what went wrong?
What went wrong?
Literally not UNIX
Neckbeard elitists and idiot coders who just want to push patches instead of fix shit or make sure anything actually works.
wrong image, fuck
The code quality and documentation suffered over the years.
Other than some bugs and regressions every now and then, Linux is a pretty decent kernel.
insufficient backwards compatibility
no way to distribute software without relaying on retarded distribution creator autists
no gpu drivers
no secure boot support
no TPM support
no proper file system encryption
>shitty drivers
>poor performance
>extremely unstable
>low software library
>nothing works without wasting hours fixing something that should work by default
Literally a meme
>>shitty drivers
>>poor performance
>>extremely unstable
>>low software library
To an extent, yes.
>>nothing works without wasting hours fixing something that should work by default
>Literally a meme
Meme magic is great
nice meme
Everything that could go wrong
Nothing went wrong, it's working fine. You're talking like it lost all its users suddenly or something. We're now at a point where practically everyone is somehow using Linux at some point, even if they haven't changed their home computer's OS to it yet. It's the most used system in the world and keeps on growing.
Windows got a bash shell based on ubuntu
amdgpu + wayland soon.
i want to inseminate akari
as an OS, it works, it's not like it's some abhorrent monstrosity under the hood
as something to install on an average idiot's day-to-day machine, the general lack of polish and the fact that it doesn't run Word or whatever is an issue (and I mean actual MS Word -- I already went through an issue a few months ago where LibreOffice opened a .doc with captions, I edited the text, everything looked just fine, and when I saved and reopened the .doc, the captions broke and the layout was screwed up, that was some shit)
distros like Ubuntu solve most of the issues with making it nicer for non-technical people to use Linux, but it doesn't solve the fact that the software people need in their day-to-day doesn't run on Linux
drivers are another issue -- modern Linux gets pretty great basic support for most hardware, but only basic support, and wifi on laptops will probably be an eternal issue unless you go get an Ethernet wifi box or known to be compatible USB wifi adapter because lol fucking Broadcom shit
you can run software built in 2000 on a modern distro usually, I haven't had issues with old-ass binary packages
also, it's pretty much the opposite of extremely unstable (well, Ubuntu is its own story, various random back-end shit throws up errors all the time there on some machines for no apparent reason)
communist idealistic utopian dreaming failed (as always) to take reality into account.
if linux had its shit together microsoft would have been dead and buried a decade ago.
>MS Word
Why the hell would you ever use word? It's shit and useless.
Akari is not for sexual purpose
>Why the hell would you ever use word?
Because other people use Word, and thus files tend to open and save properly when exchanging documents.
It's not like I give a damn about Word itself, but it's already entrenched as the standard word processing software.
only if you count android and chrome...incidentally because a well run company with capital at stake did it properly.
Windows: gayming
Linux: everything else
All Sup Forumsedditfags please go
Multiple distros.
>choice is bad
>i hate choice
>Because other people use Word
People that use word usually send nothing of value. Moreover even if they do use word you do not need to edit them and opening them is usually trivial.
>but it's already entrenched as the standard word processing software.
By normies. Really, I have yet to see anything of value in word. I have not used word since middle school.
>Not believing in theory of evolution and why it's mandatory for progress
>believing that all distros are used and supported equally
This desu
>Not knowing what evolution means so quickly opening Wikipedia, but accidentally opening a feminism article
I wish freebsd was as popular as Linux.
Linux is super popular in comparison.
>misunderstanding what i'm saying
basically this.
Insistence on maintaining legacy codebase. Also a programming culture that basically forced you to code around the errors and poor design choices of your forebears instead of forcing them to change it (SystemD's developers wisely ignored this norm, much to Linus's chagrin.)