Uses for Nvidia GPUs

Uses for Nvidia GPUs
>hardware acceleration in photo editing and 3d rendering
>Deep learning set ups
>Automotive industry
>High end gaming
>High end ARM processors

Uses for AMD gpus:
>cheap gaming computers that use a shit ton of power and risk frying your motherboard or blowing your psu
>Bollywood films

Why does Sup Forums support AMD, again? Nvidia is the one pushing technology in fields that arent "muh gayming xDD"

CUDA is inferior to OpenCL. It is more successful, but that does not mean it is better. AMD is pushing compute forward faster than Nvidia even if the market fails to appreciate it.

What are you talking about OpenCL performance is much better then CUDA specially on workbench GPU's.

Look at HBM memory, AMD is pushing technology, and sharing it with the industry.

aren't AMD better for workstations

Nvidia pays these people to use their stuff so people like OP can think "by using a Nvidia im using the same gpu as deadmau5 and Terry Crews".

Its called marketing, and proof Nvidiots are just as retarded as Apple fanatics.

I'm about to buy a new GPU and I'm still confused about this part. CUDA seems to be easier to use, and Nvidia cards beat AMD's on OpenCL according to Phoronix. Plus, they have much better (proprietary) Linux drivers.
AMD seems to support newer OpenCL though, but I don't know what they added with it. I might also get a freesync monitor soon, though not sure if it supports Linux.

>shills this hard for a company
>does not get paid at all
>gives HIS money to said company

Tell me how much you use your Nvidia for robotics and deep learning, OP

"Cheap gaming computers"
Nvidiots don't understand marketing.

I like how you're concerned about AMD.

I could have invested into AMD while they were still at $1

Fucking hell

Just poo in it

My average buy price was $2.17. I only bought a few when they were $1.80 because I didn't have any money to spare. Still, my IRA doubled in value over the last year.

$6 is going to be the cut off point. After 6 its going to sell off big time. Over all its going to still go up but this one of the biggest oppurtunites to make money that AMDs stock ever gave anyone in a long time.

>$6 is going to be the cut off point
If they really got +40% IPC the Zen is going to dell loike hot cakes too.

There will be a small sell off at $6, just like there was at $5. I'm holding until November/December. Polaris jumped their stock because it improved their market cap, Zen will do the same and since AM4 is supposed to launch in time for back to school I suspect that OEM's are buying a shit ton of chip sets and silicon. Zen for builders (enthusiasts) should launch in October and then we will see where the stock prices are at.

What is this picture of OP

A supercar powered by Nvidia
something AMD will never be capable of because theyre building Bollywood poo machines

I definitely 100% bought my GPU because the closet homosexual from White Chicks also uses it. You caught me. It definitely has nothing to do with the fact that I'm not a third world budget gaymer trying to finally break 15fps on DOTA 2. That's the only possible reason I could see for anyone ever using AMD.

Yeah and I bought 3 iphones because im not a 3rd world poor trying to finally break a 99% diversity level in emojis

>Its the, " I spent more money than you for the same thing so its obviously better" argument
Again, Nvidiots=Applefags

Your argument would be valid

A: if AMD had any comparable offerings that weren't guaranteed to explode/burn down your house

B: If people were buying three nvidia GPUs to run 1080p.

You can literally get a 1070 for around the same price as a 480 while not killing yourself and everyone you love in a combination house fire/computer explosion. It also has way better performance. Don't be silly.

The big difference is that Apple has 10% market share, while Nvidia has 80%.

Apple is niche shit for hipsters and fags, while Nvidia is mainstream quality.

>1070 for around the same price as a 480
source pl0x

>le housefire xD
Dank meme bro, thats some good shit right there. Posting this on right now

Both are douches that think theyre better because they paid more for the same shit. Little difference.
Also 80% marketshare on cheap desktops because AMD relies on APUs now.

Go look for an instock 480 and an in stock 1070. I bet you'll be surprised:^)

Maybe you should just get a job so then you can afford more than the absolute bottom of the barrel garbage. Then you wouldn't have to try so hard to defend your second rate GPUs. And let's be honest, that's what this is. AMD fanboys are the worst. The sour grapes is real.

I would buy one of AMD's offerings if they even competed but they don't and it's beginning to look like they never will. Why argue against objective fact.

>Absolute bottom barrel garbage
All I read out of your tl;dr bullshit

AMD offers similar if not better performance to Nvidia for a lower price.

Do you expect me to read all that shit?
Why are you so into sucking Nvidia's dick?



Literally said I'd buy amd if they released anything good. I don't care so much for nvidia either but they're the only real players right now.

RX480 has equal performance to a GTX 980 on dx12 and a 970 in dx11, meanwhile the motherboard thing is an exaggerated Nvidiot meme thats been fixed

R9 390 was the price/performance king of its generation and so is the rx480

You could have bought a 7950 or 7970 a few years ago and still have it improve in performance thanks to DX12

AMD is basically for people who arent brand fanboy retards.

>TFW I still have my 7950 even after I moved onto Fury X
I regret neither of my choices. Both have been very solid cards for me.

>(232 KB, 1366x768)
you have got to be shitting me.

Enjoy your 980 performance on the 6 dx12 games or the other 6 coming out in the next two years.

>arguing about gpus day in day out
>not just shutting the fuck up and using whatever suits your needs
>these threads still are a trend

>>High end ARM processors
Thanks for the laugh OP.

>AMD is basically for people who arent brand fanboy retards.
famous words of an amd fanboy

That's the bait you moron.

Also AMD uses open source technologies not this proprietary bullshit.