>still no 3ds emulator

Other urls found in this thread:


>buy it
>hack it
>play it
No need for an emulator bro.

No point in emulate this shitty console while there is not even one good game.

Look up Citra Emulator, you fuckin retard.

>b-but muh pokeymuhnz

>what is citra

>cant connect to servers

cant hack past a specficic firmware, doesnt help that mine has that "ambassador" thing on it so hacking isnt a good choice

This is about 3DS, not PS Vita.

pokemon is dead with the third gen and we already have good gba emulator.

yeah I know, what's the problem mate?
Nintendo stopped making good games wihen the ds and the wii came out ten years ago.
Nothing of value is lost since then.

>says there's no 3ds emulator in 2016
>tell this fucking retard there is a 3ds emulator
>replies with ">lel no servers xD"
>replies to someone else with "can't le hack a firmware xD"
frick off you fricken frick. why don't you be more specific in your original post.

Are you retarded? There's at least five decent emulators.

>Nintendo stopped making good games when my nostalgia ends.
Yeah, sure.

it doesnt even run, its implied that you want an emulator that actually runs games properly.

>Still playing children's games

this is an awful post

instead of bitching and whining, how about you do some fucking research? Buy a gateway 3ds card and downgrade your firmware

read full post

i did, OP wanted a fully functional 3ds emulaotor [not happening lol] and then whined about how he was on a high firmware

>being poor, can't buy a 3DS

i have one, i want to trade pokemon with myself to get some hacked ones

LOL took me a second to understand the gif

Be thankful you aren't from a country where people STILL repost that video and make collages with it. I've seen that scene a billion times against my will because I was dumb enough to expect something original, but no, they only use that fucking shit for every meme/"humor" video they come with.

SEA or brazil?


Nigga citra is awful, the only builds that work are the chinese ones where you have to change the language of the game every 5 minutes or else it will crash

This thread is awful, lets talk about how Sega Saturn finally got blown wide open after 20 years.



i wish i had the skills to do something like this...

Ambassador what?a

>Cheating in a children's game

Why? How is that fun? If you could just cheat to instantly obtain everything what is the point in playing?

Ambassador is this programme and a couple of gba games for buying a 3ds early

Its barely cheating, its just speeding up the natural process of iv and ev training

For competitive pokemon, everyone does it anyway

Just confirming this guy that everyone I know in the competitive scene "cheats", as in getting the specific pokemon they want with the wanted stat spread.

It's not truly cheating since you can't get a pokemon with stats outside of what's possible for it in the game. It's like getting the purest of pure-breeds, it's still part of that breed and not in a different realm.

you can delete the ambassador thing, you don't need it anymore anyways

It's your fault you was retarded enough to update past 10.7, when there was easy downgrades available for those firmwares for MONTHS.

What did it actually do anyway? All it seemed to be was a video.

Wouldn't it affect collectability or something?

They are pretty valuable because they have games Nintendo will never release to the public, and people who consider shit like this as valuable don't hack their shit and pay big money.

It might not be that valuable right now, but once the 3ds is off the market its value will rise.

Ahh, after weeks of getting shat on by Sup Forums the sonyggers resorted to Sup Forums for full damage control

Kill yourself losers

the point shifts from grinding for a goal to strategically choosing a goal
to beat the elite four if you grind a couple to level 60 that is enough, and the grinding is the goal

but if you are in competitive, everything is already ground to the maximum, so it is a question of which pokemon and movesets, and grinding is just a repetitive chore

Ahh right
For the people who bought before the price drop

didn't you get yor 20 games?
10 gbas and 10 nes
if you didn't go to the eshop and download them




Yeah i got them, but arent they linked to the club Nintendo (rip) account and not the programme?

>not having a A9LH 3DS on the latest firmware

baka op

You can downgrade 11.0 now with another exploited 3DS and some random DSiWare. Fucking research your shit before speaking.

>You can downgrade 11.0 now with another exploited 3DS and some random DSiWare.
absolutely false, you can only get userland homebrew (read: not downgrade capable) with the current exploits out there.

You mean brickgate? CFW's are much more capable, much more useful, free and doesn't brick your device:

It's still cheating.

Technically yes, but when 1) the entire scene does it youre at a disadvantage for not cheating and 2) the results are indistinguishable from the real thing