How did you get into technology?

How did you get into technology?

Was it through gaming?

My dad had a Commodore Vic-20 and then a DOS PC when I was a little kid. I thought they were cool and wanted to be able to use them, so I learned.

I wanted to be a 1337 hacker. However once I learned enough about programming I realized that networking was fucking boring and that nowadays all "hacking" is really just social engineering. Now I'm just a lame webdev.

It all started with Habbo Hotel

I had my own Habbo server and I wanted to learn how to improve the client and the website.

Amiga when I was 4/5 years old. Got a windows 95 PC in early 1998, when I was 8 years old. Have been using a PC on a constant basis ever since.


Playing them its just a hobby and has nothing to do with technology, stupid faggot.

I got into it because I liked to play around with the computer doing things like installing the os and configuring stuff, by the age of 10 I could install Windows 95 with a 3 1/2 boot disk, meanwhile today computer illiterates get stuck at the partitioning section with the Windows 7 installers but they want to do CS cause they love to "play le games on computer all day xddddd".

I play games too, but its just a hobby, nothing to do with technology.

It was through gaming - in 2011 I needed a better computer for Minecraft so I started researching hardware. It all went from there. Since then I've built a couple computers and I run Linux almost full time

Web development is more boring than networking, I wish I was working in networking.

Instead I do the same as you, is what I got.

I was about to make fun of you for being an underageb&, but then I realized just how long ago Habbo was.

Kids on Sup Forums these days probably don't even know what Pool's Closed means.

When I was little I was really interested in electricity. My first word was "lightbulb" according to my parents. I used to stick things in outlets when I was little to see what it would do.... I don't know what made me do all that.

games are technology stupid faggot

Making them, not playing them.

Even my grandma that can't turn on a computer can play a game.

Stay a pleb underaged faggot.

Dad didn't want to give me $4.50 to get manga monthly anymore for no reason other than being cheap. It was literally all I asked of him in terms of allowances, always had excellent grades and stuff.

Got into piracy because of that and interested in hacking/IT.

Games aren't technology, but the hardware they run on and the peripherals we use to play them are.

No sense getting buttblasted about gamers, it's thanks to them that a lot of the tech we enjoy on Sup Forums is available and affordable.

>it's thanks to them that a lot of the tech we enjoy on Sup Forums is available and affordable.

I don't use "gamer" peripherals or "gamer" computer parts of any sort, completely unnecessary.

The amazement I felt when entering a BBS chatroom for the first time.

Started by playing Minecraft on laptop.
Got annoyed by low frame rates so researched what I needed to do to improve it. Realised I couldn't upgrade laptop so bought a new one with a dedicated GPU.

Few years later laptop struggling to run latest games and would freeze up if GPU wasn't manually underclocked (thanks dell). Was a frequent browser of /r/lepcmasterracexdd at that point so I got swayed by them to build my own PC instead of getting a prebuilt.

Ran windows for a year before I got bored of games and ended up embracing my autism and installing Linux / coming here.

When my dad got a iPhone 3gs at release. It just amazed me that something could do all that. Keep in mind that i was a middle schooler with no computer access outside of school.

I had a macfag phase for a while after that but then got interested in linux after realizing how shit windows 7 was on a $25 dell optiplex i bought off craigslist.

It's not just "gamer" stuff, though. Pretty much all modern computer technology owes something to the gaming market, because it's sales to them that keep manufacturers profitable and pay for the R&D and tooling that keep the pace of development up. Without the gaming market, our computers would be a lot slower and a lot more expensive.

You don't have a GPU? Games are probably the main reason for advancements in consumer GPU's. Even if not used for gaming, they allow you to do other cool hardware accelerated stuff. Google map's 3D view is incredible, and probably wouldn't be possible without gaming.

I know. I was actually embarassed to post this, because I didn't realy grasp when exactly this happend (about 12 years ago), but posted it anyway since I'm anonymous

Yepp. It was through gaming.

Yes , as a kid I never got into flash games , for some reason I loved spending hours trying to find cracked versions of old ass games on limewire just to find out my dad's computer could not even run said game.

Even had a time limit so I had to start the download in the morning before parents woke up , hope my parents didnt realize the computer was on while I was at school and then pray to god I didnt stumble on another fake download. Most of the time installing the fucking game took my entire allowed hour yet I was still satisfied I got to install the game for the next day.

Then I bought my own computer and turned into a massive neet , thanks technology.

through my dad who works in technology

Used AT&T Unix systems in the 70s at my father's job when I was young, hooked me for life.

>How did you get into technology?
>Was it through gaming?

Sort of. My parents bought a family computer when I was little. It was an IBM 386sx, 12.5 Mhz or 25 Mhz if you pressed the turbo button. I used play games and mess around dos, eventually I learnt to make batch files.

Later I got my computer a pentium with win 95, played half life and started to experiment more.

God I loved those computers.

When I learned I can shit post on the internet :^)

Dad got a Dell for the family when I was 2. He taught me shit like how to install things from CDs and ctrl+alt+del. Played some gay eduational games.

Got internet in 4th grade with a time limit, friends got me into Runescape. I actually put in my real age when I signed up so I attribute my slow typing to not being able to speak. Played a shitty Flash MMO throughout middle school.

I started playing TF2 and some shitty Korean action MMO in high school. I learned about gaymin peripherals and I still have a Deathadder that I use to this day. At the time, my main computer was an HP laptop with an AMD dual-core CPU, so I wanted to know how I could play games without my computer catching fire. One day, my computer wouldn't boot and I got the wise idea to reseat the CPU. I was able to reseat it, but not without breaking a few things. Up until graduation, I did things on my smartphone and borrowed computers. I had a lot of time to think about components and stuff.

I learned about torrenting through animu and distain for MAHRINES ads interrupting the last episode of Angel Beats.

I took AP CompSci in my senior year and I found out that some people shouldn't program (single letter variables everywhere, massive if/else chains, more spaghetti than an r9k meetup, this one Korean girl didn't know how to construct a for loop halfway through the year, etc). The instructor was one of those libtards that care more about feelings than good style. His philosophy was basically "as long as it works according to spec".
I stopped caring about games by the end of high school and I didn't like what Microsoft was doing with Windows so now I just run Linux on my computers.

wanted to do shit but no one wrote a program / script for it and Sup Forums doesn't want to spoonfeed me so I learned bash for unix and now im learning python to automate a browser clicking raffle shit that I am still stuck on.
I just want a fucking bot to do shit for me but I can't make it unless I learn this stupid shit. I want to quit but then my OCD forbids me from quitting cause I haven finish this stupid project fucking hell

writing a script to dial phone numbers to find an internet connection in the early 90's ala "war games" from a book in the local second hand book store.
been hooked on internet ever since.

also this. being able to talk to anyone on the planet in real time was an awe inspiring feeling that never really left.

>used to be console babby
>played orange box on ps3
>only reason I wanted a pc was literally to use console commands
>ever since then I just slowly absorbed knowledge

>be me
>be 14
>buy iPhone 2G in 2008
>expecting pocket sized Windows PC
>can't install apps on it (only webclip bullshit)
>can't change home wallpaper
>find iLiberty after hours and hours of google searches
>keep buying Apple products
>keep jailbreaking
>look up to jailbreak devs and want to be like them
>study everything inside iOS
>take apart phone and put it back together
>start exploiting iOS vulnerabilities on my own starting with simple userland stuff
>escape sandboxing
>create very own jailbreak

>now an adult
>have worked for Apple
>currently removing iCloud locks for a living
>have my own iBoot exploits for A8 and below devices
>recently got root access on iOS 10 b2 from userland vulnerabilities alone
Feels good man.

>fob family
>nobody speaks English, nobody knows computers
>computer dead (realized years later it was a dead IBM deathstar)
>10 year old me has to diagnose and fix myself

>home internet finally
>cable guys hands me the modem and walks away
>parents cant compain cause no eng
>12 year old me has to figure out networking by myself

>high school
>school offers computer engineering and computer science for all 4 years
>well fuck, I might as well
>Visual Basic, QBASIC, Java, Python, C++ by the end of highschool

Fresh out of uni for CE, currently installing and maintaining servers in dataceners and commercial buildings. Will go back and finish masters in 3 years.


kind of just grew up on the computer -- most games I played were on consoles, Genesis and SNES and the lot, didn't really think about pc games too much, not when I could just go and play Sonic 2 or F-Zero
like, I went outside and shit, went to hang with friends, but my siblings were 10 years older than me, so apart from my early childhood, there was just me spending pretty much all my free time on the computer

family had a second phone line just to connect to AOL, so I spent a crazy amount of time for the day on the internet
wanted to figure out how to write programs, read source for webpages and shit, found a really simple "how-to program BASIC" book in the library, went home, realized that I didn't have any proper way to write BASIC (if I wasn't a retarded kid, I'd have gone and installed qbasic from MS's FTP site), and then opened up Microsoft Access and ported the programs in the book to VBA (with MsgBox and InputBox replacing print and input and a couple of other things -- I can't actually remember how I figured that out, I think there was a bit of VBScript documentation on the machine) -- and hot damn, VBA was a special breed of hilarious, actually supporting line numbers and a bunch of other archaisms, although I think it didn't actually support the DATA statement, which stopped me from making the tic-tac-toe program at the back of the book work

in like 2003 after The Screen Savers did a plug on it on TechTV, I really mostly learned how to program really from using Game Maker's GML (a somewhat nasty scripting language that looks quite like C) to make a bunch of really shitty games, wanted to make my own Sonic game (couldn't really wrap my head around how I'd go recreate F-Zero at the time)
started thinking about things like optimization because Game Maker 5 was appallingly slow, started thinking about code style because I had to fucking figure out what I typed the day before when I wanted to work on the game the next day, etc

My brother used to take me with him when he would go trade warez outside his friend's window.

I always thought I'd be doing that shit when I got older, copying cassettes and trading them at school, whistling into the phone for free long distance calls, trading warez with qt japenese Web pals like in the Outer Limits

Little did I know the future I dreamed of living in would soon be dead

Technology as in this board? Technology as in programming? Or technology as in what was my first electronic device?

Grandpa had a PhD in computer science and mathematics.
Mother has been building them since the 80's.
Started PC gaming around 10 years old, first upgraded a computer around 14 when my system wasn't fast enough to run Battle for Middle Earth.

Yeah. I jast wanted to optimize my PC a little bit (Vice City was lagging from 18 FPS to 2 FPS), so I started to tweak it.

I only do this in the summer.


The is scary simular to mine

i played lan party hl3 when 12yo and now i'm webdev

>graduate 8th grad
>teacher is cleaning out classroom
>I get to take home Apple //c with some software, education kit, and a dot matrix printer
>poke around with Basic
>get an old laptop in HS
>discover the internet, discover Sup Forums
>dick around and don't graduate
>GED, community college
>take Java class, professor can't teach, don't learn Java
>take C++ class with amazing professor
>I now technology

>installing the os and configuring stuff

Installing the os and configuring stuff is just a hobby and has nothing to do with technology, stupid faggot.

People might start with (stupid) games then they want to, fuckifIknow, get better graphics so they start researching how they can do that. And if they are not spoiled little brats then they will not have several hundred burgercoins to buy a new graphics card so instead they start tinkering and finding out other ways and possibilities.

Psp homebrew, rockbox on iPod nano 2g, and jailbreaking an iPod touch 1g