/wdg/ - Web Development General

'Get the fuck in here' edition

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> Discord
(they're the same)

>IRC Channel
#Sup Forumswdg @ irc.rizon.net
Web client: rizon.net/chat

>Learning material
youtube.com/watch?v=JxAXlJEmNMg&feature=youtu.be&list=PL7664379246A246CB lecture series.

>Frontend development

>Backend development

>Useful tools
libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment
>How to get started
youtube.com/watch?v=pB0WvcxTbCA - "WATCH THIS IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A WEB DEVELOPER! - Web Development Career advice"
youtube.com/watch?v=zf_cb_Nw5zY - "JavaScript is Easy" - If you can't into programming, you probably won't find a simpler introduction to JavaScript than this.

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations

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First for shilling Go.

Totally. I was just reading this

3nd for the undying greatness of PHP.

Is the development speed in Go as good for building REST APIs as in e.g. Django Rest Framework (DRF)?

DRF seems so comnfy because you just write your models / serializers etc. and the database gets migrated automatically.

The examples of building a REST API with go mostly used plain SQL and when people ask for ORMs for Go the replies often state that they're not as good as in Python etc.

ORMs are shit, learn SQL faggot

yeah i find the lack of a somewhat-good ORM in Go a bit daunting, actually.
today i found this, but haven't tested it:

h-here I go guys

>hace 30+ dias
la wea fome ql, user. don't expect any responses.




How hard is it to learn how to code in Spanish?

hero banners/images are the most cancerous trend
way more so than parallax shits 2bh

>Vague JS requirement
>A PHP framework - and an old piece of shit at that
>HTML5&CSS3? Like what, The semantic tags? And in the end, they're just going to get pissed if you it you actually use CSS3. MUH IE CUSTOMER!
>jQuery - Oh god, they think it's still 2009. This proves that you won't actually need HTML5 or CSS3 at all.
>Bootstrap - Oh wow. I have no words. This proves that you don't need to know anything whatsoever.

Cuanto gana un webdeveloper junior en chile?
En dollares


Is either this or McDonalds., I'm still in college.

Probably around $1k/m

That's awful. Do you have to go to college just to get shit jobs like that in Chile?
I'm so sorry, dude.

1 dollar kilometer?

This. All that wasted space. Fucking frontend hipster faggots.

>shit jobs
You aren't taking into account global economy - it must be cheaper to live in Chile than most cities in USA. Salaries and stuff are based on how on your job and how much is the "living cost" or whatever. I'd give more details if I knew them

Cool thanks
There are not jobs in Chile right now or you dont want to work in other stuff?

k/m is the opposite of km, dingus

I bet you're always the life of the party.

Imagine a line, 1 km long, all made with 1 dollar bills. That's about 6406 bill. So now, you can say "Yeah I earn about 1 km-dollar per month"

Are those those parts at the top of the page that are always 100vh high?

What's a better registrar?

Namecheap, Uniregistry or Dynadot?

I haven't heard anything bad about any of them.

Just don't use 123reg

I am making a Firefox extension. The JS is editing a webpage, but I have no idea how to select this crazy div:

#page.watch .content-alignment

This does not work:

document.getElementById("page.watch .content-alignment").className = .style.maxWidth = "0px";

Any ideas?

getElementById gets elements by Id... not by class. Hence the name.

Use querySeletor, not getElementById.

Well, I don't really like how Dynadot has limited fields where you can enter dns records.

But I never needed more fields than they offer.

Thanks, it works. Not sure how the .className = got in there.

document.querySelector("#page.watch .content-alignment").style.maxWidth = "0px";

What is a good free text editor.

Visual Studio Code.

Atom, Emacs, Vim, VS Code.

I just started using brackets. God it runs like shit on PC. I'm going back to sublime I think. I just don't know what plugins are worth getting.

What are some good plugins to get on Sublime /wdg/?

So VS Code isn't a meme. I'll look.

Question for any web designers, do you or did you use tools to make a wireframe/mockup of your sites? If so, would you recommend using them or do you think it is a crutch?

Of those, I've only used/heard of namecheap, but I haven't had any problems with them.

Namecheap is good and their prices are low (at least for hosting I know its low). They have good customer support too.

>Using any MS product after it was proven that they were adding """""""""""telemetry""""""""""" to code at compile-time without the dev's knowledge or consent.

I use Pencil (pencil.evolus.vn/) to make wireframes, to get client approval. There are better tools, but Pencil is free and works fine.

Prefer showing wireframes to clients so they get an idea of the overall concept, as otherwise people just obsess with colours and fine detail immediately.

package control, of course, and editorconfig, sublimelinter, gitgutter, whatever theme(s) you want, linter packages for whatever languages you use (babel, etc), snippets plugins for whatever languages you use (if you like snippets, not my thing, personally.)

Why do people take a text editor and try to turn it into a poor IDE? Just use an IDE and have everything work seamlessly.

JetBrains products (for paid), or Netbeans/Eclipse are far superior to your text editors.

I'm not a designer, but wireframe.cc is worth checking out. I've used it before for some flowchart stuff.

>overreacting to debugging functionality

Webpack or Rollup?

Sublime loads almost instantly and doesn't hog system resources.

>underreacting to software molestation

Every day amirigh php.net/sunglasses

An IDE is just a build daemon + text editor.

Only in VC++. Who the fuck uses VC++?

Thank you user

Never really looked into them desu.

VC++ is the only one they've been caught adding it to. Between that and all the windows 10 shenanigans, I don't understand why anyone would trust them at this point.

Trust them to do what? You're not being very specific.

The code added to VC++ binaries isn't some obfuscated ransomware, it's telemetry for their new compiler. The only thing wrong with what they did was having it enabled by default, and not explaining what it was until people noticed it on their own.

That's pretty fucking bad.

MSIDF shill detected.

>Trust them to do what? You're not being very specific.

How about trust them not to add spyware to my code, you dumb cunt. How about trust the compiler to compile the source code I give it and not add extra shit without telling me? It could introduce unknown bugs, not to mention open up potential avenues for backdoors and exploits (which I suspect was the real point of introducing it in the first place).

>The only thing wrong with what they did was having it enabled by default, and not explaining what it was until people noticed it on their own.

In other words, the only thing they did wrong was get caught.

Tinfoil keyboard warrior detected. If you're predisposed to believe everything Microsoft does is for the worst possible purpose, obviously we can't have a discussion about it.

>In other words, the only thing they did wrong was get caught.
That's not what I said in the slightest, which is weird since you quoted what I actually did say directly above that strawman. They definitely did something wrong and it was a blunder on all levels, hurting their image not just among nutjobs like yourself, but by anyone who doesn't want extra crap added to their programs by default.

Anyway, enjoy raging against the machine.

How am I supposed to come up with ideas for websites?

Just think of something that nobody has ever done before, easy

For learning? Pick something that involves as many skills as possible.

Try to include API calls, database operations, redis with scheduled tasks or something similar, accounts, admin and users, control panel for both users and admin

I did all these when I created a dota match history website similar to dotabuff.com. API calls to grab shit from valve, database to store and display matches, redis to schedule all the api calls, cron jobs to grab match history in time intervalls, integrated steam login, had an admin control panel to remove or manually lookup matches.

This was my first EVER project and I learned a lot since it uses so many different skills it's a really good portfolio project.

Man these threads are dead now.


So basically find complicated websites and clone them, got it.

Did you get a job after doing that?

Hey /wdg/

I was recently asked to estimate the time for a project and was looking for feedback about my estimate.

The project is a simple ticket system with a small twist: tickets are created automatically based on emails. For example, I send an email to [email protected], and the ticket system will create the ticket and assign the ticket to me. Usually work comes in via email, and there is a lot of interaction with clients. I would also like it to be able to keep track of the conversation and optionally be able to respond within the ticket system. To clarify, it would be accessible within a browser and have some kind of user authentication.

I estimated that this project would probably take about 80 hours. I'm not very familiar with PHP, nor much other backend work, but I think I would be able to tackle it since I have a decent amount of programming expericence. It's an internal tool, so aestics wouldn't be as important so long as it is functional and works correctly.

Is this a bad estimate? Coild someone provide a better estimate? I'd be flying solo for the most part, along with Google and maybe a friend for advice. I'm not committed, but did I fuck up? How bad?

Gonna be making a web app for tracking high/avg/low prices of items on a site I frequent. There's no way to browse through sold items other than directly navigating to them with the item ID. Item IDs are just sequential, so it's not an issue getting to the things - but there's been around 1m listings so far and I've been able to find items with IDs

why didn't any of you fucking retards tell me how amazing pycharm was for web development? I was always scared of it thinking that it was for dedicated 'real' programming but it's fucking awesome, dedicated git commit and push integrated into the gui, console, syntax for frontend html and css is there and it even has autocomplete for css which only like brackets had of the other ide's that i've used

it's fucking awesome i might even shill for it and buy a licence if i ever get hired in backend development

Yes, though generally full width, not necessarily completely full height.

dont waste your time with django for that, use flask

the majority of your backend is going to be using python libraries anyway like pandas and beautifulsoup and python is the best for web scraping and data analysis

no idea about how you would design it though, there has to be a better way than requesting every single page and parsing it for the specific class / id tag and storing the value in a database, it just seems inefficient

>not knowing what debugging is

Balsamiq is pretty cool.

Learning some basic front end shit lately. I don't know how you fuckers can do it.

I think I'm just gonna stick with my C programming for now.

$("body").on("submit", ".my-form", function(e){

This is horrible. Have none of the last few years of JS overhauls presented an alternative that doesn't look like total bullshit?

Maybe you aren't learning things in order. I mean you should start with basic html. If you learn to sort shit with tables, then stepping up to css and divs will be easy. It's the same principle.

And once you know css you'll only need Javascript for the little things you want to add. So you'll pick up Javascript like that.
And then adding and removing stuff from a database with php for example will only take a slight additional step.

Yes. The non-jQuery solution

Some people just have different interests, and when you aren't really interested in something, it makes learning that aspect much harder.

What an odd way to spell Go

>Sublime loads almost instantly

Early 2015 Retina MacBook here, it loads instantly for me

the fuck

$(".my-form").on('submit', function(event){

doesn't do the same.
the first monitors body for submit events and then checks if the form has the class my-form.

this is done when elements are created dynamically when you can't bind events before the element exists.

Is that even efficient? My code monitors only the form with the class .my-form for a submit event. Why monitor the entire body when you can focus on that specific form?

in some cases.
imagine having a dynamic table with 100 records.
each record has a button.
now instead of adding 100 events you have one on the table and check if the button you want bubbled up the event.

I thought we were talking about forms here?

Anyway, I'm no JS expert but I feel like there's a better way to do what you're saying.

If you're outputting data from a database into the table, for example, you could easily add the element ID to the button or the parent element then dynamically get that ID within the javascript without having to write separate events for all 100. And you can do it without monitoring the entire body of the page.

you can add events to any element, OPs example was just my-form.

looping through 100 elements and adding an event costs more performance than having 1 event on the parent.
then you also want to clean up when you load different data and redraw the elements, so you unbind them first by looping through all again, redrawing the elements and then looping through them again to add the event again.

If you plan on parsing non-standardized, hand-written emails from clients directly into tickets, you're going to have a hell of a time. It would probably be better to make a simple form-based webapp they could use which automatically sends you an email and/or dumps it into a database for further processing.

Other than that, I'd say 80 hours is probably a good estimate. Even if you're new to PHP, that should be plenty of time to at least get a solid MVP.

Pretty much every decent IDE and text editor can do any of that stuff.

EntityFramework Core Tooling new version fucking when?

Is it possible to connect to a certificate based authentication tls site via an HTTPS proxy? Will it still expose the origination IP address?

Proxy? probably not. Proxies are trash anyway, get a vps.

Can someone point me to some good resources for getting a job? I'm undeniably entry level but I have yet to see a single job posting for entry level.
I applied to some 2 year experience things and maybe they'll let me slip through but I kinda doubt it.

read the OP

I'm not a NEET, I have a full time job

Stackoverflow Jobs

Tons of Jr web dev positions there.

This is for web bots. A semi dedicated proxy list is 100 for $75. To get 100 vps with unique IPs would cost a lot, no? Need to do ~20 concurrent bots.

>connect to a certificate based authentication tls site via an HTTPS proxy?
Chrome: It supports it, but it must be configured through a proxy auto-configuration script because there is no GUI support. This also means not using the "system-wide proxy configuration".
Firefox: Supported in FF 33+

the real answer to your question is why are you doing that and why dont you do something smarter? probably you need vpn.

anyone know how to fix this asp.net error?

reference the componentart library

tried that but got this error now. Wtf

googling didnt really help

well, what does activitylog.xml say?