Hi Sup Forums i'm getting into PC gaming and I was wondering what parts of my current PC are reusable, and which should be replace. Thanks in advance.
Reusing Parts
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Optical Drive.
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Windows 10 deprecated, CPU, GPU, MB, RAM deprecated.
So the only things I should reuse are the HDD and Optical Drive. Is the CPU that bad?
Just the CPU, everything else I would replace, if the monitor is good then you keep that too
Is the RAM reusable?
Holy fuck there are some fags in this thread, all you need to upgrade is the GPU and you'll be fine.
Thanks, do you think I should replace the motherboard? My friend said having a dell motherboard is a mistake.
The motherboard is probably not a problem, but you may want to check the power supply rating (in watts) to make sure it can handle gaming with whatever hardware you've got. outervision.com
Alright thanks for your help man.
Also make sure to add an SSD to your system along side a new GPU
Seriously though, the Dell motherboard is okay, I have one with a GTX 970.
Your PC will be so good if you upgrade GPU , and PSU.
Thanks for the feedback!
Yeah even a 120 GB SSD will be a huge performance boost.
Ill look into an SSD
OP here, my current PC is a Dell XPS 8700. Im trying to set out the parts on pc part picker, but they dont seem to have the case, and I cant find out what the CPU Cooler is. Any help would be greatly appreciated
It doesn't matter, faggot. Buy a new PSU and a new GPU and go play your fucking childrens' gaymes.
Your friend is a fucking retard
Will the PSU and GPU fit in the case?
Fucking this. Grab an rx480 or gtx1060 and you're gold
Would a 1060 or 480 fit in my case. Also would a new PSU fit in my case?
Can you post a picture of the inside please?
sure give me a sec
Just looked it up, you should be able to fit a standard atx power supply and a small card like the 480 or 1060 no problem.
Measure the gap from the back to the hdd bay though and compare it to the length of the cards you're looking to buy. Your cpu is a little old but still very high end
Also with the 1060 or 480 you probably won't need a new psu since the 1060 is only 120w and the 480 is 150w.
even a 2nd gen i7 is good enough for gaymes
Here's the inside
How many A on the 12v rail? Can we see the psu?
The 480 or 1060 will fit pretty comfily in there
THIS. Goddammit Sup Forums, I expected better from you.
OP just get a better GPU. Assuming it's a pre-built PC, the PSU probably sucks and you should replace that if you get a beefy GPU. Also assuming it's pre-built, the ventilation probably sucks, so maybe you'll need some better fans? But that's really all there is to it. Don't let Sup Forums make you spend a ton of cash on shit you don't need.
Just saw these thanks for the help from the back of the base to the bay is about 10 inches so the cards should fit
Rx480 is 241mm long, less than 9.5 inches, should be an easy fit
Sorry I'm not well versed with computer lingo. If you were asking for a better picture of the psu here it is.
Its garbage. Trash it.
If your psu has a 6 or 8 pin connector like pic related you're fine. Your psu is powerful enough for these cards.
If not you can always use an adapter
Fuck off, it's enough for the 480 or 1060
ok any recommendation that would be the same relative size?
His psu has enough amperage on the 12v rail .
If you really want a new one, a budget psu like an evga 430w will work well, will be cheap, and will fit just as well as your current one, but your current one is powerful enough. 150w for the 480 means 12.5A from the 12v rail, which your psu can easily provide.
Get a new Power Supply (anything over 500watts and is 80+ Bronze rated) & either an RX 480 or GTX 1060.
Let it be, keep it as a server or a LAN pc for friends.
Buy a cheap 6600K with rx480 or GTX1060 and 16GB RAM.
Is this the connector you were talking about? If so it has 5 pins.
Forgot pic
That's sata, it'll be more like this
Will an i7 2600 bottleneck my RX 480
If you don't have the right connector, you can use one of these adapters
No problem. Please dont listen to some ot the retards telling you to change everything.
PSU and GPU is all you need.
His psu supports 385w on the 12v rail.
His cpu is 84w, and an rx480 will be 150w, or a gtx1060 will be 120w.
84+150 = 234, well below 385w.
I thought that shit is a fie hazard?
They aren't since the PC power connector have enough Amp to power a PCI-E connection.
Is it one of these?
you should be able to play any game you want. use high texture size with no antialiasing or 2x. disable ambient occlusion and vsync, enable triple buffering for less stutter.
Not really, this or an older version of this should work, but don't buy the 2.7 version.
Also this, most games should work fine for medium or low settings 1080p.
Fuck off.
I found these not plugged to anything
You'll need only one of them for a gtx 1060 or rx480
Ok great, thanks to everyone in this thread for all of their help with my PC. Sorry for my ineptness.
you can stick the other one right up your ass!
Just get a new graphics card and whatever else you want.
This a good monitor? Both in specs and price?
>Not being forced to use optical media because you got 2 Mbit connection
>Living in 3rd world internet country sucks
>Country is actually Germany