If linux mint is a beginner distro, what is the next step?

If linux mint is a beginner distro, what is the next step?


Install gentoo

Linux mint sucks though. I was forced to manually mount my ntfs usb flash drive through cli every single time before I gave up and installed Ubuntu


Arch, the almighty Arch Linux my friend

> 2016
> use an insecure linux distro
> doesn't use a linux distro that just works

>Muh distros
Who gives a fuck? Any distro can be changed into any other one with a bit of work. Just install something mainstream like debian and customise it to your liking. If you have the time and are interested try starting from scratch or using a more minimal install like arch or gentoo.


Linux from scratch

I just switched to Arch from Mint after realizing I'm literally too retarded for Gentoo. It's a really nice step up in terms of capabilities and learning about operating systems OP

You move on to something like Arch, Slackware, or Gentoo before going back to Mint because it's convenient.

The next logical step is Fedora. It takes a little more work to get some things to work, but it still has repositiories similar to Mint/'buntu. It was a good step toward more advanced Linux shit for me at least.


Windows 10
Make the move from hobbyist OS to professional.

At least pretend to hide your bait.


windows 7

You'll never use Arch in a professional environment, use Debian or Ubuntu, maybe fedora or something of the sort, get used to it, etc. That's what you're likely to use if you move into a position where Linux is necessary

Mint is debian AFAIK

But does it have a cute anime mascot?

What are you aiming to do with Linux?

Answering that question for yourself is the next step.

i installed ubuntu with kde yesterday and man i love it, plasma is awesome
i don't think i will boot up windows again

>not GTK+

Fuck your GTK+, Either Plasma, i3 or bust.


>no citation provided

thats not right at all

Next step is Debian, Arch or Gentoo

>falling for the mint meme
Arch is the only true beginner distro. After that you can move to distros like Mint, Ubuntu and others.

Next step after Mint is Debian.

One can also experiment with other distro branches, like openSUSE and Antergos.

Fedora, then either debian or arch

ubuntu mini.iso + i3

I run arch and I feel like it has helped me professionally. Things like Arch and Gentoo help you become familiar at things on a slightly lower level. If you're looking to emulate Linux in the workplace, CentOS has desktop packages.

Why Fedora? Isn't it unstable Poetteringware?


The next step is to realize that distros like Minut, Ubuntu, Arch don't give a shit about Freedom. Get a mature distro like Debian.

Freedom is not related to maturity.

apt is cancer

Debian is sjws

Windows 95

I went straight to Arch after Linux Mint.
But probably Debian if you are really trying to be incremental about it.

For sysadmins you go with Red Hat (Fedora, RHEL, or CentOS)
Or you go more hardcore with Arch, Gentoo, or Slackware (or alternatively BSD).

Nothing. There's literally no fucking reason to constantly hop between distros. That's what retards do.

This. No self respecting person uses the meme tipping distro for more than a week


This looks like garbage yuribait made for otakus to fap to.

PcBsd >>> OpeningSuse >>> Debian >>> Arch >>> OpenIndiana >>> Haiku >>> Gentoo >>> Lts >>> ???


not linux

PCBSD and openindiana are UNIX operating systems, like how GNU/Linux is UNIX-Like. So close enough.

Yes, it's essentially Linux without the hardware support, or the software

only correct answer itt

The part that is bait for me is that this file is called Baitmantra not Baitlitany... god dammit.

>BSD has no software or hardware support
Well meme'd my memeing friend

Mint is downstream from Debian because it's downstream from Ubuntu. However, LMDE descends directly from Debian rather than having the Ubuntu middleman

Bluetooth and printers/scanners don't work in BSD.

Also, the most relevant softwaresand DEs require systemd and they are poorly patched for BSD.

There is no reason to switch to BSD, even the BSD shills accept this