Nvidia has trouble loading in full res textures on DOOM compared to AMD, and applies to all architectures.
What causes this Sup Forums, and could this issue be in other vidya?
Nvidia has trouble loading in full res textures on DOOM compared to AMD, and applies to all architectures.
What causes this Sup Forums, and could this issue be in other vidya?
Nvidia is fucking trash, go home.
Didn't have a problem running it on ultra over 120fps on my 970
this guy is a fucking god even if he occasionally posts his videos on Sup Forums ;)
idk how he has the time to go over all the pricing on used hardware so often
Fuck off back to the board where you came from, Sup Forumsaggot.
epic input friend
>Sup Forumsidya board =/= Sup Forumspu board
>GPU brand 1 vs GPU brand 2 wars
Sup Forums wouldn't even want to discuss it except whats the best price:dollar so they can use their autismbux to upgrade
It's texture popping, amd has the exact same 'problem' or more like how the game was intended. The effects are even bigger on the consoles.
"""""""accidentally""""""" not loading in full res textures for benchmarks
Jesus no one fucking cares about this shit. We need a fucking graphic card general to stop this shit from happening 100 times an hour.
Fuck off with your GPU wars. Talk about something relevant to GPUs that isn't about fucking corporations.
This. AMDfags suddenly forgot about RAGE.
People still talking about this shit game from half a year ago with a 4 hour campaign?
I mean fuck, who here honestly gives a shit?
>not using !=
get the fuck out of this board already
>not ≠
kill yourself dipshit
Developers are to blame. Textures that look like 512x512 end up being 8192x8192 because they don't care. Too much work to compress, or god forbid, put the same amount (read:lack) of detail into a texture 7x smaller than that.
>main.c:5:10: error: stray ‘\342’ in program
> if(var1 �� var2) {
good luck with that
>ID Software
>blame devs
Have you looked at the Doom 3 / ID 4 source code? Totally C++, one unified and documented code standard, no pajeet tier cut & pasting, and well commented. Those devs should be lauded for their work.
>muh ID
Did you forget about RAGE, underage b&?
Intel needs to start making video cards and save us from this shitposting.
bad game != bad code/bad engine.
Finally! the pure bribery that NSHILLIDIA has done to games is showing.
Fucking imbecile. RAGE had atrocious texture pop up and ID had to relese several patches to fix it.
>muh ID now owned by Bethesda and Carmack isn't working for them anymore
>you will never be as bad ass nor as cool or smart as raja koduri
Where do i deposit my poo for the poo god