Feelio when you remember waiting all day for the RTM to download on the slackware box like it was yesterday

Feelio when you remember waiting all day for the RTM to download on the slackware box like it was yesterday
>now using an even shittier connection

who cares about win7.

thx for new Amada. ^^

Amada and Nanami chan go great together on my HD 7970 system

Amada bred?

They better fucking make a manga about cute grills building and discussing matters of computers.

>tfw no amada

Don't get any funny ideas, Amada's womb belongs to me since I've always been a loyal AMD supporter.

Only if you can find the drivers

this amada looks terrifying
maybe she found 1060 reviews

I just love her little fang

oh yeah, this shit is the cutest

Fuck off with this shit forced meme.
Amada a shit.












tank you based user.

gave up on the desu.
Nvidiot is a salty party pooper.

You sure showed him!!!



are there any of Amada's feet or shoes?

post the promo pictures of amd's anime mascot waifus

AMD A-Series APU lets you email your pee like never before!

this is a known fact

The reason why Japan has such a low birthrate is because they realized how ugly their women are compared to anime girls

Windows XP FOR LYFE!!!

Fucking Microsoft. Why couldn't they just make one waifu for Windows in general? These waifus were born just to die.

You're right, they were.
Not Touko though, Touko is forever.

>No commercial like that with Amada
waste of a cute anime mascot

She was created by a single shop, it's impressive they did so much with her as is.

Worst one yet. They've only released like two pictures of her.


>op desperately bumping his shit attempt at an anime thread every hour

Kek, weabfags really are pathetic


Did you sage? If you didn't sage you bumped the thread. I saged btw.


it's because the majority of the men are literal pedophiles but social pressures from the west led japan to make laws in accordance with white people

not like it matters, everyone there is treated like they don't have the ability to think for themselves.

sage desu

Jap women are still ugly

>implying Amada is 3dpd

When will they make a good OS tan again?

Do you think amada appreciates you seriously shortening the lifespan of your hardware by overclocking to squeeze out marginally better performance?

Amada loves living on the edge

Amada has to make a living too.