Goodbye KAT.

Pay respects with moar links

extratorrent cc
eztv ag
torrenthound com

E.EUR links and chink links welcome. Less talk, moar links.

Other urls found in this thread:

>not buying DVDs
top pleb

It's time to move to twitter and linking magnets

well you have to, I'm on private trackers

whats happening?

We are all going to die.

>It also shows that Apple handed over personal details of Vaulin after the investigator cross-referenced an IP-address used for an iTunes transaction with an IP-address that was used to login to KAT’s Facebook account.
w e w

Well yeah, eventually. That's how life works, desu

>muh free stuff

Go home, socialists.


Sometimes I go there to download PlayboyPlus imageset torrent.
Most of the western girls are ugly, but sometimes there is a goldmine.

So much for Apple valuing its consumers' privacy.

Just use piratebay you dumb niggers

Private trackers plebs are the vegans of the Internet.

>check TPB

Database maintenance, please check back in 10 minutes.

Apple never claimed to be above the law and the law is clear, that if the guberment got a warrant, Apple is supposed to given them data.

Besides the IP from iTunes and FB would be irrelevant if the guy didn't fall for a honeytrap with the ads. Greed yo.

Apple refused to comply with a warrant when it was a terrorist.

Time for a searchable P2P database that runs via the client where everyone holds a database of the torrent magnets which is constantly updated each time you open your client and shares it with others. It would not consume much hard disk space or bandwidth after the initial download. searches all of the sites in this thread

It was about unlocking the phone, and there is no modern law saying that a company can be forced to do that. For something like online data, the situation is very clear cut.

Terrorists don't threaten their dosh.

> searches all of the sites in this thread
and serves malware ads

>Sup Forumsentooman

We still have /t/.


>not buying movies on vinyl

I haven't seen a fucking net ad in nearly 15 years now. Get with the times.

because hurr durr adblockers are perfect and get 100% of the ad content on 100% of websites with 0% false positives

Jlist ads on nyaa sneak through every modern adblocker. Same with ads on pornhub.

Yes, that's exactly the fuck right. Also, turn off fucking javascript you peon.

>Also, turn off fucking javascript you peon.
Adblocker on, javascript off?
I'd like to find one single nontrivial website that functions that way.

Hint: anything with a live search box or video player won't.

Nigger, are you high? Use whitelists for the sites you fucking trust.

solves 0/1 problems issued

>site doesn't work
>whitelist site
>site serves malware ads

Yup, high as fuck.

what the other guy said
that stuff is just placebo DESU
badware is specifically engineered to break these sorts of hacky client-level blockers

>whitelisting sites with malware

I think I have like 3 or 4 sites whitelisted total?
>visiting sites that even have malware

How can you pleb this hard?

>>visiting sites that even have malware
"hey look at this tracker site its got everything you need and indexes all these others"
response: "it's got malware"
"use an adblocker and block javascript, moron"
response: "then the site doesn't work"
"whitelist the site, moron"
"dont visit malware sites then, moron!"

nothing is complicated about this, do you want the site you linked visited or not? At least agree with yourself

Wtf bro are you stupid? How the fuck are you planning to watch a movie without, err, watching the movie?? Music comes on vinyls, movies are on DVD and tape

go away Sup Forums

>Current Year
>Not being a Marxist

Marxism is just as outdated as capitalism, any system that focuses on work is going to be obsolete in couple of decades.

You fucking what?

are you underage?


>anno domini
>not watching at paintings in caves

This, it's all about the money.

>cheap ass hair colour
Why do you do dis?

Homosexuality is still a crime in many countries you know

Talking from personal experience, I presume?

>Not using Blu Ray.

You are a fucking pleb.

>tfw on PTP/BTN

>tfw was too lazy to try to get into private trackers and will have to get off my ass and switch to a different site now

Where do you folks torrent books?


gutenberg is for old books?

>still buying

this made me laugh

where do i download my movies now :(

I used MyAnonamouse for a while, but the hassle was just not worth it, stick to

But at least the Marxists of the non-braindead variety (i.e. "not many") understand the predicament of late-capitalism and search beyond it, while the typical capitalist is focused on short-term profit.

Not even close.

>there are 10000000000 pirate bay mirrors in existence

What kind of hassle? Getting buffer or using the site?

Getting buffer is shit easy, just seed a lot of the freeleech and you will have so many bonus points you won't have to think about ratio again.

>not anarcho-capitalist

lol you guys are like literally so funny xD

With this man arrested The humanity will take huge step back in developing arresting this man Is criminal act to the modern world and to the free country of USA .

So the proxy sites are just snapshots of the database or will they show new torrents?

So why did you decide to ruin it?

i didnt ruin anything !!!!!!!!

Handle on KAT was tirm
Apple ID was tirm @ me. Com
It's not that fucken hard

>kat owner is a retard
what a surprise

>just use rarbg user

KAT was a moron and needed to go. People like him (if you can call subhuman trash "people") weaken the community.

I sincerely hope they extradite him and execute him publicly.

>Implying that books new enough not to be in the public domain are worth reading.



You forgot a comma, so nice job being superior there bud

but rarbg is the only public tracker i've found to have 8GB+ movies with seeders


jesus christ