What DE does Sup Forums prefer?

Does Sup Forums have a favorite DE?

if you're using linux and still need a DE then you should not be using linux in the first place

KDE applications are best apps.

Cinnamon on mint is the only one I can get to work fine with no screen tearing and other retarded issues

Xfce or bust, user.

xfce because it seems to be the only DE with a functional desktop

also it has a cute logo


weston, englitement, gnome, orbment, velox, motorcar

i'd have to go for LXDE myself. i don't use a computer to look at fancy decorations, and it's fast and light.

why would you use lxde when xfce exists?

Enjoy your no Wayland, fags.

i3wm and no DE


My favorite is xfce but I never could resolve the screen tearing issue. I started to like unity but the applications menu is a clusterfuck on par with windows. I'm using kde right now and while it takes some getting used to, at least I can find everything and video doesn't tear.

Also, unity has shit for settings.

>I never could resolve the screen tearing issue
disable the default compositor and use compton

I just start compton in my .xinitrc

it works for my nvidia 770


I used to have doubts but KDE Neon ended them. KDE really is the best.

Hopefully with the LTS release in October I can start recommending it to normies and not just to edge casers on Sup Forums.



If you have a WM, a panel and a file manager you are already using a DE retard

Windows Explorer

21 years and still undefeated.

>still undefeated
I didn't know there was a special olympics for file managers.

Windows Explorer is a file manager and desktop environment senpai.

The first process takes the form of the DE. Any additional process takes the form of a file explorer Windows. This makes it so file management is fully integrated in the DE.


Unity just works. Why does everyone not just use it?

>going through the trouble of setting up and using Linux
>ending up with Mac OS: the Linux distro