Sup Forums here. Can someone please explain to me why this board has a picture of some communist cuck stickied?

Sup Forums here. Can someone please explain to me why this board has a picture of some communist cuck stickied?

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Posting in a bad thread.

Sup Forums here, could you take your shit meaningless opinions back to
alternatively just get

That's the inventor of Linux, the most popular OS on Sup Forums

That's Jewish communist cuck to you.

>That's the inventor of Linux
Linus Torvalds wrote Linux, not that communist cuck.

Ceo of nvidia and amd

Your newfaggotry is showing. Go back to tumblr.


He's being ironic. I think that your newfaggotry is showing desu

>fights for privacy and is anti-monopoly
I thought that's what Sup Forums was for

>muh communism
As if such a thing ever existed, You do realize that communism was the terrorist boogeyman of the cold war era right?

Jesus, you people really can't detect a joke, can you?

>Sup Forums here
Fuck off back to Facebook, stupid normalfag poster.

I used to look up to rms but the more I come to understand technology and privacy, the more obvious it becomes that he's a kiddy diddler

Ant we all in it for the loli?

holy kek

>he bought the camo MAGA hat
what a fucking autist

That's what clued you in? Not his shirt?

>making jokes
Summertime is over, go back to

>You are now aware Richard Stallman refers to American police as "thugs."
>You are now aware Richard Stallman calls the Dallas killer's anger "justified," even though his actions were "wrong."

His shirt is edgy, but it's camo. Which is really fucking gay

Sup Forums is socialist at its kernel, fuck off Sup Forumstard.

Not visible in the OP due to being covered by the sling, but the shirt features pepe Trump.

Instead of buying that assault rifle he should have put a down payment on braces or even invisalign. That would have been a much better investment.

>this is your average Sup Forumstard

Nice try keeping face


We literally host a shopping chink consumer electronics general in this board 24/7, endorse Israeli technology firms and buy electronics from Mexico, Taiwan and Korea.
A fat autist with socialist delusions is the lesser of our problems

Go back to your containment board pathetic neo-nazi basement dweller