
Fresh guts at your doorstep!

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bout to try to cable manage for the first time.
wish me luck Sup Forums

Gud luck. Post before and after.

Should I snip the zipties?

Not pictured - rats nest behind all this

Bless cube cases

Yeah tuck those behind the back side panel instead

Thinking about getting a fury x but not sure if i should wait for Polaris

nah, go ahead and buy a year old card when you already have a 2 year old card because the new cards are a few months out...

No you fucking moron, just wait


>disposable zip ties
>not reusable ones
Thank me later.

If there is a guts thread in a few weeks, look for the tripfag named EagleBeak. Im putting together a build with all full sized components and an aio liquid cooler in a silverstone sg13b. Just have to purchase all the parts and then ill be on. Wish me luck fellers.

Just bought the GPU
I need to do something about the sagging

If you've got Legos laying around, make a stand out of them. It's what i did when my 380 sagged pretty bad

>Speccy shows Intel HD Grapich

How and why?

4790k has an iGPU. What's to explain?

I don't think I ever saw a Speccy where it showed both iGPU and GPU specification

This is my (first)new build.
Still waiting for the monitor amd the DVD burner also the OS

Last parts arriving tomorrow.
Hope I did not mess up


This thing works wonders.

what is the name of that thing?
cant buy it under this name in germany

Puget Systems Universal Acrylic GPU Brace

Yes, No
Is there a general name for this object?
I cant find anything in Germany with this name only in the US

I'm the Same here, From Hungary. I may just use Lego's

just a GPU brace I think.

Here's another site with a similar product, though they refer to it as a GPU -bracket- instead of a brace.




Posting this since the other one still isn't finished yet.

How do you niggers make your cards sag so hard?
Not a single one of my graphics cards has ever sagged on a cheap ASUS H81 motherboard.

turbo intercooler/10

Longer cards are heavier and have less structural rigidity.
I have a 970 Strix with a back plate and metal fan shroud. Even with reinforced slots on the mobo it still sags.

Almost like it's a... Radiator (^:

Moving to a Corsair 400c soon with some sleeved cables.
I tried doing some cable management, but I still can't get rid of the rats nest at the bottom and it looks awful without grommets ayways

Specs? That thing looks beautiful

It's disassembled now, but thanks. It had:

2x16GB DDR4 3,200MHz
GTX 980
480 GB SSD

And reassembled as?

Use some tabasco sauce and some dice. It worked for me.

>all that wasted, empty space on the rear I/O between the CLEAR CMOS button and the eSATA port
You could have put 2 more USB2.0 or 3.0 ports in that gap. Also, why did you buy a motherboard with 2 ethernet ports and an eSATA port when you're using it purely to game?

This, getting a second GPU soon. Blame ASRock not me. And it wasn't used only for gaming. Neither is the new one. Some people DO actually work with their PC.

>Some people DO actually work with their PC.
That's good to hear. Are there two Intel NICs or a single NIC that can handle two/four ports at once? And are you having problems with any of the external (non-CPU/southbridge) controllers?

The build was good for my needs, for the most part. But, it didn't have the cooling headroom I wanted. I also wanted more expansion slots, thus build will have three or four populated.

I was talking about that ASRock mobo. My last one was a Z77 Extreme7 (fucking IDE port on a Z77) and that started shitting itself within months of ownership. I was wondering if their quality control got any better since then.

My first hardcore build ever. It's 1080 SLI and i7-6850K (4GHz Six Core). Did I do a pretty decent job for a first time build?

So I decided I will keep the AIO for now. However I still want/need better airflow so I'm going to try push-pull before I replace it.

Without removing the cable management bar, I'm going to put two fans in front of the case, sandwiched between the front panel, then the other two behind the radiator.

I ordered a 4 pack of Cougar Turbines to replace the stock NZXT fans.

Besides falling for the SLI meme it's a good build.

Realistically though SLI doesnt work in the majority of games, and further a 6800k would have given you x16/x8 bandwidth which is more than good enough for GTX 1080 in SLI. The 6850k is several hundred dollars more for no benefit. (maybe 1% difference in synthetic tests)

It kinda just looks like you didnt research too much and spent money on "the best" without really looking at what it'd get you.

But hey, your money.

You could have saved a few bucks by buying a 5820K instead for better overclocking potential. Broadwell starts shitting itself past 4.0 GHz.

You're assuming that I only play video game, which isn't true. I do video editing and have 5 programs open at once for it and I'm using it a server as well.

I have SLI now and all games work fine with it except for a very few and those few can be modded to make SLI work.

>using an i7 for server work
I bet you think ECC RAM is a top secret government RAMDisk that you can download off the DARPANet

>Broadwell starts shitting itself past 4.0 GHz.

I got my 6850K stable at 4.6GHz but I didn't really need it that high right now so I leave it at 4GHz.

>work server

That's another assumption. I'm not using it as a work server.

>stable at 4.6GHz
What voltage and temps? You might have gotten a golden chip. How bad was the thermal spike past 4.2?

It's not really that golden. Look at reviews. 4.4 to 4.5 is average. I have good cooling and mobo so I'm sure that helps a bit.


>I do video editing and have 5 programs open at once for it and I'm using it a server as well.
What does that have to do with anything?

The 6850k is 3.6GHz 6 core CPU with 40 PCIe lanes.
The 6800k is 3.4GHz 6 core CPU with 28 PCIe lanes.

You could have gotten the 6800k for $200 less than the $6850k and noticed no difference in gaming because there is no difference between x16/x8 and x16/x16.

So my point still stands, you wasted money for no reason.

That's why I asked the voltage and temp. Most of those reviewer samples hit 80+ degrees on massive AIOs at 4.2-4.4 GHz with high +0.15-0.2 on the voltage. If you got one that can stay below 70 degrees at 4.2 and less than +0.2 Vcore, then you've got something special.
A 5820K should hit that without a problem, though with ironically lower power consumption.

I wanted 40 lanes. I also have an M.2 SSD.

Honestly I'm not sure on voltage and temps since I didn't intend to keep it at that. I don't remember at all.

do the math x16/x8 is 24, that leaves x4 for the M.2 drive (shocker, 4 lanes is exactly the number of lanes it uses)

You may have wanted 40 PCIe lanes, but you aren't using them.


16+16 is 32.

We've already established there is no performance difference between x16/x16 and x16/x8 (or x8/x8 even). So what's your point?

Enjoy your placebo PCIe lanes I guess, they are giving you at most ~1% better performance. Just look up varies articles online testing SLI and crossfire setups on different PCIe lanes. Even at x4 bandwidth you only lose ~5% performance.

How many PCIe devices are you actually using/need to use
>16x GPU1
>16x GPU2 (or 8x)
>4x M.2
That's either 36 lanes or exactly 28 lanes. You don't have any SATA/SAS RAID card, you don't have more than one PCIe SSD, you don't have a mutliport Gigabit ethernet NIC, you don't have a 10Gb Ethernet NIC, etc. 40 lanes are excessive for anything other than 3+ GPU builds or serious workstation/server builds.
He meant if you went with the much cheaper 6800K.

My guess is that he connected his monitor to the motherboard instead of the dedicated card like a typical nvidiot.

The vast emptiness.


nice trips

also shitty old pic

What's sad is it was taken yesterday. I need to upgrade my phone for one with a decent camera. Nexus 4 has always had a shit one.

it was taken 2016-06-12

found the poorfag

I promise you I took it yesterday as that is when the case arrived. The filename shows the same.

oh shit i thought you were talking about mine, my bad bruh

Good components ugly guts
Since this is a guts thread 5/10

I've still yet to experience the supposed loud nature of AIO pumps

>be user
>don't do research
>buy good hardware but not the best for their uses
>people say hey you could'be gotten this and it would've been better
>user tries to control the damage
>fails and looks like a moron
>just calls them poor
From the second you posted your first "almost guts guise" picture I knew you were going to be a fucking idiot who puts himself on an imaginary high horse for owning shit that really isn't that expensive if you aren't a NEET.

looks nice
I like the red and white
Pretty cute, I miss the old 660 aesthetic
Big GPU but all around clean
Super cute
Always a looker
same as above
meh nothing special
Very original, weird color scheme but pleasing at the same time
Luv it, almost trips

I love my poo fans

Even terry crews only got the 6800k because he knew he didnt need those extra PCIe lanes, do you think you're richer than terry crews because you wasted your money on something that will give you zero benefit?

>falling for the AIO meme TWICE
Spotted the tRump supporter

>post a computer in a small minimal format
>has to mount the res on the outside, defeating the purpose of small form factor

you can try harder I know you can.

Yeah my Intel integrated graphics gets 60fps 4k in ultra games you right

Clean and beautiful, I just don't like the color but that's a personal thing. 8/10.

I always thought it was the other way around, people mount their res on the outside to make it much easier to drain and monitor liquid levels, adding some practicality to an impractical setup.

I have a D15 so I know that poo fan feel.

Why does everyone in this thread have an almost invisibly small mobo?

Its not as if that res adds to the footprint of the case by more than a couple of inches extra length.

Try as hard as you can to shit on it, but that's basically the ideal mITX waterloop setup.

Mine does. Rest assured both monitors are plugged into the 1070.

You do release that the reservoir is only about 1.5" thick, and any "space" or footprint it takes up was unusable due to the rigidity of a typical power cable anyways, right? It didn't add to the foot print at all. You have to be trolling if you think that tiny little 1"-1.5" of space, that was already unusable, defeated the purpose of the size of the build.

This was a huge bonus of having the reservoir externally mounted. That 45-degree fitting on it is what I used for filling, and draining. If I wanted to fill it, I could do so easily. Draining was just as easy, but turning the case upside down along the edge of a table or desk, and holding a bowl underneath it to catch all the liquid. Worked like a charm. The new loop in the bigger build will have a ball valve at it's lowest point for draining.

>Always a look, same as above.
Why thank you.

You and I have the same board. I haven't really run mine yet, only tested to see if it would boot with my 980 and a 5820K. How are you liking it? I sadly had to remove the side mounted LED's to get it to fit in my case, kek. I can live without it.

I was always under the impression that computer components go inside the case but I must just havin one of them episodes again

What does it matter? It's a 1.5" bump on the back. No one will see it, it doesn't take away from aesthetics or functionality.

The alternative is a larger case to put a reservoir inside, but it would be significantly larger than just using the rear-mounted reservoir.

There are no disadvantages to it being there besides you being autistic
>b-but its not in the c-case
You might have an argument if it actually looked shit, or was even remotely noticeable. But that's about the most discreet externally mounted reservoir you can get.

1080 being sent from shop tomorrow

How cool does all that cum keep your 4770?

4670k it even says on the speccy. 72c with prime95 and never goes over 61c using everything else than prime95 (100% CPU usage ofc)

>nothing special

Yeah whatever dude. Dual 1080s "nothing special"...

look how desperate this one is

Holy shit you are so full of yourself

yes it's nothing special, what are we supposed to be amazed? Two 980tis costed the same a year ago and still nobody gave a shit, you aren't any different.

>gaymeng PC with MOAR LEDS
>lower clocked boardwell-e instead of skylake for higher clocks and IPC
>corsair fans
>1080 SLI with no 4k or 1440p ultrawide monitor

You have mismatched hardware you just threw money at.

There's nothing special except your credit card statement at the end of the month.

What the fuck is up with all these cases starting to have a solid front panel with small vents on the side? I don't get how your shit doesn't fry under load for extended periods.

It's almost like you want everyone here to hate you for being an egotistical prick