Get randomly infected with some garbage

>get randomly infected with some garbage
>instantly kills/removes malwarebytes.exe
>same with spybot
>same with M$ built in anti-whatever
>does this in safemode

what the fuck do I do here? My process list is clean, my services.msc is clean, my msconfig/startup is clean.

This is some weird next level shit I haven't seen before.

Even got super paranoid and analyzed wireshark, nothing suspicious.


Literally kills it in safemode upon reinstall.

This happens for everytype of anti-virus/spyware I've tried.

Is my only option to format?


I don't care, OP.

Unix doesn't have this problem.

Ask your friends on


macOS doesn't have this problem

Install gentoo



The only time I've had that error was when the registry somehow shit itself. Have you tried using CCleaner?

don't you have some graphics card brand to be defending right now, winnigger?


GET YO SHIT, hope it's not infected, wipe the disk and do a clean install of the OS.

That's what I assumed but CC doesn't solve the problem

Did you read the sticky before you posted?


Open your browser.

type virus on google

Does this shut down your browser?

How about opening msconfig?

This, or an Ubuntu LiveCD if you want to poke around and see what it is.

>security through obscurity

Fresh install windows, or in the worst case buy a new HDD if you think this is a "next level virus"

don't try to solve something you think is levels above you

Run clamav from a live Linux drive

Sounds like you've got a rootkit, senpai.
Install Windows on a new hard drive and install antivirus software, then run it and try to find that shit.