Where were you when AMD was kill?
1060 is the same damn price as the 480 for way better performance.
AMD's latest GPU looks like it's basically dead on arrival.
Where were you when AMD was kill?
1060 is the same damn price as the 480 for way better performance.
AMD's latest GPU looks like it's basically dead on arrival.
How poor are you? 1080p and gtx 1060 are literally the shit you'll buy when you live in a cardboard box.
ok kid
>1060 is the same damn price as the 480 for way better performance.
Stupid AMD shill. The nVidia ®GTX 1060™ is $150 CHEAPER than the poorboi's RX480.
lol BO3 is basically made not to optimize their game for either
in vulkan...
Maybe an aftermarket 480
i will ahve to disagree with ou on this one my friend
it appears that 1060 is only faster in performance but you will be struck with grief soon afterwards knowing you supported the bad man and the bad man will screw you soon
>on average is faster
>therefore the 480 can't be faster in any game whatsoever
Kill yourself you retard
I am right now writing a full scientific essay that will destroy your arguments!
(Please, feed me facts for my essay)
here's some gameworks to cheer you up
o wait
But Raja is the bad man. Look at him partying with your money you wasted on a 480.
Another DoA AMD product! Now that's unheard of.
from where?
I'm still buying the 480, nvidia can go and stay go
another retarded nvidiot
make sure its the nitro though
see based sapphire does it again
Dumb stupid poorboi AmD shills have been defecating all over Sup Forums, and it is now time to put a stop to these legion of anus-cavities. Let us put all the facts on the table, eh?
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ has excellent and spectacularly superb performance in FULL High Definition
-The AmD poorboi RX480 can only barely manage to play games in 1080p (1080p is a pathetic 75% LESS than ultra High Definition)
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ is very quiet! You can barely hear it.
-The AmD poorboi RX480 generated dozens of DECIBELS of noise. Warning: Being in the vicinity of dozens-of-decibels CAN damage your hearing!
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ consumes only a tiny amount of power. It is very efficient!
-The AmD poorboi RX480 has been seen to gulp down a cringe-inducing 167 Watts of power! 167 Watts can run several electronics devices simultaneously.
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ can be had for as low as $249.99! An amazing and generous price.
-The AmD poorboi RX480 is available for purchase for as much as $370! What a scam!
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ is from nVidia, a company that makes Graphics Processing Units. They are professionals.
-The AmD poorboi RX480 is by AmD, ewwwwww!!!
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ is for independent thinkers, people who value freedom and dignity.
-The AmD poorboi RX480 is known to have been purchased by Communists.
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ will provide years and years of fantastic gaming performance.
-The AmD poorboi RX480 is a gimped card, sold to the exploitable and uneducated masses.
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ creates an aura of respect and professionalism.
-The AmD poorboi RX480 is for like, you know, losers, omg.
1060 is officially the #1 best value GPU you can buy.
Yeah, I'm just waiting for them to put it up for sale.
Hell, I'd probably preorder it just so I don't have to wait for it to not be sold out
lol that doesn't exist
Minor tweak:
Dumb stupid poorboi AmD shills have been defecating all over Sup Forums, and it is now time to put a stop to these legion of anus-cavities. Let us put all the facts on the table, eh?
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ has excellent and spectacularly superb performance in FULL High Definition
-The AmD poorboi RX480 can only barely manage to play games in 1080p (1080p is a pathetic 75% LESS than ultra High Definition)
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ is very quiet! You can barely hear it.
-The AmD poorboi RX480 generated dozens of DECIBELS of noise. Warning: Being in the vicinity of dozens-of-decibels CAN damage your hearing!
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ consumes only a tiny amount of power. It is very efficient!
-The AmD poorboi RX480 has been seen to gulp down a cringe-inducing 167 Watts of power! 167 Watts can run several electronics devices simultaneously.
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ can be had for as low as $249.99! An amazing and generous price.
-The AmD poorboi RX480 is available for purchase for as much as $370! What a scam!
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ is from nVidia, a company that makes Graphics Processing Units. They are professionals.
-The AmD poorboi RX480 is by AmD, ewwwwww!!!
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ is for independent thinkers, people who value freedom and dignity.
-The AmD poorboi RX480 is known to have been purchased by Communists.
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ will provide years and years of fantastic gaming performance.
-The AmD poorboi RX480 is a gimped card, sold to the exploitable and uneducated masses.
-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ creates an aura of respect and professionalism.
-The AmD poorboi RX480 is for, like, you know, losers, omg.
I respect myself. I am not a loser. I am not pathetic. That is why I will purchase the nVidia® GTX 1060™ (maybe two of them, for SLI). What about you? Are you a wonderful nVidia supporter, or an AmD poorboi loser?
There are actually a lot of $249 1060s. That's why AMD is in such trouble.
There is literally no reason to buy AMD.
the only one in stock is $300 now fuck off back to Sup Forums nvidiot shill
>-The nVidia® GTX 1060™ is for independent thinkers, people who value freedom and dignity.
you don't belong on Sup Forums
Check newegg, there should be a lot for $249. If they're out you can set up a notification.
>There is literally no reason to buy AMD.
Pretty much. When Nvidia is even beating AMD in the value game, they are really really screwed.
They will be hiked up like the 1080 and 1070 were after the first time they sold out, do idiots like you never learn from the past?
With dx11, AMD even failed to offer better value thanks to their overwhelming driver overhead.
That won't be fixed until dx12 and vulkan become the only used APIs.
You wouldn't notice it in benchmarks because most of them use shit like i7 5960x or 6700k.
No the 1060 is actually selling for the MSRP, check newegg.
I did this is the only one that came back in stock and suprise suprise they hiked the price just like i said.
Looks like you will have to setup notifications for the $249 ones
There's a lot of them here: newegg.com
>$290 for gigabyte 960
That's actually a pretty good deal, considering reference housefire piece of shit motherboard burning 480s were sold for $250
when is aftermarket sapphire card released?
for benchmarks see
Yeah pretty much anything is better than those buggy housefire reference 480s
>150 watts
That was before the 480 even launched.
>runs hotter than a gtx1080
>uses almost as much power as a 1080
>one third the performance
>same price
At best it's $50 more. And that's ignoring the fact that all the $250 options are sold out.
power consumption is only a issue for niggers literally burning gasoline for electricity
And when they come back in stock they won't be $249, you mouthbreathing fucktard
Kek, AyyMD fags mad when power consumption nullifies their whole "better value" argument
Like most poorfag nvidia shills from india, i guess thats why they try to make the "muh power consumption" argument.
Im sorry that you have to burn gasoline to keep the power on panjeet.
I don't even know who's the shill anymore
a typical gpu draws 300w under full load
at a average rate of $0.10/kwh, and 4 hours a day EVERY DAY at full load, it only costs you $43.68 a year
Yeah they will, 1060 is $249 to stay.
Power consumption = heat
That's why AMD cards are housefires
No, they won't. That has literally never happened with any GPU, ever. If it sells out day one, when it comes back in stock the price is higher. This is not a guideline, it's a rule, and the 1060 is not an exception.
Lol that's not true at all.
The 1060 is $249 and it will keep being $249. Come back in a week or two and see, I'm going to screenshot your post and laugh at you.
its like you're rooting for a card to be at a higher price, i swear the AMD shills are the worst thing i have ever seen and make me ashamed that my pc is all AMD and that im considering Zen if it's price and performance are respectable...
>people here are literally defending a card that was showcased and promised to be $199 but AMD pulled b8 and switch and the RX480 is a slightly lower performing card than the 1060 with typical AMD issues
Based on what evidence? Wishful thinking is meaningless, and you're a spineless cuck shill.
50 nvidia points have been deposited to your account panjeet
The RX 480 is $199, the only "issue" has already been fixed, and it was released before the 1060, so I don't know where the fuck your "b8 and switch" comment comes from. Get the fuck out, shill.
Wishful thinking? It's just the truth, the prices don't change.
Like I said, I'm going to post a screenshot of your post in 2 weeks and make a thread laughing at your stupidity.
when they are back in stock for $250 in 3 days will you do everyone a favor and just end yourself
Seriously these AMDtards are awful. The worst kind of people.
>the prices don't change
They have in the past and they will again. You have no evidence whatsoever to back up your statement, stop talking out your ass. I really hope no one's paying you to say this shit, you're a really bad shill.
Nvidiots on suicide watch. Custom AIB RX480s about to wipe the floor with 1060s @ 2GHz
samefag shill pls go
>the prices don't change.
what is the 1080
what is the 1070
leave nvidia shill
It's going to be really funny when the 1060 stays at $249 and you look really really stupid.
See It's going to be really funny when they all come back at $300+. Seriously, just kill yourself, you'll be doing this board and the entire world a favor.
Lol you just keep digging a deeper hole.
Should I screenshot the whole thread?
1060 will stay at $249
Its going to be really funny when you die of ebola panjeet.
Great, I have the word of some random shill on an anonymous mongolian pottery forum, surely I can trust that! Kill yourself, you turbonerd faggot
already btfo
You don't have to trust me. Just come back here in a week or two and I'll make a whole thread just for you, showing the 1060 at $249.
You do that, see . It's OK to cry, little shill.
dont have to
Sorry you can't handle the truth.
$249 for unicorn 3GB 1060 that have never even actually been stocked anywhere because nVidia is paper launching all of their cards due to yield issues
$239 for every 8GB RX 480 that is actually in stock and far more available than the GTX 10X0 cards because they're actually able to get target yields and didn't retardedly paper launch everything to try and hurt competitor market shares but actually had products to produce on release day.
Seriously user, I'm not saying that the nVidia 1000 series GPUs aren't good, but they could've at least been honest and said "hey, we're releasing this card in six months and distributing the initial yields to reviewers only" instead of pretending to release them when they don't have the yields.
I can't handle the truth? The truth is here , deal with it and fuck off.
There is no point user. AMDrones are extremely desperate right now, clinging to DX12/Vulkan(reminder that mantle failed, kek). Objectivly the 1060 is the better card right now. There is no doubt that it'll probably be better down the line, but it's a ~$250 card, how long are you really gonna use it?
You should buy what you need now and not what'll become ''good'' later.
>we might actually see another 1.7% in our lifetime
There are plenty of $249 1060s right here: newegg.com
They're all out of stock, you retarded fucking shill. And when they come back in stock, they won't be $249. Why do we have to keep going over this?
>it performs worse under DX12/Vulkan
>it'll probably be better down the line
Pick one faggot
>they're all out of stocks
Uhh 480 isn't in stock either
See and then kill yourself.
They don't change the prices you silly goose.
The 1060 is $249 and will stay $249.
DX12 and Vulkan are not the standard and no matter how much you lie on an anonymous vietnamese crab trading forum, it's not gonna change the fact that DX12 will not become relevant anywhere near soon and you people said the same shit about mantle that you now do about Vulkan.
Shill harder, pajeet.
Sorry you must be really mad that the 1060 is way better than the 480
It's already a lot of $269 for 3GB and out of stock for everything else dickbag
>resorting to photoshop to shill
wew lad real pic incoming
DX11 wasn't the standard a few years ago. DX12 will be in the future, no matter how hard you shill.
Stop samefagging.
They have in the past. See every flagship GPU ever.
Uhh there is no 3GB 1060
I see a bunch of $249 1060s right there.