>people that don't already know how to write a For loop in C are pursuing CS degrees
>people that don't know how to use disk defragmenter are taking coding language classes
>people that can barely type 40wpm are attending universities for computer programming
>people that are 30+ years old are just starting to learn a programming language
Embarassing things you see on a regular basis
>people that can barely type 40wpm are attending universities for computer programming
Citation needed
All I have to do is look across the room, user.
Thanks for the (You)
>>people that are 30+ years old are just starting to learn a programming language
>learning new things is embarassing
to be honest this thread is pretty embarassing
so much this!!! upvote this comment!!!
People born after 1995 who quite literally spent their entire life using various forms of computing devices but still type using the hunt-and-peck method.
It isn't embarrassing to learn new things, but at that age it is if you don't even know how to use disk defragmenter. Good luck ever finding a decent job.
Stay mad, 30+ year old.
Free (you)'s for you all.
You deserve a (You) and an upvote :^)
>people that were such outcasts during high school that they could only fill their time by sitting in front of a computer
>smug 2nd-year comp sci students who watch Computerphile videos so they have something to talk about on Sup Forums and look down on others
Will they ever grow out of it?
lol your insecurity is showing bruh
>disk defragmenter
People still use HDDs? I mean I guess if you are poor.....
>Being on this site
>not having a gf
>being fat
>trannys existing
>people that don't already know how to write a For loop in C are pursuing CS degrees
I didn't know any C programming at all and now I'm doing a PhD in CS
Probably not. These threads are becoming more and more common as cs majors regret their degree choice more and more and try to feel better by being 2smart4normies
Is it actually worth it to go past bachelor's in cs? I've been debating if I want to continue to grad school.
Not really unless you want to go into a very specific IT field or want to teach.
/prog/ when
Yes, I'm too scared to go to class half the time.
I find it more annoying that teachers have to use valuable class time to teach students how to use it.
Seeing all these people that know nothing about computers makes me glad I took the degree path tbqh
What fields would it be good for? Or do you just any field as long as you have a specific one in mind?
Before I did my masters (in euroland we need to do a masters before we can do a PhD, shit sucks), every company was pretty meh and it was hard to find programming jobs that wasn't babby's first web dev or some Java or C# shit.
When I did my masters, companies were literally lining up to have me interview for them and sign contracts before I had even completed.
So in my experience, if you don't want to do some menial shit, yes, it pays off. If you're okay with anything and just want some random programming stuff or some sysadmin job, then no, it's not worth it.
What year are you? If freshmen don't know how to do things that's because they are there to learn how to do them.
See Also, I forgot to mention that most consulting companies also only want employees that have masters degrees, because they can charge more per hour from clients.
I think I might try just a sysadmin job or software dev for a while just to see how it is. If nothing else it'll give me some time to save some money before heading back to school
Technically 2nd year but I have some 3rd year stuff done, not really taking the fall-to-spring year classes atm.
I'm aware I'm kind of meme'ing in an mean way but I just don't understand why so many people want to go into computers when they have the same grasp on computers that I had when I was 12. If they can put the extra work into it and make it through then all power to them, but all along the way I see people struggling to get past For loops and people that are clueless that just make me facepalm internally and I can tell they aren't going to make it. Hell, even I get scared I won't make it and my professors are telling me I'm one of their top students.
/aspie-tier rant
Have another (You) my good gentlesir (v:
y thank u
: >
>30 years old and just learning programing
I know your pain OP, I know someone that's 45 and just started thinking he's gonna get a good job
Why are you so concerned with other people? I think you secretly like that they're there, 'cause it's comforting to see people doing worse than you when you doubt your own abilities.
Is disk defragmenting even still a thing? I thought new filesystems phased that out.
wont stop computergrandpas from teaching the kiddos how to use DOS
>fat dudes posting on a Philippine chihuahua decorating image blog complaining about trivial things
This one gets me good every time
A friend of mine who is now a PhD student (in my uni's software engineering research group nonetheless) didn't grasp what the "this" keyword was until late in his master's program. His bachelor's thesis was an android app written in java. I still can't believe it.
If you don't have an SSD, you need to defragment. There's no real way to avoid fragmentation. The only thing that's changed is that modern OSes run a defragger in the background instead of having you run it manually or schedule it.
>>people that don't already know how to write a For loop in C are pursuing CS degrees
>>people that don't know how to use disk defragmenter are taking coding language classes
>>people that can barely type 40wpm are attending universities for computer programming
>>people that are 30+ years old are just starting to learn a programming language
it's the truth. all but 3 of my classmates in a class of 100 don't even like computers, they just like video games. what the actual fuck???
t. CS major.
Not one of these is embarrassing
Lower level classes I imagine?
Hopefully, the system weeds them out soon.
>it's an OP thinks he's better than other people but he's a fat neckbeard children make fun of in the street episode
They are, normieshitter.
what the hell is wrong with this mentality?
>Lower level classes I imagine?
yeah, but so many of them complete it because the entire curriculum has been dumbed down
>'cause it's comforting to see people doing worse than you
It is, it immensely boosts your ego desu senpai.
The picture you posted is embarrassing.
Pursuing a CS degree is embarrassing - programming should be done for fun, not for a living.
Still having an HDD is embarrassing.
The only people who type fast are MMO faggots and IM addicts.
Starting to learn a language in 30s is not embarrassing, it's damn impressive.
Who wants to be the dumbest person in the room?
ok misfit. aren't you late for a BLM protest march?
>programming should be done for fun, not for a living.
This is what autists believe
1) CS is not a degree in programming
2) programming is a tool, some people like doing carpentry at home, some people just do despite that they don't like it, but because it's necessary
>>people that don't know how to use disk defragmenter are taking coding language classes
wtf is a disk defragmenter ? also, i'm currently doing my CS (not the shitty halfassed SE CS 90% of the americans have) master.
>people that are 30+ years old are just starting to learn a programming language
Better late than never. It is more embarrassing if they remain uneducated.
how about not attending a shitty university?
>"people that are 30+ years old are just starting to learn a programming language"
>not wanting to be a competant manager who can review the work that his code monkeys are doing and being able to call them out for cutting corners or bad habits when necessary
It's actually pretty impressive if it augments other skills/experience that you've already built up in work (or if it's just for a hobby).
Aiming for a bottom of the ladder job at that age is going to be rough though.
masters is easily worth it, phd not so much if you care about money