TFW I can't find an RX480 for $199
TFW I can't find a GTX1060 for $249
TFW I can't find an RX480 for $199
TFW I can't find a GTX1060 for $249
Why are you comparing 4gb version and not the 8gb version?
I have this same problem.
I WANT A $199 RX 480
excluding tax
this lol. tax adds $50
I WANT A $199 RX 480!
I want to cum on that gtx
I want a GTX 1060/RX 480.
I may just settle for a GTX 970.
I paid my RX480 300 yurobucks
Tax does not add 50 dollars.
I refuse to pay the european premium despite being from Europe.
I've got a friend going to America and have them bring it back for me. I'm looking to either get a GTX 1060 or a RX480 but I don't wish to pay more than $300.
Alternatively, I may just buy a £200 GTX 970.
Either card will be an upgrade to my GTX770.
The 970 is a nice upgrade from your 770.
That being said, the 1060 or RX 480 is a better upgrade for similar money.
RX 480 bruh, it's the best choice.
Will AIB 480s come out soon? Are they going to be better than the reference card which is currently getting thrashed by the 1060 in every department that matters?
Highly unlikely considering they will also cost more.
where can i get this
I want one too.
I could have had a 1060 for $225 or a fury x for $275 if I had checked for electronics deals this morning, which I usually do every day from bed with my phone. But my phone broke yesterday.
I've been looking for a good deal on a gpu since the beginning of the year. I'm ready to fucking kill people now.
>paying tax on online purchases
>no async
>no sli
>gimped everything
1060 was dead on arrival. In a year it won't be able to run any new game.
Americans don't pay sales tax on online purchases? I refuse to believe this!
Why would devs start developing for 15% market share
Devs aren't developing for PC to begin with. They make their games to work on Xbone/Scorpio and PS4/Neo and then outsource the PC port to some Pajeets who will just use whatever is easiest.
the gtx970 costs more in my country family.
>tfw, huge taxes
>tfw, $354 for RX 480
>tfw, 1060 will be $461
>tfw no face
well, it is the country of the free afterall, not like communist union Europoor
you deserve anything you get u fucktard. next time make your voting decisions again on "DUDE WEED" arguments
Not even close m8
dang ol Obama with that new 25% sales tax
they do if the order ships from the same state, because sales tax is a state-run thing.
it likely isn't in the same state in any given purchase, because a lot of stores only have warehouses in a few states, versus 50. so, you can very easily just assume there's no tax!
Devs develop for consoles and consoles run Radeons. Then they port the games to PC.
So most games are optimized for AMD by default.
>Reference RX 480 341$(cheapest)
>GTX 1060 405$ (cheapest aftermarket)
>GTX 1060 STRIX 440$
Europe is cucked again
Really? a 480 goes for 300euro, a 1060 for 260euro.
get the evga sc 1060 its 259.99
24% VAT + greedy, greedy retailers. Some RX480 are 365$. It's like they have an gentleman's agreement or something.
I was really expecting the prices to drop as time goes on but nope, still high as a kite.
GTX 970 355$ dollars (cheapest aftermarket). I even found i5-6600k 30$ cheaper than an i5-4670k IN THE SAME STORE.
but you have to add tax to the $ prices too.
besides, you can't compare prices like this.
the cost of living in some countries is higher but the income is equally higher, hence everything seems expensive when it isn't.
Yeah, it sucks when it does happen because you aren't expecting it though.
Average wage is about 900$ and minimum is a little over 400$ (monthly). I can't wait to finish my engineering degree and get out of this shithole.
Certain states don't have laws on sales tax for online purchases. Even if the state you're in has a sales tax, the site you're purchasing from might not enforce it.
You can check if they charge tax on amazon. Buying directly from amazon might be more expensive because 3rd party seller don't collect tax.
Are you taking into account of cost of living?
If you move to Germany or US, you get "cheaper" products, but higher cost of living overall.