Why should i use linux?

why should i use linux?

what advantage does it have over windows?

If you can't find a reason yourself, you probably shouldn't use it.

i know a reason
i can hack facebook using it on kali

don't use it. stay away.

If you can't find a reason yourself then it probably isn't for you, stay with windows 7/8.1withclassicshell

personally, setting up a dev environment, working with 3rd party apps/packages, inevitably using it for a server, etc makes development a TON smoother on Linux/OS X than on Windows

>OS released 25 years ago
>can't find answer

is this the new desktop thread

I use it because it's faster, more stable and more secure

But as said, if you don't know why you should use it. You probably shouldn't

Make your own, you dont need those useless distros

Not necessarily faster, just less bloatware, and not if you're using unity which is default for ubuntu.

>more stable
Not if you're doing anything interesting. You should break your own configuration every few days to keep you on your toes.

>more secure
Not that it's hard to keep a windows box secure if you're not a dumbshit.

you should start learning to use linux because next year will be the year linux takes over and knocks windows out of existence.

As a programmer, GNU/Linux is better in every conceivable way.


If you're a programmer

How many years have we heard that one again?

I use it because it is easier.
The window manager is much better, meaning everything I do is easier as a result.
The package manager makes it easier to manage software.
The command line makes it easier to automate tasks.
When bugs or errors is discovered, they are easy to address or work around.

Windows costs a hundred bucks, Linux is free.

Windows has deliberate backdoors and ads, Linux has no intentional backdoors and no ads.

Linux has much more modest hardware requirements than Windows.

It is harder to accidentally contract a virus on Linux than on Windows.

Linux updates stay free forever, and you don't get pestered to install them, unlike on Windows.

Linux is full of binary blobs
>No ads
What is Ubuntu
As in beer, right

I use Windows because I play game. I use a VM for Linux. You don't need to use one or the other, do both. Linux has the best open source software in my opinion, and great customization if you're interested in that kind of stuff.

>what is WINE

Name one recent triple A title that runs through WINE. If it exists, what kind of FPS? Thought so.

Ubuntu does not equal Linux.

It can mount arbitrary filesystems. Lets see your wangblows do that without third party software.

> why should i use linux?
If you don't know why you need it then you don't need it. Contrary to the meme some faggots (most of which are newbie zaelots) want you to fall for, Linux is not an I-don't-believe-it's-not-windows, just-werks-without-understanding-unix, average-consumer's-desktop-ready OS. If you do fall for it, you'll be back on Sup Forums in a week complaining about no games and your wifi not working.

t. Linux user since 1999

The only filesystems anyone should use are NTFS and ReFS. All others are obsolete.


You don't transfer ownership of your computer and all data stored on it.

You can stick a live Cd in and access literally any file you like in Windows, even under password-protected accounts.

That's a pretty shitty idea of security if you ask me...

Ubuntu is the face of Linux

Topest of keks go defrag your garbage fs lmao

Ubuntu is the anus of Linux

Says who? I don't and many people I know don't, either... opinion discarded.

It's the most popular distro. Newbies wipl not go for Debian or Arch, they will go for Ubuntu. At least Ubuntu seems decent, every other distro is pure trash

What the fuck?

>No ads
>What is Ubuntu
Nigger what?
user0@primary:~$ uname -a
Linux primary 4.4.0-31-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 13 00:07:12 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

no botnet
no spyware
no viruses
support on nearly everything
just werks

> Not that it's hard to keep a windows box secure if you're not a dumbshit.
> windows
>>> not a dumbshit
o lol

You can do that in linux too. What is chroot? Unless you used encryption, and windows has that too. Just don't trust windows encryption as much as linux.

no software


The last thing the community needs is yet another idiot complaining about how useless Linux is because it isn't Windows.

Don't use it.
The fewer idiots in the userbase, the less likely it'll become what the other operating systems have become.

Linux isn't free. It ships proprietary modules, which violates the GPL.

>it ships
Linux doesn't "ship", distro maintainers include Linux in their downloads.

There are no proprietary modules in Linux; that's included in the different distros. Fear not however, there are distros that respect your freedom.

Hey, he asked for advantages.

So if you use Linux, you are better. I hate freetards. Linux is excellent just for programming and servers.

Again, according to who? Oh, and no other distro to my knowledge sent your keystrokes to a private company by default...

>Linux is excellent just for programming and servers.
That's somewhere between 80% and 85% of what I do on a computer... The rest being checking my email, listening to spotify, lurking Sup Forums and the WWW in general and watching netflix

What is 16.04

Functioning adults use Windows or OSX for desktop operations, do not fall for the jokes of mentally impaired manchildren.

>past tense

Learn to read.

I do other things. If it works fine for You, it doesn't for someone else.

>wake up by sound of alarm
>"good morning subject #312345001"
>am dancing for the five supervisors on telescreen
>one from redmond, one from amazon, one from google, one from apple, one from [insert 3 letter]
>"you aren't dancing fast enough, what is the matter?"
>agents are dispatched to my home
>they discovered I don't use apple products, windows 10.1 Final Edition TM, Amazon slave workers
>they discover my firefox fork without social.api.enabled, pocket.extension.enabled, and other botnet features
>they discover I know basic hardware and PC maintenance
>I am shackled and sent to an internment camp
>years of grueling labor
>herniated disc, permanent wrist scarring from shackles, skinny, disfigured beyond recognition
>all men are like this
>they laugh mockingly while sipping on a cool drink
>their faces displayed over the camp telescreen

Only death can save from this hell.
Even to post here, we have to go through Google

Pick one

Linux has around 2% of the market share when it comes to desktop OSes.... Its real use is in the industry

If you have to ask, you don't need it.

>it has a package manager

>it has a package manager

Which is exactly why I recommended OP (and you) to NOT install Linux.... Jesus Christ, one can never win with you guys..

>why should i install linux to do Y
you shouldn't, it's only useful for X
>hurr durr linux is shit it only does X
yes that's exactly what I said
>herp derp i do Y so fuck you

Linux doesn't spy on you and send your information to microsoft.

3D cube desktop

SystemD does

>ask what linux does that windows doesn't do better
>linux user has no response and gets aggresive

Citation required...

Quad dubs tells the truth

I can list a bunch of thing Linux does that Windows doesn't do at all, but I've been on Sup Forums long enough to know that your response to that is going to be

>but how does that nerd shit apply to me? i just want to play games, use photoshop and fiddle around with autocad and my video/music editing software because i'm a pro-gamer graphic designer design engineer and have audio engineering for taylor swift and skrillex as a hobby

ITT: newfags thinking Linux is free software

Linux itself is, the distros may or may not be.

A better question would be to ask if there's anything that Linux doesn't do better than Windows

Linux contains proprietary modules, which makes the whole thing violating the GPL.

I answered this already: There is no proprietary code or blobs in the development tree, all proprietary blobs are added by the various distros.

ITT: newfags thinking Linux isn't free software

The only reason to use Linux is as a live CD/USB in case you fuck up your primary OS

I just installed mint on a thinkpad and it does everything I need it to do. Also better battery life and not resource intensive.

>More secure by default
>Centralized packaging (Can find majority of software one place, no wasting time hunting for .exes)
>Can keep all software update with a single command. Even third party software.

You shouldn't use Linux, you should use whatever the hell you feel comfortable with.

It's all good.

>What is playing anything recent.

>just use it, its okay

It is free, user, in both senses.

>i can hack facebook using it on kali

Post a toot?

Linux is way better for networking, VMs, programming and specialized tasks for which you may (or may not) bastardize/customize it.

Personally I use it because I like it better in terms of usability, automation, look/feel and stability (which may not be given with any distro though)

tera, blade and soul run just fine get better pc and do some research and use more terminal to make wine run better the games.
will test bdo in a week or soo.

Istall Gentoo

linux is great for a few reasons:
+package manager keeps every program on your computer up to date with just one command
+bash (with command line tools) is really useful in development
+open source is an awesome idea
+choice in desktop environment: gnome, kde, cinnamon, etc.

linux sucks because:
-doesn't support some nice to have proprietary technologies like directx, hardware drivers
-some features aren't as user friendly
-ui design in DEs leaves a lot to be desired; nothing ever feels truly smooth and reliable

if you're a developer, you already know what you need.
if you're a younger guy comfortable with computers but you don't develop, use windows
if you're setting up a computer for an old guy, do him a favor and get him a mac. otherwise he won't be able to tell

>hardware drivers

I never did understand the hate unity gets, I use it on my laptop and it looks pretty good and it is quite responsive.

>more terminal to make x run better
linux in a nut shell

You're just feeling the good old pressure from Sup Forums but can't really find a reason to install it. When the day comes when you'll actually need it, you wouldn't be asking. So just stay on windows and don't listen to these autistic faggots

>having any kind of driver at all

Wew lad

what are those pictures of Goebbels trying to imply? that microsoft are nazis or that they are jews?

It is really good on a laptop with small screen resolution.

On my dual monitor 2x2048x1152 setup, however, it spent 100% CPU for 30 seconds and then crashed when I tried to maximize a window.

>more stable
>has much more software
>package manager
>doesnt spy on you
>wont upgrade itself overnight unless you set up auto updates for some reason
>lets you have fuckloads more access to the system than windows
>its free
>you can customize it to your heart's content
>you can even make it look like windows

It's decent, everyone's just mad they integrated a useless web search in it by default
I personally recommend i3, since it's both lightweight and extremely functional.

>>having any kind of driver at all
Might be true some years back, but today Linux recognises all my hardware without having to go looking for drivers on obscure websites. The driver situation is much better on Linux.

Office work is also allright on Linux. Blendr runs well. Photo editing, games everything that is Adobe and music production is shit tho.

>more stable
Windows is stable too, we are not in 1996 anymore
>has much more software
win have more useful software
>package manager
>doesnt spy on you
tin foil
>wont upgrade itself overnight unless you set up auto updates for some reason
same in windows
>lets you have fuckloads more access to the system than windows
>its free
win 10 was free
>you can customize it to your heart's content
you can rice windoes too, all you want
>you can even make it look like windows
but cant make it run the programs windows can

What do you do on a computer? If anything you do can be better done on a linux distribution (programming, server maintenance, networking, etc) then switch to a linux distro of your choice. If not, don't switch.

riced win7

>Windows is stable too
Until upgrade fucks over the start menu and the WiFi driver.

Never again

Congratulations, you fucked up the already bad looking DE

Lurk more

>I don't know how to install a driver :DDDD

>what advantage does it have over windows?
It preserves your virginity.

I actually lost mine within a few weeks of switching to Linux, funnily enough. Maybe it's because I was drunk and talking about my travel experiences instead of Ubuntu, though.