gaming in 4K with a screen that supports 140 Hz then all you have plenty of GPU power from a 3 year old mid-end card.
Source: I own an R9. Never had a game run below 30 FPS under heavy load. 60 FPS most of the time.
lol. 1080 can't even 60fps @4k in most relevant games.
Let me give you a little education, user.
This is the Aston Martin Cygnet.
Never heard of it? Not surprising.
Aston Martin, known for their huge engined supercars, were forced to release the Cygnet to appease EU emissions regulations that required a maximum average emissions level across a manufacturer's entire line.
In reality, the Cygnet is a rebadged 3-cylinder Toyota IQ, and a total piece of shit. Aston Martin still priced it like an Aston Martin, literally twice the price of the Toyota IQ it's based on, and it sold like shit, only 150 units UK wide.
They sold this gimped Aston Martin because they HAD TO, not because they wanted to, they kept the retarded price point because selling a low cost car would've hurt their brand as a premium car company.
In comparison, nVidia are selling this "gimped" 1060 because they HAVE TO, in order to compete on price with AMD.
nVidia of course want to sell more 1070s and 1080s, because the profit margins on those cards are much higher than the 1060. Releasing the 1060 at that price point, much lower than that performance tier has been in the past in order to match the 480, means they have to cut corners somewhere.
I'm sure you can look at the Steam survey data as see how few people actually use SLI, and that even fewer use SLI in the low-mid tier performance cards. Literally nobody fucking cares this card doesn't have SLI, they just want a card with decent performance for under $300, and that's what this is.
Might be some tinfoil hat tier bullshit, but I think this is partially related to the 480, and how nvidia had to price the 1060 aganst it.
Seeing as there are cards going out for sub300€ on release, contrary to how the 1070/80 are still overpriced, seems clear nvidia wants to bleed amd out. But as people already said, at this price 2x1060 are cheaper than a 1080.
I'd say they would keep the sli connectors if most 1060's were planned to retail at high 300's/low 400's
>nvidia babby on damage control this hard
There is no problem whatsoever. Nvidia always knows what's best for us gamers.
You wanna whine about nVidia's pricing strategy, whine to AMD for not competing with them.
Competition drives prices down, not manchild whining.
>it's AMD's fault that nvidia is ultra kike
nvidiots everyone!
I bet it's also AMD's fault that Nvidia can't into hardware Async compute :^)
Face facts, nVidia is the performance king this generation.
This. Just like they were last gen, and the gen before.
Only reason they're pulling ahead now is through shifty jewery by building a new API and donating it to all the big players
tldr: Nvidia is selling the GTX 1060 to comply with EU CO2 regulations
>nvidia releases new gpu series
>performs terribly on new APIs
Are you fucking retarded? Novidya had drivers that were already good.
novidia performs worse in DX12 on the same game, compared to DX11
>use new API that's meant to increase performance
>actually perform worse
>The 1060 actually does work with SLI via PCI-E, just doesn't have the SLI bridge.
What an awful comparison.
GTX 460 SLI beats GTX 480 for half the price, too. SLI is shit anyway.
>>The 1060 actually does work with SLI via PCI-E, just doesn't have the SLI bridge.
ONLY in ashes of the singularity
citation needed
So far, it's a feature of DX12.
More games could potentially add support over time.
>lower is better
LOL, it looks like AMD has a massive advantage in DX12, but it only looks that way because their frame latency in DX11 is total shit.
nVidia still outperforms AMD in DX12 frame latency, and massively outperforms AMD in DX11 frame latency.
>performs terribly
>still better than anything AMD
>13.17 vs 13.88
>considerably more expensive
>about to be gimped by drivers
>muh gimping
Nice meme :')
>>lower is better
The 1060 and the 480 has the same price point, user.
>The ((((1060))))) and the 480 has the same ((((((price point)))))), user.
why would you buy a card without hardware async?
Why would you buy a GPU without Shadowplay?
Because OBS is literally better in every way?
>implying you can't use NVENC in OBS
Shadowplay is literally a single key combination to turn on, record gameplay and stream to Twitch, and you're saying fucking around with OBS is better in every way?
If I honestly thought dx12 would hit mass adoption within the next year, I would be a huge proprietor of getting a 1060 / 480 mixed gpu setup.
>no tesselation bottleneck.
>100% true parallel async compute
>combat manufacturer specific bullshit.
>equally fast if not faster than 1080 while still less expensive.
Until Nvidia finds a way to kill it with drivers.
OBS does the same fucking thing, with more options, not locking you out to only nVidia cards and it's open source
>fucking around
Oh no, you have to spend 2 minutes setting hotkeys to your liking, bitrate, codec and shit, oh no!
pic related
just use a different one I guess? You don't have to use NVENC (I can't because I don't have nVidia card)
>If I honestly thought dx12 would hit mass adoption within the next year
go watch microsoft's E3 conference. All Xbone games are coming to Windows 10 (exclusively). All DX12.
> tesselation bottleneck
old stale meme, no longer applies.
>100% true parallel async compute
only on AMD, not Nvidia
Shadowplay has a far lower performance impact compared to OBS.
>not wanting the option
Go back to north korea you communist nvidiots.