Running 'sudo apt-get update && apt get upgrade'

>Running 'sudo apt-get update && apt get upgrade'
>Freshly installing Windows and having all updates installed
>Having an organized dock on OSX
>Cleaning system fans or your GPU
>Having a fully charged phone
>Having a well organized music library
>Formatting a hard drive
>Having a clean desktop
>Cleaning a mechanical keyboard
>Cleaning your headphones

What are some things that feel good to you, when using your technology?

Too busy shitposting GPU threads, gotcha.

>OP says, claiming installing Windows to be a good tech feel

>buy a phillips gogear spark..50/50 paid with my dad
>The ipod copied packaging was amazing to open
>buy cheap bass-less earbus from jeweiser
>is bassless,thin sounding
>use it with my phillips mp3 players with "fullsound"EQ
>sounds awesome

Good feels,Its 7 year old OLED screen is getting dimmer by the day,barely can make out the letters in anything but pitch black circumstances.
My dad used it on them 7 hour buss journeys too,super content with it
Nearly sold it to a fucking huehuenigger,so glad I didnt.
Its the only item I have from when things were better.
It saved me from almost lethal boredom on a 7 hour buss trip,It saved me from tripping the fuck out on a (small-ish)plane because flying scares the fuck outta me,Thanks high efficiency loud as fuck sennheiser HD-25's
Its ultra reliable usb mini cover broke off after all these years
It actually got a firmware update allowing it to play .APE files,I used it only for fucks and giggles.
Ive left it in rain and it works flawlessly.
The times it did got stuck the reset button did wonders
Its now somewhere in my messy room waiting to be turned on and playing some old af mp3's and wma files.
Its on its his legs
He'll be gone soon.

>tfw normies think I'm some kind of genius 1337 h4x0r because my screens are always covered in code but in reality I just copy/paste from stack overflow for a living and can't even remember multiplication tables.

>cleaning up clutter in house
>find 18 year old thinkpad 600
>plug it in
>hit power switch
>fan doesn't work, hard drive just groans a little and doesn't spin up
>set time and date
>reboot and smack it a little bit
>fan comes on, hard drive starts moving but still can't make it to full speed
>after 4 retries, hard drive makes it to full speed, successfully calibrates
>windows 98 boots
>still has background you made myself
>makes noises every time I something
>find old game maker game I started on and never really got around to doing anything with
>tons of old albinoblacksheep and newgrounds flashes on the desktop

Holy shit, the memories...

>>Cleaning your headphones

>Understanding technological concepts that you no idea about a year ago.

It's a nice feeling. I still having a long way to go, though.


>when it compiles successfully on the first try

Hearing that sweet, sweet POST beep on a brand new build being turned on for the first time.

>When it

Memes make me forget how nice justwerks is every once in a while.

what's comfier?
>compiles on the first try
>takes fucking hours of toil, but all the hard work pays off and it FINALLY FUCKING WORKS

the feeling of accomplishment is pretty great desu

>when an alien concept finally "clicks" after constant studying and research

Im in the process of teaching myself basic electronics. Ive been reading and rereading information on various components and applications there of.
that moment when it all comes together is bliss.

>>Freshly installing Windows and having all updates installed

>getting your window manager JUST right

>he uses a window manager

That's a pretty hard choice actually. Both of those can be a nice feeling in their own right. I'd say a healthy balance of both from time to time is validating.

pacman -Syyu

syyu lmao

Freeing up a bunch of space on a hard drive. The act of going through all your old stuff can be pretty fun especially when you go into folders that haven't been opened in years and finding old files you thought you lost. Then comes the best part. The purge. Refreshing your file manager and seeing a drive jump from almost full to over half empty is wonderful.

>writing code for 2 hours that works on the first try

Even if you didn't write it, having a shitload of nice looking code in front of you is nice. Sometimes when I'm working on a project I like to go back and just look at the code without any intention of changing it.

Yep, that's great feeling. Sometimes even simple code in C looks cool...

eix-sync && emerge -avuDN @world --keep-going
pure porn.
this. Understanding shit that up to this moment you were taking for granted but did not really get is so nice.
Nah, JK. Got i3wm with i3blocks myself with as few flashy shit as possible. Shit's dope.
also, for me - writing lisp code. Was rewriting a sample othello application with AI in clojure, and, almost accidentally, wrote a function so perfect that managed every corner case on a first try. Absolute pleasure.

>New headphones that actually sound and feel better
>Clean system that runs much better than before
>Having organized shit
>Having found the exact cause of a problem, fix it and learn it
>When it turns out that I do have a cable or component that allows me to do something that I thought I couldn't do unless I got off my ass and bought it
>That old ass hard drive

I hate large files of code

Compartmentalized code is best

>Calling people scrubs when they don't use the exact arbitrarily chosen tools as you

Copying from stack overflow is like 90% of many peoples job. Well that and planning the project to begin with.

The only time I actually get into making code is for myself as a hobby. During the work day you are a shit employee if you waste time fucking around on something that has been solved already.

unpacking my pc parts

a clean install of Windows

> "make clean all" has 0 errors
> cleaning your mess of a program of extraneous comments/code
> new headphones
> realizing you've passed 10K lines of code