Arduino is the JavaScript of the embedded world

Arduino is the JavaScript of the embedded world.
Fuck off both of you.

>Shitty code, shitty code errywhere

>Raspberry Pi + Python is the VB if the embedded world

>he thinks python is cancer
Gee all the greatesr computer scientists must be wrong thanks for opening our minds

"Computer scientists". For a moment I almost considered CompSci as a science.

>Visual basic is bad
The old versions are quite good if you want to make GUI programs very quickly

Nobody cares what you consider to be science, it's a fact. you can't change it , now fuck off you drop out loser go get your neetbux with your highschool diploma

Most of actual researchers and mathematicians use python but of course you wouldn't know that

Isn't the Arduino language just some subset of C++?

IIRC its C

>this abstraction is too accessible to people without autism I HATE IT REEEE >:@

>Only whites and japanese left.

Would be fucking great World to live in desu.

>these image

There were blacks and jews still alive in there.

It was so scary. Imagine the world actually like that. Blacks and Jews still alive.

There is literally nothing wrong with Arduino.
But there are plenty of things wrong with JavaScript.

Fuck off.

Sup Forums only thinks JavaScript is bad because it has the word "java" in it.

What's the C# / Java of the embedded world?



what show are they talking about?


JavaScript is a bastard language. It was poorly made because it was rushed, it's inelegant, ugly and difficult to master... but it's not terrible and I'm excited to see what happens with node in the coming years.

Whites and asians are the only worthy races.

What's that show called?


VB was a pretty decent idea. Sure, the implementation was kind of ass because MS didn't know their head from their ass for ages, and it's a bit naff for large projects (where it gets used anyway), but it made development for Windows practically painless.
It's one of the nicer BASIC dialects in general, too (which speaks volumes about the language).

and then VB died, but no one cares because you can do the same thing in C# with Visual Studio

it is terrible
it's just been getting better lately

The man in the high castle, i think.

>Arduino is the JavaScript of the embedded world.

it's just a microcontroller with a built in serial programmer

don't tell me you use their IDE lmao

Nope, it's C++

Because, like JavaScript, retards can make shitty stuff with it and think they are programmers.

That anyone not white/japanese is either in Africa or just dead in that show was the fucking cake