Will Apple ever release a PowerBook G5?
Will Apple ever release a PowerBook G5?
Is this the let's pretend its 2003 thread?
Hey man, the titanium powerbooks were awesome
What type of cable is that?
MagSafe 2
No, the G5 was too big and power hungry for a laptop. Now IBM makes Sup Forums processors instead.
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Who is IBM? Is it a part of Apple?
>not bursting in flames
Fake and gay.
>Who is IBM? Is it a part of Apple?
IBM was a contractor Apple used to produce CPUs during its PPC phase. They grew unreliable and were becoming obsolete which forced Apple into the arms of Intel.
You can't be fucking serious
When did IBM get an x86 license?
No fucking shit it's fake, thank you captain obvious.
No because Women and Homosexuals don't like that design
>fake and gay
gosh golly I miss 2004 ;^)
>looks like a suitcase
fuck, I'd buy it
could have used it back at that time too to warm up my room in the winter, too
Reported to Homeland Security.
>When did IBM get an x86 license?
They didn't?
They make Power based chips with power8 being the most recent isa.
Are you retarded? POWER's an entirely different architecture, it has nothing to do with x86.
It's actually just the MagSafe.
MagSafe 2 is wider and thinner.
>When did IBM get an x86 license?
When the 386 hit the stage.
I know they used to have one, I was asking when they got one again. user said IBM makes Sup Forums processors now.
up until the current generation the big three were all based on PPC or PPC-derived architectures
Oh that makes more sense
I really wish they would have. The G4s were great or maybe a dual core G4 would have been cool. I think some guy on the Mac Rumors forums found a prototype 17" dual core G4.
Yeah, I had mine for like a whole six months before the hinge cracked and the screen fell off.
And if I picked it up by one side, the battery fell out.