Antergos is great

>tfw an Arch-based distro has been your most stable and reliable desktop operating system
>tfw it's also one of the most up-to-date
>tfw installation has more features to make the setup of your computer easy than any other distro (it installs proprietary drivers, wine, playonlinux, libreoffice etc. if you want to)
>don't even get me started on the AUR and yaourt
>tfw people still call Arch a meme

>inb4 "Antergos is a meme, use arch instead like me do for the ebic internet points"
It's literally Arch with an added repository, it's also far easier to install, which is in fact a good thing since "I can install pure arch linux" isn't a real talent

Why don't you use the best distro out there?

Manjaro openrc is better.

No, it's not "literally Arch with an added repository".


I am on manjaro but i havent got any updates since start of june i think. Is this normal?

Someone took arch and made it exactly what arch isn't meant to be: loaded with bloatware and a shitty desktop environment that no one asked for.
>OP thinks Arch is hard to install
That's the real meme.

the arch installation ritual is pointless and tedious.

Their rant against learned complacency is stupid.

if you want to learn about this shit then take a course and spin up some lab vm's like a normal person.

arch is babby's first linux. All you arch monkeys are as annoying as the vegans and crossfitters.

and an installer, which fixes 90% of the hassle of installing Arch normally

>if you want to learn ... take a course

It's not.

Bloatware became the real meme.
>loaded with a shitty desktop environment
It has tons to choose from and even if you're not satisfied with those, you can do a base install and install what you want on top of that. Nice way of showing everyone that you didn't even bother to try it and instead just say what everyone on Sup Forums led you to believe.
>no one asked for
I'd have asked for that if it didn't exist already. It's gorgeous.
>Arch is hard to install
It's harder than it needs to be, especially for the normal user. What's wrong with having a few buttons instead of remembering some commands? I never said it's hard to install, but that Antergos is easier, which it demonstrably is. You don't gain anything by having to do a more complicated install, especially if you've gone the pure Arch way in the past and can't even gain any "learning experience" or deep knowledge of the system anymore, since you already have that.

What's with Sup Forums's addiction with only running software you need 100%? You don't run your installation on a potato and Linux distributions simply can't account for your special usecases, so they provide the software that most people are expected to use for convenience. If this is not barebones enough for you, because you don't have anything to do besides uninstalling small pieces of software that trigger your autism, you can do exactly that. Most people on Sup Forums that got caught by the minimalism meme completely perverted the word "bloatware" to the point where it's not even reasonable to use anymore. Fuck you.

>It's not.
are you on manjaro?

Veganism is great, though. You should try it, maybe a better diet will help you lose your basement belly.

I'm on Antergos, but I used Manjaro in the past. They slightly delay updates, but once Ubuntu gets updates more frequently than your Arch-based distro, you should be worried.

>Whats wrong with having a few buttons
Because I don't want to sit there watching you aim your stupid mouse at the button, overshoot it, readjust, and finally click on it just so I can help you clear out all "extra ram" you downloaded.

Your desktop environment is bad and you should feel bad.

>don't get me started on yaourt (yet another user repository tool)
>It's basically arch with [yet another] repository.
Not sure you should be allowed on this board

why are you watching that user in the first place?
you some kind of weirdo pervert or something?

because he couldn't install arch and doesn't know how to use a terminal

i still don't see how that correlates with you watching him unless you're in the same room or remotely monitoring that specific user for some other reason

he regularly requires assistance from someone who isn't a GUI-only idiot

but is that one guy the person who is assisting him?

I don't disagree but the thing with arch is you spend 1 hour as a one time thing and it just werks untill you get bored of it or untill you break it. Is your time really that valuable? I work full tima as opposed to neets and college students this board seems to be full of and I could afford time to do that.
Yes Arch should have gui installer for partitioning and base install but there is plenty of third party installers for Arch, like Architect. And there actually is point in installing everything from zero, it's actually much easier to do just that than weeding out unwanted packages on OOB ready distro.

Antergos is great. I like it more than having a pure Arch install. Sue me.

any more terrible questions?

what is the specific relation to that user for them to be spending so much time together? is it strictly platonic?

thank you for articulating this.
but cfdisk is practically a GUI and I don't understand why you'd want to add shiny buttons when it's easier to type a number and hit enter.

Most Linux nerds are excited to help people fix their broken systems, even if they're idiots.

You can totally use pure Arch or Architect or any other installer that fulfills your needs. My point is that most people will be totally fine with using the "bloated" version of Arch since they actually don't (need to) care about what most people on this board define as bloat. Antergos won't install any harmful packages, the worst thing it could potentially do is install packages you don't need, that take up space, but that's not a real issue nowadays. I think Arch is a great desktop distribution for the normal user and Antergos is great for getting started, but if you want to stay vanilla, that's totally fine.

nice trips

Install Arch yourself>Arch Anywhere>Architect>Antergos>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Man-gina (regardless of init-system).

Don't you have to get up for school tomorrow? :^)

who has school in the summer, m80, aside from those wretched adults? :^)

Got me there.

I'm flattered. But, I bet you say that to all the boys. :^)


Agree with you user.

I use Debian testing/sid for these reasons. I do the minimal install and breeze through the installer. Do the dist upgrade and install apt-listbugs and apt-listchanges (I believe the programs are called these names. If not, google them). Seeing these, I don't install updates as soon as they come out, I wait a little bit. If updating will install something with a bug or something, apt will actually tell you and ask again if you want to continue. I have avoided a lot of breakage because of this and have gotten everything pretty stable, even on Sid.

I went and installed Debian sid on my work computer in my lab when I was in Uni two years ago and the thing ran flawlessly. Virtual box worked great for my digilent oscope and whatnot, I even got league of legends running smoothly on it.

All you have to do is just not update buggy software and geegee. Unless pacman/yaourt has this functionality, you're installing a timesink OS. I dont have time and neither does the user I am replying to.

Just my 2 cents. American of course.

As someone who is too retarded to understand how the sda1, swamp, all that partition works in linux, antegros is a life saver.

>decides to use an os which its main mission is to give users control of everything
>complains about how the said os doesn't install itself for him

Glad you mentioned league of legends, it solidifies the difference between people who just want to play video games and use their computers, and people who want a finer understanding of how the software in their system actually works.

I get that you people aren't interested in seeing the inner workings and you'd rather have a button to click on than remember what you're actually asking for at a lower level.

This is like eclipse vs vi/vim.

"You people"?

>Why don't you use the best distro out there?
I do. Why don't you ?

is this the new desktop thread??

If you were trying to pin me with people who want pretty buttons, you don't have enough information about me to do so =]

I put league on there for little breaks throughout the day. For my classes, I had to write a few kernel drivers and whatnot as well as do some not-so-fun DSP programming for my senior project. I actually DO care about the inner workings and do only minimal installs to help me learn how everything works. Those wikis are bookmarked and are godsends.

Most of Sup Forums likes to fapfapfap to their animu on little breaks. I like to play a game or two of league to refresh myself or help generate ideas.


Too bad Gnome is terrible.


I'm just lashing out because 90% of the CS majors at my school had MacBook pro's and didn't know the difference between llvm and gcc.
I actually had runescape on my Arch system for a few days this summer. I can't bash.

Is that really what Gnome looks like now?
It's been years since I've used a desktop environment over a plain old window manager.

With an addon or two and a theme, yes. By default, GNOME doesn't have that dock on the side, and the top panel is black and has an applications button on the left.
The desktop in OP seems to mimic Unity. Which is really just GNOME with an addon or two and a theme...

call me when you can point to a single productive thing arch is used for

underrated post

>his hobby OS is Arch and not OpenBSD

Enjoy playing with GNU, boys.

>Why don't you use the best distro out there?+ 0 post omitted.
>most stable and reliable
>tfw it's also one of the most up-to-date

Last time I tried it, the installer sperged out, so no.

okay that's fine
>plus a top bar

thanks pham

Anyone using manjaro here?
Is installing the Intel drivers a good idea?

>needed to fix, it breaks, drivers etc

Why do people think it better than windows? Because you can tice it to anime? You can do it with windows too

If your graphics card is Intel or your sound card is Intel, you might want to.

Stable? I remember not even getting to the end of the installer without disabling all of its "options" like AUR support enabled. It was a mess.

You didn't try very hard on this one, I hope Microsoft fires you.

I have a T420 with intel HD 3000, I want to install it, since mpv causing the temps to reach 80C because of SW decoder.

I have used both Antergos and Arch.

>Antergos is the choice for new users wanting to have a more elitist feeling when using GNU/Linux

>Arch is for the slightly experienced to somewhat adept GNU/Linux user. It's lightweight, no bloatware or any other shit you don't want on your OS

Both are fine which each one suiting a totally different breed of user.

I have been for the last year. It ended my distro-hopping.

It's great.

because manjaro uses it's own repos, unlike antergos which is just a nice gui installer and uses official arch repos after that

I work/fix shit in terminal all my worktime, when I come home, I don't wanna see a terminal unless I need to or it's more comfortable than some shit gui program

Fugg all yous autistic techfags
>everytime i listen to you guise i lose a weedend tinkering with ganooleeenux
>mint and mint only motherfuggers

>>inb4 "Antergos is a meme, use arch instead like me do for the ebic internet points"
>It's literally Arch with an added repository, it's also far easier to install, which is in fact a good thing since "I can install pure arch linux" isn't a real talent

This shit argument has been obsolete for ages. If you want an easier way to install pure Arch, there is architect.

this desu

I wish i could be getting a salary for stating facts on Sup Forums would be my dream job especially amongst linux and amd retards, you would make my job easy af

>tfw Arch has been my most stable and reliable operating system

Ubuntu had too many bugs. Windows had too many restrictions and not as much functionality.

Been using Arch for a year now with no hiccups. I like how the more I use and customize it, it becomes more and more *MY* operating system.

Change your repos to unstable and you won't have that problem.

is antergos fast? does it run well on shitty old machines?

Can you post that wallpaper?

>Freshly installed Antergos
>First boot
>pic related
>nothing happening, no shortcuts working, nothing

works like a charm op

Yeah it's normal. Manjaro has a stable release channel and you're on it. You can enable updates from aur or unstable channels if you prefer having more frequent updates.


No, you just don't get it, this is ULTIMATE MINIMALISM

Antergos has the bugiest installer I have ever seen.

Tried ubuntu's recently?

>offline installation not possible
I live with ~60kbps and the installer fails everytime.
This makes me sad on many levels, including the fact i have to rely almost exclusively on torrents for downlaoding decently.

Add something to the top panel mate ;)

I installed this afternoon antergos With matt, i like it.

Looks nice user, you should consider pursuing further customization~

Slackwarefag here.

I tend to prefere a system where the very minimum is enabled by default to make it very lightweight and stable, and where you install components manually, ie: Xorg, multilib support, proprietary drivers, dependencies in package manager...

Yes, you're right, after a few days I'll try new things, it's my first time with arch-based distribution

Can't understand why in screenfetch CPU say's : 5820K 3.6Ghz , if my CPU it's at 3.3Ghz in BIOS and when i consult hardinfo i can see 3.3Ghz :S

Don't mean it's gotta look like shit, mate.

well it's about everyone's tastes, I personally like this minimalist style, and there is no wasted space at least.

I love minimalism, but that's just hideous.