What's the best tool to teach kids programming?


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Force them to learn C at a young age.

A computer
Might need a compiler
and a editor of some sort

A dead blow hammer, locked door, and a console.

my dick.

my doubles

Get them interested

Here's one:

Get them to watch their Mum fumble with tasks that you can automate, then automate it. Once they can see the benefits they'll start mucking around with it.

As the above they'll probably start with scripting and then move over to a actual language.


but actually this. automate the boring things with python. if they like games then al sweigert's (or whatever his last name is) python game books

Cute dress

The library. Sometimes they have free classes

>Personal Information
>Be safe
>Chat rooms

This ins't computer science, these are anti-predatory classes.


>needing a computer to program
>needing a compiler to program
>needing an editor to program

You don't need to do that.
Just train them to fight for women rights and wage gap.




unironically: gaymen

Seriously, just set them up with LOVE or Unity3D or fucking Flash or whatever, they'll learn while actually doing something engaging. Game dev will gradually introduces them to srs topics:

* Physics
* Procedural generation (even just simple shit like "how do I generate a random starfield for my asteroids clone?")
* Performance optimization
* AI for NPCs
* Data structures
* Data marshalling / serialization (save game, level editors...)

source: I am a pretty successful software engineer today at a "large online retailer" and started programming by making shitty games in some long-lost dialect of basic when i was 13

my ni/g/gas

A smack

Same tool to teach them anything else


A lot of programmers are tools.

Master Chef / Hell's Kitchen but about coding

This, around her neck and a rope...and make her half-naked, and you're my kind of man.

First the C, then the D. I got you senpai.

>he thinks programming is about computers

Discrete math, linear algebra, graph theory