Your perfect operating system?

what would be your perfect operating system? if you could design every last thing to be tailored to you what would you desire?

me? mine would have the MacOS aesthetic, with 0.1 second boot time, a fast file explorer with tons of search options, ability to play the latest games, included apps would be calc, a brand new IDE, a excellent music player/manager and Steam integration.

what about you?

open source windows.

>American (Female) voice

that's sexist. I hope there are at least 15 sexual preferences or I will sue Apple for discrimination.

I am pretty happy with mine.
It's elementary os with some modifications.
Only thing is that sometimes fucking youtube videos freeze to full screen and I have to restart, can't solve it no matter what I try. Also, i would like a system-wide google assistance.

Linux with all its shittier aspects sorted out, and all of the proprietary software from Windows would be the best.
I mean just imagine Linux with a modern display server, audio server, drivers on par with Windows.
And a package format that's distro agnostic and comes with all of its dependencies so you can install the same program and run it even after 10 years.

Proprietary Linux

OS X, but with a proper hardware support.

Windows 10 with native Ubuntu/Bash integration :^)

I'm wondering if the windows management shouldn't evolve into something new. We have used those taskbars for a long time and now I feel like browsers do that job for a second time. There are many applications that use tabs and they all implement tab management - which is pretty close to window management - on their own. Sometimes I feel like my browser is becoming a second OS. Shouldn't we think of a window management system that would allow easy managing of tabs/multiple instances of a program?

Maybe a 2-level tree structure where each program would have a parent/home window from which you would launch other instances? A group would share one window and you would simply choose the specific tab like a regular program on the taskbar for it to take over the window. You could obviously add a tab bar to the window - but it would be managed by OS so all these programs would have consistent design. You could make it more than 2-level by adding some other node types for some session managing (how about some session nodes that make the OS display only programs in the session?). Trees are cool. I want more trees in my OS.

Everything but macshitOS is perfect by comparison.

It's coming..

>bsd/mit licence
>up to date python, opengl etc
>zfs v37 with deniable encryption, hidden volumes, remote unlock and 2fa.
>app level firewall and file access control
>self-hosted icloud services
>container virtualization and virtual gpu

Base layout: Gentoo
Package manager: nix/portage hybrid
Core services: systemd
Kernel: Linux hardened
Toolchain: LLVM/clang hardened
Windowing system: Something that's neither X11, Wayland nor Mir because they're all shit. UX would be an xmonad equivalent

Everything written from the ground up in statically verified languages (e.g. rust) to be free of buffer overflows etc.

I'm probably missing a billion things I could mention

Free Open source OSX

how? more info please.

Open source, rolling release system in which users are encouraged to audit code and compile their source. Before accessing the internet, the system is frozen in a read only space, any potential changes are stored in memory, and the user must explicitly accept each change to their system before it can be brought in.

DIsgusting mate, there's a reason why that shit OS needs antiviruses, the kernel is a clusterfuck. DirectX is what the world needs though

>kernel: Linux-based with stable API/ABI so devs can make third-party drivers(open or closed-source)
>core: systemd + coreutils
>package manager: apt with GUI tools to make point-and-click installations easy
>desktop environment: something like GNOME but without X11(wayland maybe) and with an stable API and GUI toolkit.

We need stable APIs to encourage developers and software vendors to develop on this platform.

MS CTO stated it was possible in some article a year ago.

I have an rMBP from work, and it's pretty much my perfect OS, though I would prefer a better file manager, it's the only thing windows got right

I mean OS X El Capitan. I haven't tried previous OS X's

>can't even do the most basic shit that windows and linux PERFECTED decades ago

seriously, Windows needs a complete rewrite to fix the disaster it is. I don't care about breaking backwards compatiility with the old Win32(what are VMs for?) because that's the reason of most problems, f*ck third-party developers.

Yes, it's -my- perfect OS you dumb nigger

I agree. If they're going to have native bash, they may as well go all the way, so us developers would find it friendlier as well. Though with jetbrains' ides now topping VS, there's less about it making it appealing, it would at least be convenient to use for programming+video games


>uses macshitOS
>calls someone else a dumb nigger

I've used Win from 95 to 10, excluding 98, Ubuntu 12, 14, 16 and OS X El Cap

OS X is merely a preference.

>prefers macshitOS
>calls someone else a dumb nigger

tbf you are famalamo

arch ᶘ ͡°ᴥ͡°ᶅ

I'm pretty happy as-is.

I'm honestly surprised MS hasn't done something like how the OS 9 -> OS X switch was, where you just run the entire previous version of Windows for old programs.

it's not like this is a new idea for MS, Windows 3 applications were run in Windows 9x similarly (although there wasn't remotely as major of a separation), and the NTVDM in Windows NT is nearly that for Windows 3 and DOS programs

the important bit is to prepare to abandon the old though, and drop support for old Windows one or two releases after, emphasizing that it's going away, make old Windows programs look out of place like Classic did, etc

The operating system that powers "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy."



Windows 10 is the perfect operating system.

>>can't even do the most basic shit that windows and linux PERFECTED decades ago

Tiny hands.


os x is just babby mode linux for people who don't wanna rice anything, don't be surprised when they don't care about this shit.

Windows not only has like ten different 'compatibility modes' but Win7 even had a "Windows XP Mode" that ran apps in a Virtual PC VM. They're just a complete clusterfuck of standards that not even the guys making the OS give a fuck about.

Best of all three OS

Mac OSX font rendering
Linux style package manager
Windows/Linux cross compatibility
Listary and Directory Opus like tools installed by default
Ubuntu HUD so I can search app menus
Linux terminal with bash
Headless SSH support
Better file system, something like f2fs for SSD or BTRFS
Third party theme support

>Linux hardened
>LLVM/clang hardened
>statically verified

What the fuck are you smoking


I eagerly await the day we'll see ReactOS and the Hurd duke it out for supremacy

In another solar system, that is, because our Sun will have died by then.

OS X with official support for any and all hardware and with better graphical performance.

Gentoo is the best 1

This would be amazing...but it'll never happen.

Right now a more desktop friendly android would be perfect. Something with good driver and steam support so I can just install it on any custom system no worries Windows style.

But failing that Windows 10 with the botnet removed and 50 price would be more than worthy of purchase.

Sadly I'll get none of these options...

I use windows 10 for everyday stuff. I dualboot Ubuntu and run Windows 7 in a virtualbox for debugging and Ubuntu for debugging stuff like android phones and routers.

Honestly this seems perfect for the moment. If I need to do networking fixes I can always install some distro in a virtualbox and be set.

Pretty much all that, on a machine with an actually decent keyboard, with all of the data collection and feature bloated programs replaced with comparable foss alternatives.

Far as I know, all that is possible besides the keyboard(without hackintoshing, which is a whole other clusterfuck) and the spotlight search.

i3wm/Linux plus FULL Windows games support