*give away, not the release date :^)


Other urls found in this thread:

I honestly might go for the PowerColour card this time.

The Devil13 cooler is thicc af famalam [italian fingers][broken tear-ducts].

That and I prefer jewish demons to regular demons, cause they just steal my money, not my internal organs.

>not posting the link

>1.5 more fps than the reference model



the 3dmark score is 14000, 1500 above the 12500 of the reference, also the GTX 1060 is at about 13500 so this is going to be interesting.

and now show DX11 game.


>Once overclocked, the boost clock hovers around 1360MHz, and a few slight drop offs bring the average down to 1359.8MHz. Please note, I did try to push the clock further and even added large amounts of voltage to no avail.

wtf, so I waited for nothing??

>still hits ~76c at load

I was looking forward to see what this card would do, but it's very underwhelming. More expensive than a 390X but with slightly worse performance.

Polaris in general has been pretty disappointing, and Vega will no doubt be Fury-X2.0
>An overclockers dream
>will bury the 980Ti
>Nvidia killer!


>52C idle

>amd cant overclock
find a better source that one is shit

I went to the website, looked at it for a minute, and then decided that I didn't want that card even if they gave it to me

On average it performs worse than reference 1060

The reviews for nitro are only just being released, so we should more over the next few hours.

>52C idle
>75C load
>aftermarket cooler

again find a better source any source that says amd cant overclock are shills and i proved that to be false

Third party cards are always about cooling and oc u sperg

You find the sources you fucking faggot, i'm not your personal secretary

wow well i found one

2 weeks till release my man.
only went into production today.

Besides the power draw, is there a reason to get this over the r9 fury if theyre in the same price bracket?

What the fuck is this shit? What was the room temperature? 40C? Where they testing in the middle of the dessert? My HD7950 idles at 33C when room temperature is 27C. And I was really looking forward to upgrade.

That was a leaked graph from reddit. It was confirmed bullshit. I'll see if I can find the thread again.

The fans don't spin at idle, dickhead.

how is a 380 beating a 380x and a 970? wtf

>what is binning

>thinking 50-70 is bad for a gpu
they are rated upto 120'c and generally cut out around mid 90s
not that ive burned nvidia or amd cards before or anything.

I'd prefer my room to not be a sauna

>Only benchmark that bothered overclocking it
like i said, it doesn't suit nvidia to overclock the 1060 and 480 so the shills wont do it.

>at stock speeds
>on open bench
>not bad
Wut? Imagine what kind of temps you will be getting in a closed case and OC.

It emits the same amount of heat, retard, the only difference is the fans either don't spin and it's retained in the heatsink (less noise) or they do spin and it's pumped into the room.

It's like you morons never went to a high school science class.

>what is my reference 290x is at 1200mhz amd cant overclock is a meme pushed by nvidia shills

This is why temps are so high
>high quality thermal engineering

Fuck this, was going to buy a nitro, but waiting another month? Fuck you amd, this is one big fail

Does your retarded ass think for a second those fans are at 100%?
If the curve states 75c should be the max, the card will be at 75c in a case with piss-poor ventilation on a 45c day.

>everyone wants 480 nitro before it release because it looks cool
>75C, 20 MHz OC

fans literally turn off for idle with the card.

>20% OC
>thinks it's a lot
I would like to remind you that the 79XX cards could get 25%-30% OC without touching the power or the voltage sliders.

do you think AMD AIBs regret partnering with them? I can't imagine that Sapphire doesn't resent AMD at least a bit, for continually putting out shit products vs Nvidia

>the graphics card consumes just over 300 watts

ASUS just uses their coolers from nvidia cards and stick them on AMD cards.

Not much effort goes into that.

total system retard.

>review without stock 1060 or stock 480
>reviewer failed to OC even when he tried
literally dumbest review I have seen in a while.

It's because 480s simply don't OC.


if you have your case fans setup correctly, it would be cooler as airflow is higher.

dont fool anyone, this is from their website as an example ofbad airflow that is NOT the air flow stuff they market the card with.

It does and if you think otherwise your a fucking retarded nvidia shill

>ethnics knowing about computers

AMDrones in damage control
>Failed RX 480 Launch 2.0

I can't wait to see what the next failure will be.

>1266mhz to 1350mhz with a reference cooler
>hurr they don't overclock

>6.6% overclock
Here's a good overclock.

I use nvidia

they have to find boards which actually can overclock that high

And that 6.6% results in a bigger framerate jump than my old 280X did going all the way up to 1200mhz.

>damn near 100mhz when the card is at the limits of its power and with a very cheap cooler
>massive cooler and 8-pin
>hurr no overclock

>And that 6.6% results in a bigger framerate jump
Only on vulkan.

Congrats. You got a big boost in 1 game. Shame all the rest is insignificant.

>no price
>no release date

At this pace we will see vega before custom 480 hit the market

Jesus christ

This is true. I wonder if it's possible to disable this feature though, and have them slowly spin at idle.

review site said only 20$ more than reference.

My link showed the reference card going from 1266 MHz to 1335 MHz. I was willing to ignore that it suddenly turned into 1350 MHz, but now it turned into "damn near 100 MHz". 69 MHz is not particularly near 100 MHz.

Strix only went 20 MHz higher on TPU. Nitro 1360 MHz on eteknix, basically the same number as Strix. But no, these aren't good enough for you. They're wrong. They don't know how to OC. RX 480 OCs really well! I know it for sure! Sapphire told me that they can reach 1500 MHz!

Do you not realize how desperate and retarded you sound?

>10 more fps than the competing card that's more expensive


>Sapphire told me that they can reach 1500 MHz!
The funny thing is sapphire didn't say this. It was a rumor started by someone who claimed to have a brother working for an AIB partner, and custom boards could easily reach 1500, some even as high as 1600. It was all bullshit to begin with, long before the reference 480 was even released.

It's chinese whispers. It gets repeated often enough that eventually it's nothing like what was originally said.

Nothing every suddenly turned into 1350, retard, it was always 1350 because 1335 is what you achieve if you don't bother to optimize anything. That's dragging the slider across at stock voltages level of overclock.

Try pretty much every DX11 game i have.
280X would gain about 3-4FPS when overclocked, 480 gains about 3-4FPS when overclocked.

>AMD’s latest driver automatically overrides Sapphire’s tuned fan profile which results in ridiculously fast fan speeds above 2300RPM. Apparently, it’s because AMD targeted a 65C delta instead of 75C which the Sapphire model’s cooling apparatus is based upon.

The card was trying to reach 65C but still shows 75C when tested. What?

> In the grand scheme of things, going from 1266MHz to 1340MHz is a rather small overclock of 6%. You aren't going to see a big gaming benefit from that. When we bumped the frequency up to 1345-1350MHz is when artifacts started appearing on the screen in games randomly from time to time. At 1355MHz the artifacts were more frequent and distracting from playing the game. At 1365MHz artifacting was extremely bad and the games locked up.

>To play with no artifacts on the screen, 1340MHz was the highest, and that is with the fan at a very loud volume. If you wanted to overclock with the fan at a quiet volume, you will probably be out of luck. We noticed this GPU gets hot fast when overclocking with the fan at default fan speed. We experienced our GPU reaching 90c in no time and throttling the GPU clock speed when trying to overclock past 1.3GHz with default fan profile and +50% Power Limit.

The article you linked gave a glowing recommendation.

He also stated there was no reason to buy a 1060 for more, when this product is less.

Nice damage control, shill

>280X would gain about 3-4FPS when overclocked
Now I know you're lying. I've got a 280, and the difference on Witcher 3 between stock clock @ 933Mhz and OC @ 1125Mhz is around 13fps.

>bigger framerate jump than my old 280X did going all the way up to 1200mhz
because a 280x is already an overclcoked 7970

Why does no one bench games people actually play? like TF2?

>all this bullshit text
I own one, faggot. 1350 is achievable if you tweak the voltages correctly (including undervolting the VRAM) and the GPU reaches 90c only if you let it by keeping the default fan profile, which refuses to actually go up to 100% at any point, preferring to thermal throttle.

At 1335mhz (my normal overclock), my fan never goes above 50% and the temps stay below 85c.

With a tiny little blower and a chunk of aluminium.

Even with that "glowing recommendation" that article is still shit. Tomorrow your going to see them show a 2ghz clock on a 1060 and shill it implying that that isn't a absolute gold sample.

>I could get 1350 MHz so everyone can get 1350 MHz!
what is binning

Because TF2 runs on my grandmother's toaster.

So a 192 MHz gave you 13fps?

And 74mhz gives 4fps on the 480?

How is this a huge issue, again ?

Something is fucked up with your setup then, because going 1050mhz > 1200mhz with my 280X the absolute best i saw was like 6FPS improvement in Anno 2205.

You're assuming every card has won the silicon lottery. The majority of cards struggle to maintain stable clocks at 1310mhz.

Something that doesn't matter with the stock 6-pin, but might become important now that power and cooling is being added.

no they don't
see its a reference board 290x

But is any card capable of pushing 289fps at the highest setting at 1440p?
Until that day no card is good enough.

You claimed that your 280X only gained 3-4 fps when going to 1200 MHz.

>Something that doesn't matter with the stock 6-pin
Of course it matters. Are you retarded?

He's talking about 480, not 290X.

>best i saw was like 6FPS
I would say there's something fucked up with your setup if that's all you're getting.

FPS gain depends on how high your fps is in the first place. Say you have 100% OC scaling, so 10% OC leads to 10% higher fps. At 30 fps, that's 3 extra fps. At 60 fps, that's 6 extra fps, etc.

>tried to warn AMDummies that the 480 overclocks like shit as a design flaw that the aibs would never fix
>they called me a shill

who is laughing now, AMDumbs?

Its the same throughout, reviewers said the 7970, 290x, fury x and now 480 cant overclock. They are all shills, AMD cards all overclock great.

Different dude here

>AMD doesn't overclock
See and fuck off to Sup Forums

>Maximum stable clocks of our card are 1075 MHz core (16% overclock) and 1715 MHz Memory (25% overclock).

>Both overclocks are spectacular. It's amazing to see over 15% overclocking potential on a brand-new GPU design, using a brand new production process. Over 1700 MHz memory clock is actually the highest memory speed we have ever seen!

Why do you lie?

He said that 480 doesn't overclock, not that AMD cards in general don't oveclock, genius.

Its a lie and i bet if i had a 480 i could easily get it to 1.5 ghz, also they all are on GCN arch

The review said there was little reason to buy a 1060fe when this card is cheaper. It's a recommendation, shill

AMDrones making big claims again and when they will be proven wrong they will call falseflaging again. You fags said the reference could reach 1.5 Ghz and we all know that POS can't OC at all.

It can just all the reviewers are retarded shills and so are you

>Gets caught posting a gif of bad airflow and lying about how it's the Nitro's airflow
>Resorts to memes
Better luck next time, shill!

>Quotes an article as proof for his claim without bothering to read it
>Someone mentions that article actually recommends the 480
>Suddenly the article is shit
Not a good day for nVidia shills, I see.

>card reaches 75C with fans at 2.3k
>"T-That's how it's supposed to be a-user."

>wow boutiful grephiks carts
autism that can't be cured