ITT ghetto little ideas that paid off

I wanted a mouse bungee, but it wouldn't really work for my pull out desk. So I just taped some hinge parts under my desk, covered them in electrical tape (simply to get a smooth surface so it wouldn't damage or drag the mouse cord and allow the cord to slide in and out) and voila, instant mouse bungee.

i think you mean wa la.

wew lad


>still using corded mice

>Glued a tiny fan to my passively cooled hd5450
>It no longer warms up

I was pretty worried at first cause I used hot glue, kek

Copper is a better conductor of electricity than your average... well, "air".

This is a fact.

You can go fuck yourself now.

>Letting the NSA snoop on your wireless mouse

Then how does solar power work retard

Worse than copper for transferring electricity.

I used to spray compressed air upside down onto my GPU when it overheated, worked like a charm

I killed my q8300 mobo by doing that


I always bring up this simple fact and people just get embarassed and try to laugh it off. Idiots.

Corded mice for life!


I hope your parents weren't too upset to buy you a new one.

That's great OP. I would do that myself if I didn't have a wireless mouse.

Not that great, actually.

Solar power kind of sucks right now. Science might unfuck it at some point but right now... really inefficient.

i... but.. electromagnetism...

solar power has nothing to do with it

am I being trolled?

I care too much about my headphone cables. Zip ties are attached to the desk's frame. I also did a mouse bungie thing with my desk lamp when I had a Deathadder.
I'm pretty sure that's not how wireless mice work.


>I... b-but...
Case and point.

>I'm pretty sure
Yeah well get all the way sure then come back and talk.

Are you an engineer? Didn't think so.

They weren't upset when I used my laptop for 3 weeks and saved up for an i7 870 + HD 5870.

Still got the same cpu, but upgraded to a gtx 680 4gb. Still runs great

>researchers have solar cells that have 35% conversion efficiency, photons to electrons

compared to

>plants millions of years ago photosynthesising
>at maybe 1% efficiency
>and that all gets stored as starch
>most of which gets used in plant metabolism
>and the rest gets crushed over millions of years
>we dig that shit up
>put it into our big coal powerplants
>which run at about 30-40% conversion efficiency if it's a new, modern, efficient plant. much less for the majority of the planet's older poorly maintained plants

The real argument against solar power is the day-night cycle and cost effectiveness. From a pure conversion efficiency standpoint, solar is just as good as any other energy source.

and don't go on about nuclear power. it is stupidly expensive and politically impossible.

Nigga unless you can make bluetooth instantaneous and smooth, I don't want to hear it.

The most popular cordless connection next to wifi is glitchy, spotty and slow.

Fuck, most logitech wireless shit I've bought is spotty and slow from a tiny bit away.

Cords aren't.

Most mice use some propritetary rf, Bluetooth is shit for anything low latency like input devices

That has more to do with your environment than any inherent problems in the comms protocol. You probably have a saturated 2.4ghz spectrum.

Personally I have a G700, which is both wireless and wired. A double blind test isn't really possible, but without observing the cord plugged in I could not tell the difference between wired and wireless. The G700 uses RF, not bluetooth, but I believe it's still in the 2.4ghz range.

Time to settle this dumb debate
Wireless mice are a stupid gimmick, especially if you utilize a desktop computer. Furthermore, it has been proven that many forms of wireless keyboards and mice were, in-fact, hackable.

Also: wireless mice and keyboards are less effective than a near guaranteed connection from keyboard to computer via cable.

Also, most wireless mice have inferior laser sensors rather than precise optical ones.

>having to recharge/replace your mouse's battery

you can go on about those facts all day. I'm not going to dispute them.

You completely ignore the fact that some people find convenience more important than pixel precise movement every time.

You completely ignore the fact that wireless mouse easily exceed the "good enough" threshold for millions of people.

So in "settling this dumb debate" you completely ignore the viewpoint of a huge number of people.

well done.

I used a little curtain wire hook screwed into the wood of the underside of my desk then threaded the wire through it and added a fat lump of sticky tac to keep it in place over the whole thing.

Tiny, ultra durable and easy to adjust by just removing the glob of tac and threading the wire and adding the tac back over the whole thing.

They probably suffer from some sort of social shortcoming, what can you expect?

chlorophyll is damned near 100% efficient. It was a big mystery how until recently.

>Own wireless mouse
>Once a week I have to use it as a wired mouse for an hour or so
wow !

I've had this M310 five years. I just replaced the battery for the first time.

Meanwhile, I don't have a cord getting hung up on things, or pulling the mouse up the desk.

>"I think air is the mice cord and it's conductive instead of the power being sent to a receiver"
Obviously you're not the engineer.

lol'd. I know it's bait, but I want to believe there's someone out there who actually thinks cordless mice are connected to the computer by a fucking electrical arc.

>having to have your mouse plugged into whats essentially a charging cable all the time without options

Resize your fucking image

Your assumption that 100% of photons falling on a leaf's surface makes it through to the chlorophyll is incorrect.

The actual efficiency of photosystems II and I depend on a lot of physiological factors in the plant, but as a rule of thumb we can say that per 100 photons falling on a given area of leaf surface, only a handful of electrons will be displaced.

Except photosynthesis is only about 5% efficient.
We know how it works, and have done since before you reduced the average iq of the human species.
Stop talking out your ass, you could have googled that.

>having to remember this shit for undergrad degree

just seeing this image brings back nightmares.

Aye, still rocking my 680 as well. Screw pascal.

Ayy, 670 here.

Still no reason to upgrade, most games run fine on high settings.

I work in the energy department. Solar power, solar collectors are a meme. You never get the money back you invested, and I won't even mention the fact how much the production of solar cells cost and how much shit it brings with it. The technology still needs a few years to advance.
Buy yourself a heating pump, you get your money back in a couple of years, and it's environment friendly.

Solar works by photons hitting a metal that is sensitive to the electromagnetic spectrum of said photon and thus discharging energy as an electron, retard.

OK, make big Green text, think smart?? No

Solar is a meme, expensive panels, metal is extremely bad for environment, worse than coal, works as a nice money grab and pleases the environmental fag's that don't know any better. And it doesn't work all the time cause clouds and night time. Completely unsustainable

Now, plants don't directly turn light into energy retard, they take that tiny energy, and sap the carbon and water out of the earth, and make plant matter which turns into compressed shit which is coal after a long time.

Now, why won't nuclear work?

Not just the fact that people are scared of it, it's too efficient. Cost wise??? Well it's a lot cheaper than coal in the long run, more efficient and more environmentally friendly with current gen plants that have chemically treatable waste, drastically reducing the half life of said waste

On top of that, molten salt reactors will never blow up and are self sealing thanks to well, molten salt. The salt won't turn into steam and create loads of pressure like the out dated heavy water reactors. And the steam to power the turbines is separated by a heat exchanger. So only thing that is really radioactive is the molten salt

But the real thing that makes the unfeasible is jobs. They are too efficent. The mining industry would fall on its ass if we switched over to nuclear tomorrow, where would all the people work? Everything is already set up for coal and has been for decades.

All the oil industry too is we switched our cars to electric? And then what do you do with all the old cars? It would completely put mechanics out of business, all these people that no longer have useful jobs or would have to do some serious retraining to get back into work

As an engineer I would love to do all this futuristic shit but realistically it is not going to happen, probably not for the next 100 years. Especially considering that China and India have pumped out a heap of new coal power plants

its time we go to space