Where were you when Nvidia flooded the market with 1060 AIB's killing AMD just through shitty marketing tactics...

Where were you when Nvidia flooded the market with 1060 AIB's killing AMD just through shitty marketing tactics. Performance be damned.

Just look at all of those AIB's. It's plain fucking ridiculous.

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Many of those won't even be released outside Asia, like the Zotac X-Gaming, all the Colorful and Galax cards and a couple of others. Others still are different brands from the same company for different places, such as Palit and Gainward. It's really not that many when you discount those. It's not Nvidia telling the AIB partners to release all these models either, they're just competing with each other.

Equally, I don't really see why it matters how many models there are. They'll all be priced about the same, and if the 1070 and 1080 are anything to go by, all impossible to find for six weeks after launch.

is the 1060 reference worth getting over the aftermarket if there are no plans to overclock? should there be plans for such a thing?

I will probbably get the G1 tho

Don't blame NVIDIA if AMD are incompetent or can't release their overhyped customs cards, pic related

The reference 1060 is only being sold direct through Nvidia I think. No reason to buy it over an aftermarket one really. It won't be cheaper.

Yeah, because Nvidia have done such an amazing job of getting Pascal stock out there, right?

Fuck off, retard.

i thought it was $250 for the reference and $300 for aftermarket cards.

that is one fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine looking cooler though.

I duno. Maybe all those binned 1080/1070 chips got allocated to the 1060 and they have a shitload of them :D

a nvidiot can only dream.

if that's true can you flash the 1060 to get 1080 performance?

AMD is playing a dangerous game here with its partners.

For one, they try to answer to Nvidia in a Nvidia way, waiting to prepare an answer, but pissing its customers with no info.

In the other hand, they are not producing as many RX 480 chips as promised for PC, as they are betting also in the PS4 Neo and Xbox Scorpio thing.

I just hope they did a good deal with M$ and Sony, because the PC fight is going to be hard as usual.

Yes, transistors can be downloaded afterwards.

I'm so sorry, I have nothing to contribute, but your image is fucking amazing.

These cards will probably sell like hot cakes to the net cafes.

That Zotac Mini 1060 is cool, I feel like the compact ones with lower clock speeds will become the new 750ti in a year or two.

Honestly nice designs except for a few I'm not a fan of, the Zotac ones look very nice, along with Asus

They unused parts of the die will be fused off to prevent exactly that.
It just means shitty supply.

maybe they were binned due to specific shit like "this card heats up too much, make it a 1060." and all you have to do is duct tape two notcuas to it.

Apparently the non ref 480's are coming out in a week.

The 1060 is a different and smaller chipset.

Yields should be greatly improved.

triggered hard

Is the 6 gig MSRP $250 or is that for 3?

Can't wait to see more 1060 benchmarks. Really interested to see how it compares with 970 given those are dropping substantially in price.

>shitty marketing tactics

How is meeting demand a shitty marketing tactic?

That is a fucking SEXY looking card right there. Why do nvidia cards always have the best aftermarket cooler designs?

That is the scummiest thing I've ever heard in my entire life. Who the fuck does that?

1060 isn't the same chip. It's not efficient to cut huge dies like the GTX 1080 down to half. At a point where you have enough contamination in the wafer that you have to resort to this, you're just producing duds.

at the bottom it shows the MSRP of 250$ for the 6gb cards

some aib cards may be more but even then say, 300$ would still be a great price IMO

>Yeah, because Nvidia have done such an amazing job of getting Pascal stock out there, right?

Polaris is fucking overhyped...

That's not nvidias fault. It's clear to anyone who has actually bothered to check up on the situation that it's tsmc's fault for the decreased stock.

Neck yourself buddy.

>launch polaris before the 1060
>they can't compete
>amdfags blame nvidia itt

>Implying the 1060 was not rushed to market to compete with the 480.

Sure pal

>killing amd
80 > 60
AMD wins again

23th of July

>They'll all be priced about the same, and if the 1070 and 1080 are anything to go by, all impossible to find for six weeks after launch.

this, I don't know what the fuck is going on at Nvidia but hopefully they learn from their failure this generation

or the retailers, or whoever's fault it is

>at the bottom it shows the MSRP of 250$ for the 6gb cards
>some aib cards may be more
lol, "some aib cards MAY BE more"

How long are you people going to let nvidia ruse you with the MSRP meme until you finally catch on to what they're doing?

>tfw just bought an evga classified 980 ti for ~400 USD

it's me Sup Forums

I'm the consumerist retard

who the fuck cares? as long as it's under $300 then its perfectly fine. both companies will have aib's which will sell their cards at prices up to $300 and we know the 200-300 dollar price range is very popular.

you did fine, a 980 ti destroys the 1060 and still beats the 1070 at lower resolutions

>as long as it's under $300

That's the point: it won't be. Nvidia's been basically lying about the price of their cards by setting a phony MSRP for the base line model, then hinting to retailers where the ACTUAL price point is by releasing their Founder's Edition cards. Combine this with retailer price gouging, and 1060s are going to start at $300 for reference models and go higher than that for AIB designs. All for a card that's only marginally better than the rx 480, which will beat in in dx12 anyway, and is coming from a company that actually respects their customers.


i can't tell if you're trolling or actually this stupid. go back to economics and business class then come back top me with a logical reply.


AMD talk about Polaris since 6 fucking month

you don't need a college degree, you just need basic pattern recognition. They claimed the 1070 was going to be $379, they claimed the 1080 was going to be $599... now they're claiming the 1060 is going to be $249.

>gee whiz those other two times were just flukes, surely Nvidia wouldn't lie to me AGAIN

They claimed that the MSRP would be 379, 599 and 249 respectively.
MSRP is not price. Literally anything could be charged for these items by stores. Even 10k dollars. Although I doubt any would sell at a price like that.

since you're so much of a genius on this topic you must know of the reason behind the increased pricing, right?

Who cares about choice when the Nitro 480 will be the best anyway?

>implying you can find sub-$700 1080s
>implying you can find sub-$400 1070s
>implying you will be able to find sub-$300 1060s

Reference card, reference price. The Founder's Edition is not premium - it is not binned, it is not factory overclocked, it does not have the best cooler possible, etc, etc.

If an aftermarket company wants to make an Nvidia card that's cheaper than the reference card, they'll be creating an air of being cheap, of not being as good despite actually being better. So what do they do? They price their cards at or above the price of the reference card.

great, so it's not nvidia's fault it's the retailers, it's just supply vs demand, it's because they're having supply problems with the cards, blah blah blah.

it doesn't matter why, the point is incredibly dishonest to talk about the 1060 as if it's going to be $249 when Nvidia has been setting the actual price floor on their cards with the FE.

what's so great about it?

>that butt shot
oh god, it looks like it's going to be plastic instead of some sort of metal :(

The amount of amd cocksucking in this thread is astonishing.

this post confirms how retarded you really are, and like i said, going back to basic economics and business class will benefit you.

no company can survive by selling a product at over $100 more than their nearest competitor who also has a similar performing product. it's plain stupid that you even consider that. the 1060 will be priced competitively whether you like it or not, and for the simple reason of market competition. nvidia will not allow their cards to sell at a starting price of $300 when amd's similar performing cards start at $200. this is because nvidia are actually competing with amd in this price segment which is totally different to the 1070/80 which currently have no competition in the market. the 1060 and 1070/80 situations cannot be compared. i can guarantee that once vega comes out we'll start seeing many more 1070/80's selling at msrp than we are now and again that's due to the simple fact of competition.

In a fantasy land where all consumers made informed decisions about their purchases you would be right. But we live in the real world where Nvidia isn't advertising their card as being "competitive with" the 480, they're saying it's a straight improvement over it. Is it $100 better than the 480? Definitely not, but with idiot fanboys like you doing all their advertising work for them they're going to squeeze every last drop of blood they can from people before the inevitable price drops.

>no company can survive by selling a product at over $100 more than their nearest competitor who also has a similar performing product.

They are already selling the FE at $299 you buffoon. They know god damn well they can get away with it.

more idiocy coming from you. keep posting though, it's becoming funny.

>But we live in the real world where Nvidia isn't advertising their card as being "competitive with" the 480, they're saying it's a straight improvement over it.

hahahaha no one can be this fucking retarded in the head. in pretty much all their advertising the 1060 is mentioned alongside the 480 as it being its nearest competitor. you think the 1060 is competing with the 1070 or something? neck yourself chump.

>They are already selling the FE at $299 you buffoon. They know god damn well they can get away with it.

ok i'm not even going to bother explaining this again. you're clearly deluded and you should probably go out and get some fresh air. all that humid basement air is intoxicating you and halting your ability to use simple logic. maybe you should apply for an economics course whilst you're at it.

i'm sorry you have to shill and delude yourself on the internet to make yourself feel better about your buyers remorse. you are truly sad.

It's not even releasing until August. It hasn't even gone into production yet.


Not like the 1060 will be in stock until September anyway


He doesn't have one. He's an assmad AMDrone.

It's coming the the 23th of July


so never?

How to you come from this...

...to this


evidence ples


Your fan base is filled with idiots and children?

>nvidia announces 1060
>partners reveal their cards
>clock speeds revealed as well
>partner cards go on sale the same day as it's released


>amd releases rx 480
>brand favoritism amd fanboys buy them up as soon as they go on sale
>sold out everywhere
>blatant stock problems
>partner cards still not released, not even a release date is given

nvidia is going to sell a ludicrous amount of 1060s.

will i be able to get any kind of 1060 on friday after the release on tuesday?

That's really neat you can take out the fans like that.

The backplate is the same, awkward and causing turbulent flow. However the later is a MASSIVE improvement because the opposite end has been opened up to allow length-wise airflow and the heatsink fins have been turned to allow this. The whole case has been opened up to encourage flow instead of just splurting air at the PCB with nowhere to go. The first card looks plastically like a toy and the section looks functional though trip is a little tacky.

wrong way round

Newegg and canadacomputers always has stock

except they cost 2 and a half times as much

199$ - founders edition
220-290 - no reference.

Add 100$ to those numbers and you got the right price.

Everyone. Since forever.

Using Intel as an example, every one of their 2011 chips they make starts life as a 24 core Xeon. Due to defects in the manufacturing process many of these cores are faulty and can't be used to compute. Intel laser off these dud cores and sell them as lower end models. A chip with eight out of twenty four cores working might become an i7 6930k and a chip with 14 working cores might become an Xeon E5 2680.
AMD and Nvidia do the same. All 980tis are Titan Xs that didn't have enough working cores to make the cut, and all 470s are going to be 480s that again, didn't make the cut.

1060 comes out on the 19th, too late

nice gpu you have there, what do you think about mine?

I'm think the dies for are segmented like this for Haswell-EP 4-8 cores, 10-12 cores and 14-18 cores. So a 4 core is a low binned 8 core, 10 core is a low binned 12 core and 14 core is a low binned 18 core. However, the 12 core is not a low binned 18 core.

Maybe that has changed or is wrong, but I think that's how it used to be. All of these chips are laid out very similarly but the smaller chips should actually be physically smaller.
Seems pretty far fetched that you could even salvage a 24 core CPU that was so severely damaged that only 8 cores worked. The performance could vary wildly too, because they use several ring buses which cluster cores into units. If the math is the same as before, a 24 core CPU would have 3 of these ring buses. Although it's more likely that they have 2.

it's the AIO version?

You do realize why don't you? The 480 AIB's are waiting to see what the benchmarks are for the 1060 across the board from Nvidia's various partners. Then tweak the clocks up on the 480 to beat their own partners. It's a way to double dip on their own GPU's. They get a boost on sales of the 1060 then get another boost on the 480's. AIB's don't just compete against other AIB's they compete against themselves on two different platforms to create more sales.

It may or may not pay off of course but they are obviously willing to take that risk.


Nobody know