Why do people care about privacy? Not a bait thread, please explain it to me why a "normal" person should give s fuck

Why do people care about privacy? Not a bait thread, please explain it to me why a "normal" person should give s fuck.

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How would you like it if cops came by your house every day to ransack your house and make sure you're not hiding illegal things under your floorboards?

yep nep

Normal people don't expose themselves to potentially embarrassing situations. There are some things not everyone needs to know.

is that ali g?

post a scan of your ID

Not even a remotely appropriate analogy. It's more as if they installed sensors and cameras inside your house so they could police you in a non intrusive way. They're gonna see me sitting in front of the TV and eating food, boo hoo big deal. If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear.

Do you close your door when you poop?

afraid of the dark? easyly beat your argument

Build wall spic.


Just look at history and you'll see that whenever the government begins surveilling the general population, tyranny follows. It's an inherently totalitarian procedure.

Even the quote you just said, "If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear." is attributed to Joseph Goebbels, literally the Minister of Propaganda for Nazi Germany.

... No?

Why are you posting anonymously instead of with your legal name? Do you have something to hide?

What is this weak beta mentality of letting the government fuck you in the ass? Really irks me how weak people feel like they're a part of their government. Like gun control, the only people rooting for it are weak people completely detached from realities like the struggle for survival.

that fact that I'm doing your dad right now bitch boy

i thought you didn't care about privacy, why don't you

Aaaaaaand /thread

This is so obvious bait I don't even bother.

>letting the government fuck you in the ass

How is it fucking me in the ass if I have nothing to hide? The fact that they're passively policing me doesn't affect what do at all.

>the struggle for survival

If only there weren't loonies carrying out mass shootings every week maybe survival wouldn't be a struggle retard.

>they were so wrong that they almost conquered the world

there's nothing wrong with Nazi Germany.if anything, every country should be like Nazi Germany.

>The fact that they're passively policing me doesn't affect what do at all.
It does though. Even if they don't do anything to you directly, just knowing that you're being recorded has a chilling effect on your behavior, whether you realize it or not.

>his argument is something that the hard rigorous science of psychology claims that could happen


>implying anyone is even going to look at or acknowledge the existence of your recorded shit if they have no reason to

There are billions of people on the planet, it's like having a gorilion movies, you're not gonna watch every single one of them, you'll pick one and watch it.

Because it goes against the founding principles of this country. Its part of what made this country great in the first place. I'd tell you your welcome to leave, but I guess it isn't so easy to leave.

Everything comes to an end, those principles shall also end. Just face it.

And that makes it okay how...? That just means it's ineffective for doing what it's purported to do, while being effective for what we don't want it to do...

Do you consider anything about you to be personal and wouldn't like the entire world to know about it?

So you don't mind if people watch you masturbate or fuck someone? How about watching your parents or children undress? Or them masturbating? Privacy is a fundamental human right, not a privilege.

Except they didn't

>beta mentality
too bad Sup Forums slacktivist privacy advocates like you are the textbook opposite of alpha, choosing instead to hobble themselves and their software workflow in a convoluted effort to work around government and corporate surveillance rather than facing it head-on with protests, political campaigns, boycotts and other forms of civil disobedience that would actually strike fear into a CEO or career politician's heart far more than a bunch of whiny teenagers blogging and whining like SJWs on GNU/Twitter

but keep wallowing in your complacency and half-assed band-aids, you mindless consumerist fucks are merely reaping what you've sown anyway

I fuket your mum

That doesn't mean you don't fight for it though.

Nobody cares about you looking at futa porn, they'd only care if you did something illegal, the same way cops don't come into your house everyday to look at your shit, they only come if they have a reason to.

You took her to Thailand?

because they want to controll thier stuff.

gave her to the brazilians after I used her

Did I hit a nerve there buddy?

Rather than doing useless political campaings and pointless boycotts, "slacktivist privacy advocates" have created i2p, tor and all sorts of software to enhance privacy.

>his argument is laughing at someone else's well written argument

Don't listen to cucks, kids.

Would you be ok with the thought that someone faps to nude selfies that your gf sent exclusively for you? This is a typical normie reason to care I think.

>law enforcement is infallible, they never make mistakes or do anything illegal or immoral
That's a cute argument.

What does that have to do with anything? I'm assuming you're a normal person, how many times have the cops come into your house to search your shit?

A failure in every way?

They will tie your mediocre penis to your auto generated dating account which is public to everyone with Google glass instantly when they see you.

Lol, I see your of those pedos from Sup Forums.

And they really weren't THAT close. As soon as USA got involved it was over. It was like two children fighting and then daddy came home.

>This was George Orwell's nightmare scenario in 1947
>Boo hoo big deal

>I've never had a problem so obviously it never happens

No it's more like

>i don't do illegal shit so i don't care

The cops haven't come into my house because they don't have a warrant. Meanwhile, my data is being searched and siezed constantly without a warrant. See the problem? Are you proposing that cops SHOULD be allowed to search my house whenever they want, in the same manner?

>Rather than doing useless political campaings and pointless boycotts
what a hilariously beta mentality, especially in this day in age when common street niggers can make an entire election all about them with some crude cardboard signs and teary faces

>"slacktivist privacy advocates" have created i2p, tor and all sorts of software to enhance privacy.
in other words, they've created band-aids that do nothing to tackle the actual problem, just get around it by hiding away in their virtual closets like beta cucks while corporate and government entities continue to tighten their grips unopposed

i2p and tor won't protect you against all surveillance and privacy violating policies, they won't protect you when strong encryption becomes illegal to fight terrorism, they won't stop you when your peculiar online activities get you put on a watchlist, they won't protect you when you fuck up on an insecure system

threatening a political establishment however, can protect you, as can threatening a corporation's financial bottom line by blowing up an issue in a way the wider public relates to

Because of the right to not self-incriminate,and the fact that crimes exist that anyone can be charged with at any time for almost any reason by a prosecutor who has it out for you, which can eat up a ton of your money even if you are not found guilty.

>Almost conquered the world
>Lose to essentially the same alliance that the German Empire did

Your data is being seized but nobody is actually doing anything with it, like i said, gorillion movies.

For a short time I sat with my back facing the door in my office. Now, of course I know that nobody gives a shit at all about what's on my monitor. I know that. Still, it's a very uncomfortable feeling and I absolutely hate it.


Delusions of grandeur and that they're the front lines against an increasingly totalitarian government

>despite all the while making fun of actually oppressed peoples

Never jaywalked? Exceeded the speed limit? Torrented music? Looked at a loli thread on Sup Forums? Watched a DVD using an unlicensed player?

Are you a US citizen? If yes, did you know that the federal government is literally unable to count the exact number of federal laws in existence? Did you know that states are allowed to have and enforce archaic laws like Wyoming's "pictures of rabbits forbidden between Jan. and Apr."?

I mean, if you consulted with your lawyer and are 100% sure you have never, ever broken any state or federal law, congratulations! But don't pretend you're normal in any way.

The warrant is that you are using the Internet and her services. You Agreed.

Op post your address,phone number and your social security since you dont care about privacy. Also move in to a house of made of glass because you have "nothing to hide.

Reality: they don't. People only care about getting shit done the easiest way possible even if it means making some sacrifices.

People have always been like this, this isn't something new. This is why Chrome and Windows desktop OSs have like 75% markets share in their own categories right now.

Then privacy matters.

Did you get arrested for those things? I'm sure you didn't, know why? Because nobody fucking cares. And that's besides the point, you're basically saying you should be allowed to do illegal shit.

I support privacy and I'm not the guy who you replied to, but maybe the rabbits law hasn't been enforced in a long time so never had its legality challenged?

False equivalency much?

A fundamental human need, user

Here, allow me to quote you so you don't lose track of your own argument:
>>i don't do illegal shit so i don't care

/ t h r e a d

I'm saying nobody cares about petty shit, nobody cares about the data they got from you because you're irrelevant unless you actually do something serious.

>there are people actively defending someone violating their privacy

>nothing to hide, nothing to fear
That fallacy is so dumb, and so widely used, there's a well-cited wikipedia article on it.

>unless you actually do something serious.
And who decides what "something serious" is? Political protest is something serious to oppressive governments.

Relax, freedom. OP has this one

Don't know, but that's another topic.

I suspect the people arguing against privacy overlap with the people arguing against having gun registers and background checks for guns.

Am I wrong?

When people believe they are being watched they change their behavior to conform.


Actually laughed.
You're disgusting.

You do realise police aren't paid to solve crimes, right? They're paid to find a suspect they think fits and ship the case over to their local DA.

>The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Because the government needs to have probable cause to search my shit. And if I have nothing to hide QED they wouldn't have any probable cause to search my shit. Pretty simple.

Why is it another topic? You say it's fine as long as they only target people who did "something serious". That's completely unspecific and arbitrary.

Thanks for that insight, Anonymous

If you are a hacker and care about freedom and free software you should always care about government surveillance.

fuck off shill

Knowledge begets power, which begets influence. Two things that should be limited within governments.

Shill for what?

Not the guy you're replying to, but the police came into my house without a warrant and searched through my shit and turned out to be searching the wrong house.

Something, probably, so fuck off already.

I live alone.

Get the fuck off this board if you don't believe in free software

Only American "normal" people dont care about privacy.

Here in the Netherlands its common sense that privacy means security.

Shilling for freedom? Sounds good to me

Privacy and security usually don't go well together. Adding cameras everywhere in public would increase security and make it very easy for the police to solve crimes but it would make privacy in public non-existent.

Your attempts to bind together my love of freedom in software with your love of the government spying on citizens have failed.

What kills me is Sup Forums, a board full of affluent white nerdy kids, is worried about the government becoming oppressive when in fact for many people in every corner of the world, it already is. Sup Forums is so consistently opposed to the struggles of actually marginalized people, why do you pretend to actually give a fuck about oppression?

I dont, i care only for free software

This is not false equivalence, it's an analogy of physical information, social ect, to digital, your online profile and habits. The government has no right to look through my shit without a warrant, fuck em.


If police knocked on your door and said they'd want to search your house. No particular reason, just a routine check. Would you think that is OK? If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear, after all.

those under oppression may be encouraged to fight

everyone here, they are ignorant of what is going on. so what will happen? it will be more brave new world style rather than outright 1984-type of totalitarianism, the plebs will be satisfied by luxury, facebook, cars, snapchat, they will not even be aware of what is going on behind closed doors. in some ways, this is both better and worse.

yes, we aren't starving, we aren't being shackled and driven off to camps. the thing is, the preparations for this sort of power are taking place, have been for a long time, and they are all ignorant.

worse yet, you can't even flee to greenland because the population is around 50,000, which isn't suitable to defend itself.
>tl;dr you're a fag and we're all fugged

The thing is: the more information you allow the government to collect, the more they perceive and the more laws they will try to make to steer society. At the expense of your freedom.

Securit means protecting your rights and freedoms. When you get suffocated by stupid rules you arent free and you surely dont have many rights. If you want to catch 100% of the criminals it would mean you would have to lose all your freedom. You'd turn the outside world into a prison.

If you put cameras everywhere they use it to catch criminals now. Later they'll use it to catch people who throw garbage on the ground. Or track people who report in sick from work. Or people who demonstrate outside of the assigned areas. And increasingly silly issues. Just because they can.

In the past we also had some bad experiences with changing governments. The Dutch government loves to collect data about everything.
Before the Nazis invaded in WW2 we had already registered all the jews. Resulting in jews being safer in Nazi Germany than in The Netherlands.

>the government is a "they"
>indicates how involved you are in the government