Were you a whiz kid when you were young?

Were you a whiz kid when you were young?

>that image

>windows 10

not such a whizz kid now

Trash everyone can build a computer even my grandmom

>from scratch
So he soldered his own CPU too?

kids just a kid, leave him alone

nah, just an annoying cunt.

>from scratch

>dat smug face

The article was published to a black-focused newspaper, so it's not really surprising dumb shit like that would get in


>patent his inventions using friction and electricity

In 10 years he'll look back on this and feel a great amount of cringe.



>sandnigger tears apart electronics and strings them up without a casing around his room
>instant fame

I mad.



Oh, he even build his own CPU, GPU, RAM and HDD, Motherboard, PSU, etc. ?
No? Let me tell you something...
Even retards can build PCs, it's not that hard.
If you can Lego, you can PC as well.
It's just connecting parts together like a toy from Kinder Egg.

I blame the parents and the newspaper that are pushing this as something remarkable than the kid. The kid probably put the computer together and the parents posted it all over faecesbook and the newspaper called up to make a story about it.

I'm actually impressed because he's black xD

Racist liberals at it again.

OMG one of our pet monkeys performed a basic task, stop the presses!

come on guys that's 100% on the reporter/journalist, poor guy probably didn't want it written like that either, bet he's just really happy to have his PC

Yeah, none of the kids fault. It's unlikely that he called the newspapers. But even in my shithole country that is Bosnia and Herzegovina dumb kids are building their PCs.
How was it pushed in UK as something remarkable?

Newspaper is probably starved for content.

It wasn't a newspaper, not a real one any way. It was some "black pride" magazine, there's a picture of the front page floating around, all the articles were equally bizarre.

thx chavs

>He installed Windows 10

No surprises. Nigerians have a better attitude than AA's, Asians, and Whites. Even Sup Forums sometimes admit that.

>built first computer at age of 6 back when you needed an ide controller and plugging the cables in backwards was possible
Today's kids are pussies.

And this will hunt him into his deepest nightmares.


More like comediant

> when you needed an ide controller and plugging the cables in backwards was possible
> pussies
80s kids built their computers from chips and PCBs, with a soldering iron.

>of his hero
>Bill Gate aka botnet lord

Not even they stealing our bikes, now they also stealing our datas. Damn niggers

what he really needs to build is a treadmill


I'm pretty sure I built my first computer when I was about that age. I wasn't following in anyone's footsteps, I just wanted to play Halo on PC.

In the Netherlands over 80 percent of Somali are unemployed and or addicted to khat. Seems like they don't do well as a people no matter how good the circumstances are. But everyone is equal no?

somalis are arabs

Any normal 11-year old can watch a YouTube tutorial and assemble a computer. It's like playing with Legos.

>some times it gets to me but I choose to not let it get to me
And the kid wants to go MIT nigger can't remember what he said a second ago

>take computer programming in 11th grade
>teacher asks if I'm a "freak" because I knew a bit about computers

>6 years later I'm studying CS
>some guy asks if I'm a "freak" because I knew a bit about computers

They're not Nigerian you fucking idiot

I built my own PC at 7 year old, where's my fame? Oh wait I'm white

Seeing as how only the best and the brightest can make it out of that country (which is 7th in population), it's not very surprising

Yea I whizzed on quite a few things as a kid it got so bad they had me diagnosed and put into the retard class

>His hero
>Bill Gate

lol no. they are the niggest


Yes, but I quickly burned out and fell through the cracks once I hit puberty and I wasn't "cute" any more.

They also had their heads dunked down the toilet.


>from scratch
so he stole the parts himself?

I built my first computer when I was 6 years old. Intel i386, still have the cpu in my room.

Fuck this kid.


Immigrants from developing countries usually beat the shit out of their kids when they have bad grades. They are very similar to the UK parents back in the 1950's.


My country makes me proud.


nobody gave a damn when I was because I'm white


When i was in high school i went to the international science fair and my local paper (in west virginia lol) did a really long article on me and they fucked. everything. up.

i wrote a prime number sieve right, that's just an algorithm that finds prime numbers. They said that i "Wrote a program that generates a very efficient sieve number." This kid's parents were probably thrilled that he built a computer so they got some dumbass news reporter in, and probably didn't let the kid explain anything to them.

tl;dr i can't imagine that it's actually the kid's fault


When did Sup Forums become Sup Forums?

Where in WV? From outside of Huntington here.

Sup Forums is everywhere
you can't escape it

Jesus I actually needed to implement one last week and realized how non-whizz I have let myself get since I got out of school

Everybody here is still young and no.

>Soldering like a pro

Nigerians are the Jews of Africa. Also "Asians" in the UK are Muslim poo in loos.

do you have any idea how much those kids parents houses are worth? they don't need school

This. Brexit only made the housing situation worse. I would love to be a homeowner in the UK right now.

now I want to know what's open in that google docs file

>eratosthenes sieve
>you created

uh no

It's not him we are making fun of, it's the media that's blowing it out of proportion.

Build a lego set is more diffiult

His room is not even white

I'm Somali and I work at a fortune 500 company. Nationality has no tangible weight on how your perform or appear to someone on the upper end of the spectrum. It boils down to what you know and how you articulate methods of resolving issues. I thin if someone showed me they made their own instruction set architecture I would be impressed but no more than someone who built their own pic because they're of the same difficulty to me. My boss told me this and said I should never overestimate skill sets that can be learned.
