GTX 1060

So tomorrow we will see how GTX 1060 performs.

Which one are you goinf to buy?

I`m thinking about MSI card, but...

Fuck europoor prices.

>pic related, who will buy this shit version for $300?

Other urls found in this thread:

> Gpu

Fuck off retarded gaymur

I need it to render my 16K porn, you faggot.

You also need the rest of the pc to play games. Should we ban all pc threads to Sup Forums as well?

>Which one are you goinf to buy?

Sapphire 480 Nitro+ is going to piss in the most superclocked 1060

This is a technology board newfriend

He only posts that when something threatens his beloved AMD shill posts.

R9 Nano, since they've begun selling the Fury cards off cheap and they're monsters in DX12.

the cute one :3

gigabyte senpai

heh kid

Triggered, fanboy cuck?

yes you are, loser poorfag

Enjoy your housefire

This form factor actually appeals to me. Unless, of course, the single fan solution makes a lot of noise.

Please boys, this is a technology board, not a normiebook meme site.

Is one fan enough to keep it cool?

That's what I thought.

The Nano has a 175W TDP. Enjoy your dank memes, little fancuck.

Then go buy a Nano - its a considerably faster chip.

Pajeet it's just about time for your shift replacement

If you seriously believe a chibi 1060 is going to outperform a nano you are in for a disapointment - all the nano is is a fury x with a minor drop in clocks and a tighter limit on power draw/voltage in the default bios.

Given the fury x/170/980ti all perform very similar your chibi 1060 is in no way going to be that fast.

>nVidiots getting jewwed this hard lmao

Thanks friend. Want to go for a shit on the beach when we get out?

How will 1060 perform?

Almost like GTX 980?


Should be called Gayming Processing Unit amirite?

Better than stock 480 in DX11.
Much weaker in DX12/Vulcan.

Aftermarket 480s will probably pull even with it. the 1060 will also be more expensive.

I don`t know what to do. I`ve buillt new PC without graphics card. I`m going to play GTA V mostly.

I heard that rx 480 fries motherboards. I don`t want my MSI Gaming M5 fried ._.

The leaks so far suggest overclocked 970/stock 980 territory, just like the 480. A pair of utterly underwhelming cards really.

>I heard that rx 480 fries motherboards. I don`t want my MSI Gaming M5 fried ._.

Congratulations on falling for dumb memes, friend. Despite it being a completely non-issue and there being zero credible reports of the "problem" causing any damage (despite someone trying to manufacture one by burning his motherboard with a lighter), AMD tuned and fixed it via a driver update a week ago anyway.

You still absolutely shouldn't buy a stock 480 though. Or any stock card. They're all trash.

Zotac cuz 5 years warranty, i'm scared after most of my AYYYMD cards died in 2-3 years.

If 1060 cheaper and faster than RX480...

The RX 480 does not fry motherboards. And most certainly not a new one. The problem has been fixed within less than a week.


pic related shows the motherboard that died after having a 480 installed. It wouldn't have lived long regardless.

well it is faster in Europe, and gtx 1060 should oc to 2000-2100mhz easily which gives 6fps boost from 1700mhz stock which should be 12-20 fps more than rx 480 in dx11. That's just for $10 more if you live in US.

Aftermarket coolers will fix that problem easily. You shouldn't be buying shit stock coolers anyway, this goes both for Nvidia and AMD.

AMD already fixed any potential for cards to fry motherboards through drivers, and aftermarket coolers will further assure that it is impossible to happen.

i meant it's cheaper* i'm tired my brain just want to me to go off to bed

Which one shall I buy? The rx 480 model of course!

Buy whichever card gives the best performance to price ratio you can afford (and is available of course).

Ignore shills for either team. Also consider going forward things like DX12 as it could influence results in the next couple of years.

480 will have a slight edge in dx12 and 1060 a slight edge in dx11.
they're basically equal since you'll be playing dx11 games in 60 fps with the 480 anyway, the 1060 gaining 10 more fps at that point doesn't make a difference.

So which one should I buy? I don`t care if It`s 200$ or 279$ because prices in europoor are almost the same for RX 480 and GTX 1060.

Will buy this of course.

The Quadro.

1060 is a cuck card. im getting a 480.

>(despite someone trying to manufacture one by burning his motherboard with a lighter)

Got a source? I'm curious.

top kek user

well gtx 1060 oc to 2000mhz (from 1700mhz) and gain 6 more fps on average while amd can't oc more than 50mhz

depends what you want it for. you're right about them being the same price here in euroland so decide what you want from each card. shadowplay? game streaming? dx12 performance? you also have to take into account your cpu. if you have anything less than a 4670k you're probably going to get bottlenecked with the amd card in dx11.

the 1060 better be at least 15% faster otherwise why bother, i'd much prefer the 480's 2gb extra memory. in my experience the first thing that bottlenecks an old gpu is the lack of video memory as titles get more and more hungry for it.

i dont see anyone filling 8gb at 1080p anytime soon

gtx 1060 is 10% stronger without oc, and 15% stronger after oc in dx11, in dx12 it's ~5% stronger without oc, and ~10% stronger with oc in dx12

that's why getting rx 480 is pointless since it's a weaker overall card, also oc really bad


I own i5-6600k. I won`t use any Nvidia special functions. I just want to play current games in decent FPS

don't be retarded, even gtx 1080 won't have bottleneck with oced i5 2500k

RX 480 is the card for you, then. Wait for Aftermarket.

>gtx 1060 is 10% stronger without oc, and 15% stronger after oc in dx11, in dx12 it's ~5% stronger without oc, and ~10% stronger with oc in dx12

if it's down to fps metrics then wait for benchmarks. what games will you be playing? witcher 3? fallout? if so then nvidia obviously because gameworks. if you're going to be playing games like doom, hitman or ashes of the singularity then amd obviously because of mantle based optimization.

also i'm not 100% sure about this but i've heard nvidia drivers work better with older games like the splintercell 1 which is free on uplay right now.

>speaking out of your ass

the i5 2500k oc is weak as fuck when it comes to cpu intensive scenes. just look at these frametimes.

>So tomorrow we will see how GTX 1060 performs.

So, tomorrow we will see how Shills perform.

RX480 - cannot use its compute power in conjunction with waifu2x
1060 - gracefully scales images with waifu2x using Nvidia's CUDA™

It's really not a competition at this point.

They will be working double shifts given the damage done by doom's vulkan patch.

Nvidia is finished and bankrupt
alt sauce

I've always thought that gaming graphic cards were the smallest part of their revenues. I used to think that pro graphics and supercomputer stuffs dwarfed the consumer segment.

the AIB cards are going to run at 1350mhz which is 200mhz over the stock cooler so you're wrong. realistically it will all even out in the end and both cards will perform the same. the 1060 is a cuck card though like someone said because it's going to be deprecated in 2 years when everything is dx12.

unless you upgrade every two years (most people dont) and really want physx, gameworks, shadowplay and all that jazz then I'd get the 1060.

This is a Technology board you stupid faggot. Should we stop talking about PC's in general since they're used to game?



>ever being negative about Nvidia

Jesus christ shit must be gonig down for seeking alpha to not be hailing Nvidia as the greatest ever.

Depends on euro prices.
If it costs more than 280 euro I will be getting a rx470 crossfire or the power color rx480.

Because fuck that shit, it doesn't even have SLI.

1060 - short term card
RX 480 - long term

You'll experience buyers remorse if you purchase the RX 480 right now; but you'll feel vindicated in around 1 year+

You'll feel correct in your decision to purchase a 1060 right now; but you'll feel buyers remorse in 1 years+ from now.


nigga why would the 480 giving anyone buyers remorse. I agree with the 1+ year thing but the card performs fine as it is now. with higher clock speeds from aib partners it will perform more than well.

>go to Sup Forums to discuss grafix cards etc.
>get told to move it to Sup Forums since GPUs aren't video games

>come to Sup Forums
>meet this asshole

I'm glad there aren't too many of your kind, otherwise this board would be even deader.

>why would the 480 giving anyone buyers remorse

mainly in account of the shilling saturations attacks that started last month and will become even worse from this week up until SIGGRAPH

No one will come out of it untainted. RX480 buyers will feel dirty for a good solid trimester.

GTA V, CS:GO, Witcher 3

I'd actually hold on both cards because retards hyping up cards and inflating prices.

marked as one of the stupidest comment I ever seen.

hoffman saying something bad for nvidia

that is new kek

I agree with you partially.

Just note that there's a good amount of people who have been withholding their GPU upgrades due to the node shrink delays. Long term buyers probably have reached the limits of their patience -- and I'm at that same spot. I had to focus quite hard to avoid being tempted by the refrence RX480's and I doubt I'll manage to wait 1 or 2 months more the reference prices stabilize (which anyone with half a brain should... but impatient folks lose half their brains, so...)


the 1060 should be around 980 performance so ~11 fps more then the 480


this game will run on a toaster so it doesn't matter which gpu you buy. you can probably run this at 60 fps on intel integrated graphics

>Witcher 3

again, the 1060 should be around 980 performance so ~8fps more than the 480.

based on these 3 games i'd recommend the 1060 (assuming it actually performs as advertised) but it's ultimately down to your own personal preference.

kek you recommend an nvidia card based on gameworks games?

What if he wants to play new games such as Hitman or Doom on Vulkan or Total War Warhammer? And if he has a 60 hz monitor, that 11 fps more in gta V will mean little. Same for Witcher.

are you really this thick? he was asked which games he'll be playing when buying a new gpu and he said those 3 games. i simply provided benchmarks based on those 3 games performance at 1080p which just happened to favor nvidia. gtfo with your butthurt.

enjoy your 12 shitty games and windows botnet.

I was asking about this games. I own i5-6600k and 60 hz monitor. I`m not really hyped about Hitman or TTW

DX12 doesn't count!

benchmarks comparing a card that isnt out yet



and the response

In theory GTX 1060 is 15% faster so he calculated it.

So you intend to play only those 3 games for the next 4 years?

what theorism is that?

and yet it did fry motherboards. so it is a motherboard killer. if a baby killer stops killing babies does that make him not a baby killer.

take a rest Pajeet your curry is getting cold and your street is unshat in.

Does this mean every Nvidia powered laptop will have its screen fucked? That happened once ergo by your logic it will always happen.

No, this year. I`m not interested in Hitman or any other known dx12 titles that are coming
Nvidia info

>power of gtx 980
>gtx 980
>simple implication of 1060 = ~980

it's a simple comparison which you are too stupid to get your head around.

it didn't happen with every nvidia mobile model gpu you silly hindu. good as an almost 20 year old card

it really makes you think

don't be silly user.
the 1060 gonna surpass the 1080 by 30 to 40%

Enjoy being a cucked fanboy who gets upset people buying a different brand of graphics card.

that was a windows 10 problem
most people in the real world haven't fallen for windows 10 pajeet.

>bbbut my dx12
>12 games

A 1060 is the best card because it sucks all your money out of your bank account quicker than a black hooker drops her panties at the sight of cocaine.

i don't give a shit what card you or anyone buys. don't cite a failing graphics standard as a reason any one is better than the other. dx12 will have no bearing on the game market for years.

i think you're projecting, you should talk to someone about that.

1080 has a 256bit bus and it isn't bandwidth throttled.

Sorry pajeet, but the 1060 is going to outsell the 480. The 480 doesn't even have AIB partner cards out yet and it released 3 weeks ago!

so basicly the 1060 will be DOA on dx12